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Defender Spring Types

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I'm doing a bit of a rear axle refurb (disc conversion, new ball joint) on my '87 90.

I saw (and bought) a set of springs on ebay to replace my 24 year old ones which are a little tired.


It seemed like a good price. Arrived quickly. But...

I have two sets of two..

2 x red/green/orange

2 x white/green/pink

I thought that they should be different, like this:

90 Puma Spring Advice

The seller says they all came off one vehicle:

"Hello i sent you two front and two rears the colors are for the rating they

came off a new defender last week and they are the only set we have left so

there had not been a mix up."

Will they be ok, or should I put back on ebay?



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I recently too replaced all my springs for new, but mine where from 1997. I used genuine LandRover ones as from new. With mine, each corner is a different colour/rating.

I don't recognize the colours that you listed and they are not listed in the techincal archive springs link http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=89. Are they genuine parts, or some other manufacturer?

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The seller swears they came off a brand new defender - presume a suspension upgrade.

The springs are new, but they've definitely been on a vehicle.

The colours match the ones in the "90 Puma Spring advice" link in my original post, so I have no reason to doubt they're not genuine.

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