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Everything posted by Anderzander

  1. Have you got an intercooler for it ? I seem to remember it being discussed way back, but I may have made that up.
  2. Looked like you were making a slide hammer for a moment.
  3. Your exhaust is nice and tucked away 😊 Super progress.
  4. Would love a shot of it from a bit further back if you get chance .. now it’s rolling with the tub and bulkhead are on, it would be great to see how’s its shaping up
  5. That’s true - many hands and all that though - and it was doing full days, whereas you seem to fit it all in around work - plus you’re not just dealing with nuts and bolts - you’re making stuff and your pace of fabrication is just fantastic.
  6. First one off the production line - concept in 2017 to production in 2022 is good going I think.
  7. I’m certain that for big jobs and prolonged use the little one would be rubbish - but …. this isn’t about doing much at all. Makes me wonder if it’s a bit like using an air compressor for media blasting … where if you are doing little bits you can take your time and wait for the compressor to catch up.
  8. The ones near me are £160 for the first day - and plus VAT. If I do that 3 times I’ve bought the small one.
  9. This is the crux of it perhaps.. 🤔 The big ones undoubtedly are better but the size of them poses a problem for me - even if I find one at a bargain second hand price (that isn’t being sold because it’s knackered) - I don’t have the space to store it. There are others selling what looks to be the same type as the machine mart one : https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/295039754202?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=QQOKl3JVSkm&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=8IVqfH45Rgq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Flow rate for that says 450l/h. This one is a step up - but not miles away in performance - though I can’t find anywhere selling one: https://www.nilfisk.com/en-gb/products/pressure-washers/mobile-pressure-washers/mobile-hot-water-pressure-washers/compact/mh-1c-110600-230150-uk/p_107145001/
  10. Great input from everyone There was a truck place local to me - but they don't really want anything other than wagons these days. Brake cleaner is my go to - but I go through tons of it and I miss something as easy and thorough as the steam cleaner. I did see this: https://www.machinemart.co.uk/p/clarke-harry-2-hot-wash-145bar-high-pressure-w/ Looks pretty compact and the reviews are decent..
  11. I’m looking at the oily dirty engine and box under my 90 and wondering if there are easier ways to clean it. Have ‘hobby’ steam cleaners come on at all? I’ve seen the big (expensive) steam cleaners do a great job at cleaning things like this - but the hobby home type ones I’ve seen are pretty poor - is there a middle product that I’m missing ? Or is it just a case of APC/gunk and a jet wash? Or hours on your back with a solvent and wire brush ?
  12. I can think of 101 other reasons .. 😋
  13. I just went back to reread it - I thought they’d leased it, but they actually bought it.
  14. That’s what I meant by their full estate costs won’t show on their current financial statement. I expect they will have signed for a fixed term with extensions and that will represent some considerable liability - but on their statements will only show the amount due against that period rather then the whole term.
  15. ⬆️ Turn the ignition on and pump accelerator 5 or 6 times. The engine light should flash and you should hear the fuel pump making noises. If the engine light doesnt flash then I think it’s an ecu issue (see my previous comment about the ECU earth), if it flashes but there is no noises in tank - then it points to your pump problem.
  16. That’s true and I suppose that 1/2bn won’t show the full contracted estate costs for example .
  17. I’ve fitted two dual usb’s into mine (the first one failed) - and both just fitted as far as I remember. I don’t know what the diameter is - but it must be pretty universal ? The thing I did wonder about was the length - there isn’t tons of space behind the dash due to the loom that sits in there. However the USB’s I bought were pretty compact and fitted ok. Sorry that’s not a measurement- but I wouldn’t anticipate you having any issues.
  18. I hope your scrap man gets a Christmas card. All mine gives me is a funny look.
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