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Everything posted by ianmayco68

  1. That’s brilliant , and that powder coating looks awesome .
  2. No gearbox tunnel was 300tdi standard , just used the old ones to make some new ones . Can take some measurements for you but as to cad and DFX files I haven’t got a clue about them .
  3. Yes seen that Dave, that’s what started me off thinking about modding it hahaha.
  4. Has it had a plate of some sort welded over the top of the original pillar then rivnuts fitted as it looks like weld on the outside edge , has someone tried to hide rust ?
  5. Got one fitted to the 110 , but is it £270 better than a standard one ? And I don’t think that the heater core is a problem as such .
  6. I quite agree , part of the plan is to rework the vent openings and add a few more , definitely a couple to de-mist the side windows. I bought one of the kits for the 110 while there okay I think I can do something better . Another idea was to make it a 3 speed blower and definitely rework how the air gets from the heater box to the vents , I want the air to go from the heater box through the ducting to the vents rather than run through the dash , which I think is where a lot of heat and power is lost . The stock heater can throw quite a bit of heat out I just think it needs some mods to make it better , I would like to modthe existing heater but if I can get something modern thats already done and will fit with my new dash then I’ll go down that route . I found this https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F163669227505 from a berlingo everything is there even the heater controls but it’s all down to size and shape , can’t make my mind up if £40 is worth a punt .
  7. Yes I’ve seen there stuff, they make some nice gear . There part of the back up plan , was looking into the others as there cheap over here seen a couple on eBay for £20 , will have a look at the VW units, cheers Arjan.
  8. Hi all , I’m in the middle of doing my custom dash and my thoughts have turned to upgrading the heater , looking on eBay there’s plenty to choose from found a complete system from a Citroen berlingo , disco and puma units all at cheap prices but size is the main concern . So if there’s anyone out there that can help with some measurements or the overall size for the main box which houses the heater matrix for a Disco or puma heater box or even a berlingo one a would be much appreciated. cheers Ian
  9. Opinions please , do I go with the original gearbox tunnel then build the center console on top as in the pics above or , do I build new sides off the console ? The dash will come down and connect to the center console but they will be removable as separate pieces , your thoughts please .
  10. Sp4x4 sell some stuff Mo, I’ve got some for mine , I’ve used it before on the 110 and it works well.
  11. Sorry it's taken so long Steve but I kept forgetting , definitely a no go with the vent flaps as you can see from the pics below - so i'll be locking the in some how got the idea and I've made the brackets just got to try it out .
  12. Hi SHY7G , that's like one of the one's I've brought (2nd picture) brought mine off eBay though , was planning to use it for the lights and other stuff in the engine bay if I go down the 2 box route , should be able to bolt it to the wing .
  13. According to the parts book Mo if you have wiper motor AMR3676 part numbers for the bits are as follows - AMR3932 GROMMET X 2 AMR3933 PLASTIC WASHER X1 AMR3934 MOTOR SECURING NUT NH108041L WIPER ARM SECURING NUT The motor of the earlier trucks have no parts listed separately , everything comes with the motor . Hope this helps .
  14. So the end is in site , did some this weekend but not as much as I would have liked . Start my new job tomorrow so had a leisurely weekend but it's all days from now on no more bloody shifts . So got some long bolts from B&Q and drilled the original plate , but then thought I think it needs to be out of thicker sheet so new plate was made , bolts welded in and it goes together like this , the gear selector off the gearbox fits in like this , it all bolts together and should be secure enough as it will be bolted to the console somehow , also made the mount for the handbrake . This isn't finished , the seatbox plate will have to be bolted to the seatbox more securely than it is normally and a hole cut in it for the hand brake cable and a slot for the gear shifter cable , but that won't be done till the console is fully functioning so I only have to cut once . Here's a couple of pics of it mocked up in the cab the console was tweaked slightly to move the shifter back and the curves were smartened up . Then made the plate to fit over the hi/lo lever and after making it a bit more curvey it came out like this . Need to finish the front up might fit a couple of cup holders in and a change dish then need to make something up to attach it to the center of the dash , it's all good fun .
  15. They should have called it the Discovery commercial , can’t believe it’s taken this long to come up with something that looks just like everything else they sell . Assuming that is the finished one.
  16. You could try undoing the anti twist bar and putting it the other side of the tab on the bulkhead , it looks like that would twist it enough to straighten it .
  17. It hasn’t got a demo mode has it Fridge? I’ve got a pioneer and that has one when first turn it on it goes through a set routine showing different things took me a couple of days to work out what the hell was going on . And turn the bloody thing off .
  18. Thanks all for the input it’s much appreciated and very helpful . Hadn’t heard of them Ross , someone on here put a link up think it was Mo to a site that do a box of tricks for the binnacle got the link on my puta but can’t remember the name. Yes Fridge I see what you mean, I have had a look at the wiring diagrams and been through working out what wire goes to where as there’s also an internal fuse box , I think all the wires to the ecu and such come from the internal box but I’m going to rig it up and see if it’ll work. Yes SHY7G I’ve no doubt mine will be altered a few times before it’s finished, I’m making mine out of steel I only tack it together so it’s easy enough to take apart to alter .
  19. If you look in my rebuild thread Peaklander I replaced one on my bulkhead and I think I showed where all the spot welds were .
  20. I have an idea but haven’t got round to trying it , I need to try the standard vent fittings first just to see if they foul the wiper mod . I’m fitting a puma gauges binnacle as there’s a company that does a box of tricks that reads the electrical signals and converts them , I’ve got a lot of ideas whizzing round my head and it’s easy to get side tracked from one part to another and end up getting nowhere so I’m starting with the central console then the center part of the dash , I’m planning on modding the heater but I think it will be more on the way hot air gets from the heater box to the vents with minor mods to the box .
  21. So bit more done today , the console finished up last week like this , nothing at all done in the week as I had enough of were I've been working for quite a while and the shifts where doing my head in ,so another job popped up on indeed so I applied had the interview Wednesday morning was offered the job straight away handed my notice in on the afternoon and I start a week Monday , and I'm happier already . So back to business , fuse box , yes I've seen the stuff on there site SHY7G and I'm not overly keen on that board . This is what I'd had the idea of using , 1st up the Disco TD5 engine bay fuse box , most of the main things to be wired are in this and as you can see it's a printed circuit so no wires between fuses and relays only switch wires , and everything is fused but whether it will work with out the ECU I'm not sure , I have looked into it a bit and I can't see this not working this one cost me a tenna , I got another one for £15 with all the plugs in the rear . So onto my second idea , this consists of 2 fuse boxes a small one in the engine bay for the lights and such , this has a top and bottom cover and should do the lights and such and then for in the cabin this one , should be plenty of room for expansion there , I've not made my mind up which to use but I think the 2nd option is the favorite . So made the inner mounting plate for the auto shifter , which came out like this , and fits in the console like this , I then moved on to how I was going to fix the shifter , mounting plate and the top plate together , as the shifter trim has 2 pegs at the front and a strip at the back on the top surround I need something moveable so everything can be taken apart easily without to much hassle , so came up with this weld bolts to the base plate then use double nuts to set the height , as there's quite a bit of movement up and down when the shifter trim surround is fitted , I also opened the holes out to take m6 bolts , if your totally lost I'm sorry all will become clear when I get some bolts long enough . So with that sorted I decided that the console didn't look square so cut it apart and squared it all up again also took out all the edging as it looked pants , then cut the sloped front panel down so I could fit the handbrake in , it came out like this , also made some new bending edge pieces which when tacked on I'll sand the sides down so they look level , I might have to make the top plate longer but that won't matter as I'm thinking of spraying the main console then trimming the inserts with vinyl , next job is to make the mounting bracket for the handbrake which needs to be pretty sturdy .
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