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Everything posted by Anderzander

  1. They also look like they can be cleaned behind without taking them off?
  2. The seller is from Israel - and I think what we are seeing here is a VAST cultural divide ...
  3. There seems to be a bewlidering array of diff guards.... I'm not sure about the ones that seem to just bolt onto the diff pan - unless I'm reading it wrong, any impact (that isn't deflected) would just be transferred straight to the pan? Which is why I'm quite attracted to the Gwyn Lewis ones: Link It seems that with these welding onto the actual axle casing they would be more robust ? (not sure how easy it would be to access everything after they are welded on though?) I'm also liking the idea of the more wrap around types - like the QT one: Link That said I read on an old thread on here that a few folk were more than happy with the basic clamp on ones... Any help for a bemused buyer? I'm leaning towards Gwyn Lewis at the moment - at least partly because I know an amazing welder and they are quite cheap!
  4. Wirewool would be far too abrasive, unless you want scratches too? Take Loiner up on his offer of 2000 wet n dry I reckon
  5. I've been meaning to come back to this. What I was after was not what lever did what or where to adjust it.... though I realise if I figure out how to adjust the cable for the vent it all it should become right ....... but does the vent lever work on all Landy's like it does on mine (before I go and try and adjust it)..... ie - top position - windscreen vent - middle position - still windscreen vent - bottom position - windscreen and bottom vent As Western described well mine seems to be fully closed in the middle position .... is that normal? or should it be half open?
  6. hmm - its a td5 I was thinking of - and thinking about it I'm not sure I could fit my windy gun in there....
  7. Do you guys remove it with the difflock tools? I know they are cheaper than the LR items - but it still seems a bit expensive to me!!! I'm thinking would my windy gun spin it off? I've used it on motorbike clutches and its worked ok.
  8. That's a relief - I've never been keen on a big induction noise! phew. Ok - I'll spend some time trawling the net for the best price. Credit crunch an' all I need to save any pennies I can. Thank you for your help again.
  9. You're both hero's ! top info, thank you gentlemen. Just for curiosity - why does the TD5 not need wading plugs? is it all sealed? One more for a easiness please! where does the gearbox breather come into the engine bay? I think I have a woods for trees thing going on...
  10. That's helpful! thank you. Pictures are good. Where did you get yours from? Having read that thread you linked I must admit I never thought about an increase in induction noise ..... how bad is it?
  11. Sorry to resurrect an old thread.... GBMud - did you ever post details of your snorkel fit? I'm looking at getting the same model.
  12. Can I just revive this so that I can get a clear idea of what I need to buy to make up my kit..... A full kit would comprise of front and rear axle, transfer box, fuel tank, (manual) gearbox bell housing, timing cover. Mine is a TD5 so the axles and transfer box already have the required to push fit the 6mm tube. I'm told the timing cover doesn't have a breather on the TD5? The gearbox often has a wading plug fitted - what size is this? so that I might source a fitting for it that I can run more 6mm pipe from. I've no info on the fuel tank fittings? Can anyone confirm the above for me?
  13. Only draw back with that is that its just more drag on the motor I guess? Anyone confirm the correct heater lever function on a defender? as per mine and GL88's post above?
  14. Newbie question on this: Mine blows good warm air when the temp gauge eventually moves up a bit ... but the middle position on the settings doesn't seem to make much difference? at the top all the flow is from the top vents in the middle almost all of the flow is still at the top vents at the bottom its almost even from both vents I guess I expected the middle to be even - with the bottom position favouring the bottom vent. Is this about normal or are we up for some adjusting?
  15. Surely you have to build one of these? unimog on youtube
  16. Only thing I can find like that now is this from Maplins..... at £26
  17. What do you re-paint it with? I've a few that could do with fixing. I remember doing this way back when on an old Mk3 cortina - but since then I'd imagine there is less call for this kind of repair? and I certainly can't remember what it was called!
  18. I'm with LV - but I get a discount through work. I'd have preferred the NFU but they were quite a lot more money in this instance. I've heard good things about Adrian Flux..?
  19. It looks like I can't get Saturday off work....%^%*(!! I might be able to drive down on Sunday and join in - depending on what sort of time you start driving in the morning?
  20. 6mm id isn't it? anyone give an idea of how much tube is needed for the axles? I want to run mine just up into the engine bay.
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