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Posts posted by BennyB

  1. Hi Benny, might just want to check pdf file, just re check math on marks and steve beck..


    As i said earlier in the thread the you are correct on Marks score it should be 497.

    Either i am missing somthing or i dont understand what you have seen.

    The championship pionts are based on best 5 rounds out of the 6 rounds.

    Mark McMillen, using scores from round 1,2,3,4 & 6 gives us 100+100+97+100+100=497

    Steve Beck, using scores from round 1,2,3,5 & 6 gives us 95+98+100+100+98=491

    I hope tht helps, if not could you please explain what ive done wrong

  2. Hi Dom, i'm sorry that wasnt changed.

    Andrew i was only going from the information given to me, sorry i will change it now for the next round.

    We did have a little drama with the spreadsheet which meant i had to re enter all drivers/codrivers names and details after the event finished so Sara could imput the punch count and get the results done. So it may have been overlooked when that was carried out.

    Its also a little hard to keep up with some of the drive and co driver changes we seem to have.

  3. There are some other styles of electronic punchs available, i have been looking into several different types. They all have the good and bad points.

    As far as traditional punches our cards do get checked for doubles etc.

    It all comes done to money at the end of the day, you need somthing that works well but we dont all have an unlimited budget. The cyber keys the AWDC use are at the moment proven, so would be a very good option for anyone.

    The system we use is quite simple, the spread sheet takes some time to produce, even then you dont seem to be able to cover all bases as things change on the day (one day it will be complete). The issues we have is time, it takes alot of time to make a working spreadsheet into a simple version for the scores (well it does for me at least).

  4. Why do we need cyber punches?

    The results were ready at about five minutes past four on the day and the only reason they took so long to post up on here is because i was unable to get to my computer for several days.

    I hope they are all correct and theres been no issues when they were sorted into position order.

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