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Everything posted by Anderzander

  1. Knew I couldn't make the forum trip as I was working Saturday and my wife was working sunday night - so went closer to home in the Dales..... http://sportstracker.nokia.com/nts/workout...ex.do?id=537439 Try this out. Its a GPS recording of the route - well until the battery ran out! It shows the route with the photo's where they were taken. You can also look at the photos in the bottom right of the page - which is easier actually. They can get a bit congested on the map. You can also change the graph to show altitude and if you trace your mouse along the graph it will show the time and move a little yellow dot around the route to show where it was. Good hey? Have to say it was a fantastic day - snow and blue skies and good company - a killer combination. No competitions, plenty of support and good banter.
  2. Sun, Snow and a clear blue sky! Fantastic
  3. Ask on Meguiars UK forum They specialise in high quality products for valeting and paint shops - they have a company forum where you can ask this. They are helpful and their stuff is fantastic.
  4. Absolutely. Before speed cameras came in I believe this was the Police message to the government. ie camera's won't help much we need to re-educate drivers and improve the standard of the average driver. The government, it seems, wanted to be seen to be doing something so went the easy camera route. I think the whole thing came on the back of a massive Police survey of accidents. They recorded the reasons for all accidents over a long period of time. The results got reinterpreted to put speed at the top of the reasons chart - when it was lack of driver skill and awareness that they scored highest by quite a margin I believe. iirc the one they jumped on was 'excessive speed for the situation', which of course isn't really the same as speeding and I believe the police initially pointed that out. anyway! I prefer trundling along green lanes these days - and my 90 is most comfortable at 50. 60 if I rev it a bit harder but still value my hearing in the long term. 65/70 only comes on a motorway with a big down hill.
  5. You're right - but its something I see a lot. The person does it as a reflex when they see the camera - either because they aren't aware of the speed they are at or they aren't aware of the speed limit at that point on the road. There is a camera near me that is in a 50 limit on the edge of a town - most people see it and suddenly brake down to 30. Its very dangerous.
  6. Do a search. I think there was a big thread on this recently.
  7. There are more instances of exceeding the speed limit than overtaking, empty roads for example. People can be overtaken safely sometimes too. On a motorbike exceeding the speed limit is sometimes your only option to survive the negligence of another road user. I think there are lots of examples. I wouldn't condone driving in such a way that intimidates anyone.
  8. A lot of people I know resent them because there is no discretion. There are times and places where exceeding the speed limit can be totally safe = just like their are instances where driving at the speed limit is totally irresponsible. The speed limits are a way of dealing with carp drivers - it would perhaps be better if they were just better drivers.
  9. I would post up on every forum you can to see if their is someone who could take you out. You'll learn a lot lot more and do so with people who can help if you struggle. Going on your own could be a disaster if you get stuck! If you are though going to go on your own - and have found some routes - walk them first.
  10. I'm a bit confused Where is this the cable that operates the vents in the cab?
  11. Where is the adjustment on the flaps? I see the heat adjustment on the top of the heater box - but the other cable seems to disappear behind it...
  12. I'd like a DAB radio for mine - but they still seem to be a fortune.
  13. You seem to have a thread all to yourself here....... I just have a standard motor - but seem to get the same consumption (if not sometimes better!) from my green lane miles as I do from my road miles.
  14. I must be lucky in my timing too. I'm an admin on another forum that is this same Invision board - it has a few less posts and members but perhaps more online activity. I think we have it hosted with http://www.visn.co.uk/ Very good and stable set up - though we do rely on donations and an OEM parts suppliers sponsorship. Forum still feels independent its just that members get a discount.
  15. Its never been slow for me? I think this is a series forum - so it'll be imperial
  16. I'm not sure I want to get into cutting off the old pan ..... I'm going to talk to my welder and give gwyn lewis a ring I think
  17. Thanks Vinny - thats a great help. I'll see if I can post on their forum.
  18. I'm thinking of doing this! My Dad now lives in County Offaly and I've been meaning to go over in the Landy and explore for a while. I was planning on going from Hollyhead. My brother went recently with a 4wd and I think it was £130 for the car and 3 people. I've absolutely no idea of where to go playing in the Landy though.
  19. Sorry to be a bit OT - but it seems amazing that you have a 99 TD5 with only 12000 miles on the clock!?
  20. Thanks for all the feedback its really helpful Having seen Steve's set up in the back I'm tempted to put the jack there, closer to the floor and easier to mount, rather than on the back of the bulkhead... Hmmm.... decisions decisions Also thanks for the tip that SimonR has some - I'd rather put money in the communities pockets.
  21. I'm thinking about getting these clamps to mount my hi-lift to the rear bulk head in my 90... has anyone any experience with them? I think I prefer the idea of them to the clamp on set ups, they seem simpler and being rubber mounted seems like it might be better too.
  22. That is amazing... in a couple of those shots it looks real.
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