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Gears won't engage, clutch noise!!!

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Driving home today, could get any gears to engage at one point, then cudnt get the bloody thing out of gear, this happend a few times over the space of 5miles, also clutch pedal feels like its got around half of its travel as free play!

Also for a while now when engaging 1st gear I have been getting a judder and screech sound..this only happens engaging 1st and reverse. Related problem?

Am I right thinking my first problem could be slave cylinder? Bust clutch?

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Check level of clutch fluid, most likely it has gone down quite a bit. If master cylinder is leaking the fluid will be in your footwell, if slave is leaking it will be dripping out the wading plug hole. If neither is leaking and fluid is low it may well be a bust release arm or release bearing, either way it will be a case of splitting the gearbox from the engine to investigate further.


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I meant to say the hard to engage gears is most likely the clutch not disengaging properly, as it's been happening a while (the judder and screech sounds like a dragging clutch) I'd be betting all your problems are down to a leaking cylinder (either slave or master) and now too much fluid has leaked out. Of course it could be one of the worse options ...... but fingers crossed for you that it's not :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

been away for a couple weeks so only just got back on track with this...yep master cylinder is empty!!, slave cylinder looks fine as its dry as a bone around that area..i will fill up the master and monitor the leak and go from there

another problem has arisen now..electrical one..will start a new topic lol

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