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Posts posted by Dasilva

  1. Hi i'm helping a friend out with sorting an idle issue on his 4.6V8 Gems 90.

    We areworking through the sensors and basic setup to understand why its not willing to settle down.

    The engine starts and is driveable but the idle cold or warm is hunting around the 800-1500 rpm mark.

    If we disconnect the Intake temp sensor it seems to be happier.

    Spoken to Nige who kindly sent over an updated manual.

    Working throught he basic setup we checked the TPS calibration to find that the closed throttle was "8" and WOT (and we checked the intake) is "44".

    According to the guide and Megatune the WOT should be around 250+ nearer the 300 mark.

    Thought the OEM TPS snesor was faulty (worked fine in the Ranage rover it was removed from), swaped it for another got the same results :(

    Has anyone got the OEM TPS to out put the expected figures?


    Tried swaping the wiring round and the figures just swap round ....so closed 44 WOT 8

    Any ideas welcome.

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