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Everything posted by Anderzander

  1. That's one to try and explain to the 4x4 haters
  2. That's a good pic - where does the control cable fit to on there?
  3. You can keep the hub on to replace them then? saves replacing those nuts that you deform to grip. Where would people buy the bearings? Paddocks? £1.75 + vat some very expensive ones on ebay ... £15 + postage for one!
  4. Se7enUp Have you found the source of yours yet? Mine has evolved and seems just as you describe now. A groaning, whoo-whoo, noise from the right side on left turns. Its more and more frequent so I'm thinking its something heading for a failure? I presume it wouldn't be dependant on a left turns if it was the wheel bearing.
  5. lol @ the cat was it you who had that picture - 'what has been seen cannot be unseen' ?
  6. Back in the day when they had no suspension and giant steering wheels?
  7. "STOP!! one of my nuts fell off around there!"
  8. Is there some contradictions in here ???
  9. So did you guys all do the same lanes as each other? or did each group do a different set of lanes?
  10. My Mum has a mouse problem and they've had a guy come to get them out - he's said the biro thing too. He said they are probably coming in through the holes in the air bricks, which are about that size
  11. An old lady used to live a few doors down from me - she made 1 journey a day in her car. It was less than a mile to the village shop for her paper and milk. She had mice nesting in her front springs - and they just used to go on the very sedate journey with her once a day That went on for years - only problem was when they chewed through the indicator wiring.
  12. One thing I've noticed round where I am is how people seem more prepared to sit behind me on a country lane. If I'm in the car some people are always right up the back side trying to intimidate me into going faster - probably thinking "stupid slow driver" In the Landy they seem more content to wait until they can overtake - I think the blame the slowness on the vehicule not the driver, just like they would with a Tractor. I like that no pressure on the ride to work anymore
  13. What's the smallest serviceable aerial for a cb?
  14. Thanks for the reply John I don't think its this though as it'd do it every time it was on full lock. I think the noise is developing though now - I'm hearing it a bit more. When its not so cold out, I'll have a look around and check the bearings mentioned above - though it doesn't sound like a bearing noise. Its a kind of groany moany noise.
  15. That's what's putting me off getting a cb at the moment - I don't really want a whacking great aerial. I like the fact that some ramblers take my Landy to be a farmer - and I'm trying to keep it that way. The ultimate stealth off roader would be a 90 pick up, with an Ifor Williams top, a guy in overalls, a dog and bale in the back...
  16. I have the same issue. My wife is 5'2" and can't really get in without the step.
  17. Would you share that with me too please? I'd love to trace your steps sometime!
  18. You should post a pic up of it from further back Mark.... its hard to see where it is from that pic.
  19. There's a chap on here recording his build up of something similar. I can't find it at the moment - but iirc its on a defender chassis, with defender modified wings. Its a nut and bolt rebuild. Have a search.
  20. I'm interested in this too. I'm a Landrover novice and mine has just started making a noise first thing in the morning on full left lock to pull out of my parking space. After that it won't do it for the rest of the day...?
  21. Which boundaries were pushed here?
  22. that's funny I like how it comes up with the steps before it gives you the result
  23. Brilliant pics, brilliant write ups! fantastic. Nice video's turbocharger! I'd love to drive those lanes - anyone fancy doing it all again?
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