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Everything posted by Landowner

  1. Just seen some on ebay, I'll try and find the site.
  2. Well, been up to 90 today and put the injectors back in with new washers and leak off pipes. Exhaust loosened off at the turbo with half inch gap for any pressure due to blockage to be released. Engine started after a few turns as the system bled itself and ticked over like a good one. Squeezed the accelerator and the revs slowly increased but then she started to struggle and was missing and smoking badly. Let go the throttle and the engine dropped back to a smooth tickover with no smoke. Swithched off and took rocker cover off. Engine started again after half a turn and ticked over like a good one, all rockers going up and down in order as they should, inside engine as clean as a whistle as is the oil. tried to rev again and same problem, struggling to pick up and missing but intermittently trying to fire on all four and smoking very bad (unburned diesel) dropped back to perfect tickover. Switched off and went home. So it's not an exhaust blockage I think it's got to be injectors even though the man who tested them said they were ok, she's getting overfueled when trying to rev and that much fuel is going in that it's missing badly. I'm going to try fitting some 300 injectors that I have to see if it will run on all four with those in, that at least will tell me if my 200 injectors are working or not. Watch this space.
  3. New filter etc in fact all fuel side checked and tested..Going to look silly if it is fuel related after all this checking.
  4. The motor was running brilliant before the fault so I can't believe that anything has slipped to cause the problem. We did think that the timing belt may have jumped a tooth but found everything to be ok when the cover was taken off to fit new belt. (the belt was dry, clean and tight and the problem came on slowly not suddenly) monkeyboy... tried it on fresh diesel from a can so that's out as well. When I suss it out it'll be something simple....I hope
  5. Diesel squirting out of injector pipes when loosened at injector and fuel returning via return to tank. I am certain that this is not fuel related .
  6. Well Station-motorsport I've done all that except running it with the exhaust disconnected which I'm going to try on Monday. Thanks for that, the smoke is unburned fuel which only occurs when throttle applied, ticking over is perfect and it starts on the button. As for the lift pump that was the first thing we suspected and so put a new one on, the fuel comes up even when turning the engine by hand so not that. New filter and no leaks in housing and clear plastic pipe to see fuel getting to pump. I'm hoping the exhaust is blocked somehow, we'll see tomorrow.
  7. IRFARMER... Thought that it may have jumped a tooth in the first instance but when the cover was taken off everything was tight and as it should be. The inside of the cover was nice and clean and it was timed up properly. It is easy to get it even a full tooth out when changing a belt but it's fine and the symptoms are the same as before it was changed. I have run it from a seperate diesel supply to eliminate filter and tank problems but still the same. Everything on the fuel side is OK from supply to pump timing to injectors. Time to resume scratching heads.
  8. Right.....we can eliminate that one then because the engine is being tested at the moment without the intercooler pipe connected. I'll have a look whilst the exhaust is off on Monday though and make sure the mechanism is free to move. All that is left now is a collapse in the exhaust system, it has two boxes one of which is new but I will check them both anyway. I have undone the three nuts at the turbo and loosened the downpipe, it's come away about half an inch so that should be enough to confirm the exhaust blockage when I fire it up after replacing injectors etc. If that fails then it must be mechanical but I'm thinking that a mechanical fault would have come on suddenly or slowly over a longer period, this problem came about over a fifteen minute or so period and the engine went from perfect to only tickover with no ability to rev without missing and smoke, and that with a struggle. There are no problems with the fuel system as every thing has been cleaned , cleared , tested or renewed. The cam timing is spot on as is the injector pump timing, the injectors have been tested and are delivering fuel, there is loads of pressure at the injectors. The engine is breathing straight to atmosphere so turbo and pipes eliminated , there is no water in the engine so not leaking into cylinders, and the engine is not using any oil, the oil is clean from a change a few weeks ago. No blockage in fuel tank, stop solenoid tested and plunger removed to check. fuel filter by passed and lift pump / injector pump fed from a can to by pass any filter housing problems. Rockers going up and down and new cam belt fitted and checked, removed and checked and fitted again but still problems. It will be interesting to see exactly what the problem is if I ever find it, I'm going to put the timing belt cover back on and refit water pump and radiators over the weekend and prepare to start the engine without an exhaust fitted on Monday in hopes that it will have mended itself, otherwise the engine will have to come out and a 300 tdi is going in (if it will fit to the gearbox that is)
  9. No water in system whilst fault finding
  10. Tried it with the plunger taken out of the fuel solenoid and no difference.
  11. No water in system for checks between rectification remedies, just run the motor for a few seconds to check if it's repaired. No air locks as whole fuel system overhauled and bled, new leak off pipes as well. Sounds like the problem could be on the exhaust side with a restriction of some sort as that would stop the motor picking up and cause the smoke. Could be wrong though.
  12. Could it be the whatever is attached to the wastgate rod sticking in the turbohousing.
  13. Plenty to think about then, The only things left are exhaust blocked or something to do with turbo on exhaust side (blocked),as it's getting plenty of fuel and air and it's timed up so something stopping it from functioning properly. The smoke is white by the way so unburned diesel. Going to have a go at it on Monday, I'll take the exhaust off for starters and see how we go. Ta for the suggestions
  14. I have had the engine running with the lift pump sucking from a can of diesel to eliminate the tank, also plenty of diesel pumping to injector pump.
  15. Got a real problem with the Disco engine that I can't solve. The 200tdi was running fantastic until one day the power began to fall off. Over about five miles of city driving the power slowly dropped away until the engine would only tick over and would not drive at all. The engine will start instantly but when the throttle is applied it will struggle up to about 1500revs or so and it is lumpy. Release the throttle pedal and she drops back to idle and ticks over normally. I've checked the pipe from the tank to the lift pump.....OK New lift pump fitted and working.....OK Checked filter housing and new filter fitted.....OK Fitted clear pipe from filter to injector pump and fuel going through.....OK Replaced injector pump with known good one that has been re - timed / set up.....OK New timing belt fitted and all timed up.....OK Injector pipes clear.....OK Injectors checked today on machine.....OK Fuel pressure at injectors.....OK Rocker cover off and rockers working .....OK Compression seems to be OK but checking properly when gauge arrives. Diaphram on top of pump working.....OK Engine still running with the same problem as it was when we started so nothing left to replace or check. Any ideas please I'm completely stuck.
  16. Heyyyy, 'New' pump on and cam belt but still wont run much above tickover, engine lumpy when trying to rev and loads of white smoke. Ticks over lovely though.
  17. Well, my mate Tom has found the problem. A black wire had broken off the switch in the stalk. Thanks Bear
  18. Just a flasher relay and one other under steering column, hoping it's the one other. Might be a broken wire though so will try that next.
  19. Haynes manual is absolutely flippin useless, or maybe it's me You think it would be easy to find out how the headlamps are wired and where the relays are without having to spend half an hour reading through it and then giving up.
  20. Dipped Headlamps gone out on Disco, any idea where the relays are please
  21. Well my pump is in the post so should be running for Wednesday if it's any good, fingers crossed eh
  22. Had a word with the supplier today and he insists that he sent the pump intact and that the hub was on it. The hub has to be pulled off with a substantial puller so either someone has removed the cambelt and then used a puller to get the drivebelt wheel off the pump in which case the hub would have come with it or the supplier has put the wrong pump in the box when he posted it and sent me a duff one. watch this space.. :blink:
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