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Britpart Radiator for a Disco I 300 Tdi Auto


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OK, I wanted to post this on the Britpart Wheel Bearing post, but to respect the topic, here goes:

My OE radistor as been re-cored with a copper core, but after the run-in with the Toyota Fortuner the specialists cannot manage to fix the radiator, it just keeps on failing, and, yes, I did all the required tests, hot and cold to check for combustion chamber pressure, there's none.

Now, I can buy a new Britpart radiator, but apparently the headers are now plastic, not copper/brass?

The "@#$%part" posts now has me worried. Has any one had previous experience with a Britpart LR radiator.

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I had one, looked lovely and I didn't mind the plastic pipework too much, but the thing was about 5mm too high one end and at least 15mm too high the other end so it won't even fit.

Sent it back and got a Bearmach one. All metal and fitted fine.

Without going on and on and on about the quality of Britpart, I just don't bother with their stuff any more. And if I am ordering something and I get a sniff of the word Britpart I will either specifically ask for other makes or go elsewhere.

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I had one in on loan,while mine was being re-cored , it had the plastic headers, going up a long hill with a trailer on the back the small leak off pipe at the top decided to dislocate itself from the header leaving me stranded , very upset and the radiator company with a large bill.

So NO dont go there!!!!!

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Regardless of make, i wouldnt have one with the plastic tanks if one with metal tanks is available for that vehicle. The brass tanks are repariable, re-useable (just re-core, no need to throw away) and as they are stronger i would presume they are much less likely to fail.

M&D even do a heavy duty core for those that want extra cooling capacity and they use the old brass tanks from the original rad and fit a Caterpillar core IIRC, otherwise, the standard rad is fine.

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As much as it pains me to say this....

I fitted one of these. Fitted perfectly. Much lighter than a standard unit. Plastic headers put up with hoses being fitted/jubilee clips being done up, etc. ~ 1500 mile later no issues.

I fitted one as it was as cheap as a re core of my old rad, but as the old rad had been re corred once before and all the fins fell off after only 4 years I decided not to repeat that.... But I wasn't prepared to spend £££ on a more fancy rad to fit to a 1996 disco. Time will tell if it was a mistake, however so far it's been good.


p.s. Britpart bearings are total **** - they are rusty in the packet. Thier stub axles are under size before you start (I took a micrometer to the local specilaist and measured/rejected three!), so I am only giving praise where it is due (reluctantly)

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I recently bought a Bearmach radiator from LRSeries, cheap must admit,but I was suprised to see it was alloy and plastic.Fitted up all ok,.has been in for about a month during some >40c days using the air con.....so far so good.

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i got a britpart rad fitted to my disco, after a blown head gasket was pressurising the coolant system and blew my old rad to bits. all fitted up just fine no problem. i tow a horsebox up hill and down dale, been on about 2 months now and no problems to report thus far, time will tell..................................................

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Guys, thanks for the inputs. Based on the responses, I took the plunge and bought a new copper core with copper/brass headers radiator, cost me more than the plastic radiator, but now I have pease of mind. :i-m_so_happy:

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