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Stonehenge Byways


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For all those that have used the byways around Stonehenge and those that would like to be able to use them and everyone else in between, these are now under threat.

Unless we act they are set to be closed to recreational users as part of English Heritage's ongoing vision of what Stonehenge should be all about.

See the following link for the EH vision, you may wish to comment, use the 'Contact Us' tab;


However formal objections to the proposals are also needed, details are below.

The proposals to close the byways are to "improve the amenity" - considering that agricultural vehicles will still be permitted to use them AND the A303 will remain open this seems like a poor excuse for enabling a money making scheme for EH and to rid us of our legitimate rights.

Thousands of vehicles passing in close proximity to Stonehenge every day along the A303 is 'tolerable' (and set to increase as the A344 will be closed off and traffic diverted along the A303) whereas a handful of recreational vehicles along nearby byways must be stopped!

As usual we are being treated as second class citizens once again. These are fantastic byways as anyone who has used them would testify, therefore it would be a great shame to lose them due to some "vision" particularly as the A303 is a much greater "threat" to the amenity and tranquillity of the area as it's a damn sight nearer! This one point alone, illustrates the bias and fuzzy thinking that typify TROs! Not to mention WCC stated they had no plans to close these byways when asked this summer, yet they are identified as a key supporting Stakeholder to these plans.

Another fall out of these proposals is that these routes provide a link to Salisbury Plain and surrounding byways for those further south.

You can write, email or complete an online form with your objection on the Wilts CC website - be warned though, the previous initial consultation in November last year managed to lose many objections that were lodged or they were lumped in with planning objections not objections to the TRO proposals!


Objections need to be in before the 15th February 2010 - do it now!

This needs as much coverage as possible - please forward on to who you feel necessary.

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The 'Site Notice' on the Wilts CC link above gives a map of the proposal for those hard pressed for time ;)

In essence, the proposal is to permanently remove vehicular rights from the 3 byways that run from

Larkhill to the existing visitor centre (BOAT Durrington 10)

across the A344 past the henge to the A303 (BOAT Amesbury 12)

and from the A303 over to the A360 (BOAT Berwick St. James 11)

also from the A303 down towards Wilsford (BOAT Wilsford Cum Lake 2)

The section of the A344 from Airmans Corner to where it joins the A303 past the henge will also become the new visitor centre access road only and traffic will be diverted down the B3086 to join the A303 at Longbarrow Crossroads.

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  • 1 year later...

Anybody else get this email attachment?

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you as someone who responded to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO), which Wiltshire Council consulted upon in January/February 2010.

Public Inquiries into the Traffic Regulation Order and related Stopping Up Orders will open at 10.00 am on Wednesday 22 June at Salisbury Methodist Church, St Edmund’s Church Street, Salisbury SP1 1EF. The intention is then to adjourn the TRO Inquiry and hear evidence on the Stopping Up Orders, followed by the resumed TRO Inquiry, which is currently estimated to last 6 days.

Mr Alan Boyland BEng(Hons) DipTP MICE MCIHT MRTPI has been appointed as the Inspector to hold the Inquiries and Mr John Wilde CEng MICE has been appointed as Assistant Inspector.

I am the Programme Officer for the Inquiry; I am an impartial officer of the Inquiry working under the direction of the Inspectors.

Mr Boyland will shortly be producing a Pre-Inquiry Note, which will explain the procedures for the Inquiry and I will forward a copy of this to you when it is available.

The Inspectors will take into account the original responses to the TRO, further written representations and evidence given at the Inquiry. However, evidence that stands up under questioning at the Inquiry will generally carry greater weight.

Please can you complete the enclosed questionnaire and return it to me, by email where possible, by no later than Monday 18 April. This information will help me in drafting a programme for the Inquiry.

Those wishing to speak at the Inquiry, will be required to submit by Wednesday 25 May a written statement, known as a proof of evidence, setting out what they intend to say. Further information on the format of the evidence and the arrangements for submission will be provided in due course to those appearing at the Inquiry.

Please note that the same deadline of 25 May applies to those who wish to submit further written representations.

If you have any queries please contact me.

Yours faithfully

Helen Wilson

Programme Officer




Name .……………………………………………………………………………

Address. ………………………………………………………………………….


Telephone number………………………………… Mobile number………………………….

Email address…………………………………………………………………………………..

Name of agent (if applicable)………………………………………………………………..



Telephone number………………………………… Mobile number………………………….

Email address…………………………………………………………………………………..

Do you wish to appear at the Inquiry? YES/NO


Do you wish to submit written representations? YES/NO


Rely on your original representation YES/NO


Name of Counsel (if any)…………………………………………………………………………

Details of witnesses to be called (if any)…………………………………………………………



Estimate of time needed to present your case…………………………………………………….

Are GLASS / TRF on the case do we know???

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