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Posts posted by garymorris

  1. ok thanks for your replies ;)

    I use that exact one and I've never had any problems. Sits on top of the dash in the Defender at the bottom of the windscreen and always get a good signal.

    Another vote for the on in the link. I've had no problems with my one.

    Have just ordered the usb globalsat and see how i get on with it :ph34r:


  2. Thanks Tony

    I have one of Gwyn's diff protectors on the axle of my current truck but thought I'd uprate

    the diff pans on the axles I'm about to rebuild and liked the gas bottle jobby cos it's cheap :)

    unfortunately I'm having chuff all luck finding the thread at the mo :(


  3. Hello

    I seem to remember reading a thread on here :ph34r: involving cutting off the standard diff pan and replacing with the bottom of a propane type bottle , I know you can buy heavy duty diff pans but seeing as I have a couple of propane bottles it seems a pity not to use them as the're free :)

    Oh yeah I've tried the search before anybody suggests it :rolleyes:



    p.s mods please move if posted in wrong bit :)

  4. I tried changing the bearing on mine and it didn't stop the squeaking then I bought the tensioner which solved the problem ,when I got the old one off you could see where the pivot had worn on one side causing it to run on the skew it had what looked like plastic poking out of it .


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