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Everything posted by Anderzander

  1. I broke the air filter on mine before I’d even turned it on 🤦🏻
  2. On the software thing - I guess you can read it as quality control. Better they hold it back instead of cave to pressure and rush it out with issues. On the ladder - maybe your first aftermarket accessory !?
  3. Great points…. I sometimes think magazine must be largely obsolete now.. but then new ones have come out and done well - classic Land Rover for example. Though perhaps that is down to the age group of its readers?
  4. That’s particularly encouraging given I’ve just bought a Clarke compressor!
  5. Apparently LRO has gone - and the May issue will be the last, which will go on sale in April. There was nearly a buyer apparently, but that fell through so it’s just being wound up.
  6. I’ve got a very similar situation. I put a NAS step on my 90 - and when I test fitted it, it all looked ok. When I came to fit it though the bars weren’t painted - so I left them off to start with….. and now when I’ve come to fit them I’ve noticed they would need the same twist and also the holes elongating. Looking from the side the NAS step actually sits out a bit at the bottom. It’s not vertical. I was pondering wether to have a twist put in the brace - but as a first step I thought I’d loosen it all off and see if I can get all the bolts in and then tighten it up and just see how much tension went into it.
  7. That makes sense ! Only annoying if you don’t use them. I can go with that.
  8. The 3500kg one came - not much corrosion on it ! Not sure if those little locking wires for the pins won’t be a pain though 🤔
  9. I’ve no connection - but £15 inc. post is a good price … https://goods2clear.co.uk/p/tow-hitch-dual-extended-ball-3500-kg-rusted-g2c18
  10. I bought two sizes from Halfords - they’ve been good.
  11. Oh man - that looks fantastic. Almost there ! What a journey 😀
  12. I was struggling to find spares for some bilstein shocks some time back - and in the end emailed them directly, they were incredibly helpful and sold them to me directly for not a lot of money ……. Might be worth dropping them a line?
  13. I think it was in the episodes where they all talked about their own cars (?) - they have said it’s no longer a 606 and is now an LS.
  14. I knew someone who wired their Land Rover like that - all red - even the earths. What made it worse was there was no tape either, no clips, just a massive knot of red wires….
  15. I’m getting 2 of these: https://www.sealey.co.uk/product/5637206714/940mm-tyre-lever---commercial Though if you shop around they are available at half that price. It’s still more than I’d have ever considered before using my neighbour’s levers - all good tools tend to pay you back though don’t they .
  16. I have one of those round bar attachments on my highlight and that’s held by the holes in the front of my bumper - that way it can’t slip whilst it’s still leveraging the weight of the engine.
  17. That’s why I was interested. I’ve been managing just using the standard flat plate on the high lift and sometimes it’s made hard work of it. I also recently borrowed my neighbours levers - which were for wagons and much longer than mine, and they’ve made it so much easier - so I’m going to buy some and am looking at making the whole thing easier and quicker without spending a fortune.
  18. As in the linked video … does anyone know where I could get the high lift adaptor for breaking a tyre bead ?
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