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Posts posted by leeds

  1. Started off with one LR (110 CSW), got a second one(RR hybrid) then just HAD to buy a D2. My partner also has a [shudder]SMART[/shudder] although she prefers driving the D2 but prefers parking the Smart.

    It all depends on your lifestyle whether you need a second/third/fourth LR

    I could not survive with just the hybrid as it is just too tempermental, BUT is getting more reliable as slowly sort out the problems that I inherited with it when I bought it!

    The 110 is very reliable but is not used in heavy/hard competitions as it is now an overland vehicle.

    The D2? Well was forced :o to buy it when I had to recover the 110. It was only a 3,000 mile round trip to recover the 110. :lol:

    To compete HARD in challenge events and only have one vehicle you will have to make it bomb proof, have good mechanical skills and live close to work/not be a suit or get a second vehicle.

    There again I dont compete hard in events but just love having our LRs



  2. Looking at the tyre on the right, is it a BFG MT?

    Looks like it has holes in for studs. So is it a snow tyre? Or a M/S tyre? I have no experience of snow or M/S tyres

    I run 255/85/R16 on black mods on two of our trucks. A good all round tyre with a possible life of 50,000+ miles (As long as you don't slash the side walls!)



  3. get some from ashcrofts

    they sell far better quality replacement ones

    Am thinking of getting some heavier duty ones.

    What I dont understand is Ashcroft charges £85 per pair and Padocks charge £29 a pair.

    A big difference in price! Are Ashcrofts three times better then Paddocks?

    Or are they made by the same manufacturers and both Ashcroft and Paddocks but markedly different prices?



  4. On the 1996 110 the rear drive flanges and half shafts were replaced in 2006 at 130,000 miles. Now at 160,000 miles there is evidence of play in the drive flanges.

    I was told that since drive flanges are now after market rather then OEM the suspicion is that the after market drive flanges may not be made to the same specifications as OEM.

    Any comments folks?



  5. Not sure to be honest i cant remember where it was i found out, could well have been the DVLA when i called up about my trailer license or it could have been pub talk. What i understood was that after the 1997 change date you required a mini bus license to drive vehicles with 12 seats in, i may be wrong and would be more than happy if i was found wrong. I got rid of the lovely 110 V8 (mmmmmmmmm) but never say never when it comes to landys and i may be persuaded for another when i have finished my 90!!!

    But then i have always fancied a 130, i drove one once and got to say i have developed a desire for one some day!


    Have a look here http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/Drive...nsing/index.htm

    Cat D1 is for 9+ passenger seats Therefore anyone who has passed their test after Jan 1 1997 CANNOT legally drive a 110 CSW fitted with 12 seats unless they take the additional test. I am not sure if they could drive a 10 seater 10 CSW.

    Note it is number of seats which is important NOT the number of passengers being carried

    IF you do not have the correct licence class then your insurance will be invalid



  6. Trouble for me is that the MSS drawer would be about 25% of the value of my truck. If I could find something around the £200 mark, I might give it some thought...though I'd probably get an X-Brake first :D

    Might be worthwhile talking to Mark(?) at http://www.simmonites.com/

    About 2 years ago they were thinking of importing storage systems from South Africa by te container load.

    Had a quick look at the Simmonites website but could not see them, but must be worth a phone call

    I managed to pick up a second hand set of MSS drawer and locker and am very please with them



  7. Bought a set of X-springs for the rear of my 110 overland vehicle at Donnington.

    Come to fit them and the turret diameter of the X-Spring is too small for 110 rear springs. Dohhhh

    A quick phone call to Si and he confirmed that they will only fit the smaller diameter 90 springs. Hmmmm!

    He mentioned that someone in France had welded a ring onto the turret to make it fit.

    So talked around with several people and decided that the best solution was to remove bottom of the turret and weld on a 110 bottom spring mounting plate with the centre removed.

    Need to ensure that the welds are neatly ground off and all weld spatter removed so that the X-spring can not catch on the inside off the modified turret.

    Also need to make a spring retaining bar from something like 1/2" by 1/8" plate bent through a right angle to assist with wheel changes.

    Job is a good one.

    Now need to test the new spring set up in the real world. So X-springs will fit a 110!



  8. The LED's were bought from a specialist distributor and fitted in June 06.

    Since then the vehicle has done about 15,000 miles which includes many thousand of miles on poor quality roads quite often in countries where daytime lights are mandatory. It has done a lot of offroad work, not extreme competition use but many miles along poor quality forestry tracks and stoney tracks.

    I suppose vibration might be a problem but since one distributor says these lights should last up to 100,000 hours so the fact that these bulbs have only last 500 hours is slightly disappointing.



  9. Have got LED sidelight bulbs. One of the bulb is now flickering at a fast rate. On inspection 2 neighbouring LEDs are out. Switching the bulbs suggest that there are on problems with the contacts etc.

    Anyone else experienced problems with individual LEDs malfunctioning in a LED cluster bulb?

    What is the most likely cause of individual LED's going out in a cluster?



  10. No it is very different

    dyneema is a trade name with many different ropes available.

    climbing/sailing/fishing etx are all made under the dyneema brand name

    Both dyneema and plasma are trade names for the individual UHMWPE filaments which make up the final rope/webbing etc.

    The resulting physical properties of the filament depends on the amount of draw imposed on the individual filament.

    The way that the filaments are put together in the final product will determine the final physical properties of the rope.

    A quick look at the Liros web site shows they mainly do yachting equipment.

    I can find a rope with a dyneema core with a double plait polyester sheath which would definitely not have the same properties of a synthetic winch rope. I can not find on a quick look a 12mm winch rope in the Liros web site

    Since a 31 metre 11mm plasma rope with a hook fixed to it is £170 from PG Winch where as the starting bid is £99 plus £8 carriage for what may be a non suitable rope.

    It might be worth asking a few questions about it but I personally would not rush out and bid on it



  11. What is the legal situation of having a bonnet mounted spare wheel kit on a Defender without the spare wheel on the bonnet?

    I know various bonnet mounted mascots were made illegal due to possible injuries to pedestrians.

    So what is legal situation with having bolts stiicking up through the bonnet?



  12. No Probs. Give us a weeek or so and ill include photos of the curent install in the 110. (its all in bits at the moment)


    Edit. I should add sticking to the o.p that the split charge system that i use is very similar to simons x-charge (infact almost the same ) and i havent had any probs at all (its not the ultimate and has a few flaws but works well enough)

    Can you stick a post up on here when you have done it please, just to remind us to go have a look see.

    Also am thinking of running a tough laptop for route recording/planning work. Any advice on that??



  13. Must admit after the shock of the cost of the black ones I forgot to ask the price of the other ones.

    Will go back later and report back.

    Will be interesting to see how much the 2,000 and 5,000 kgs ones are. Although the guy did say that there was about an hours labour in making a black one. Can't see how the labour costs will vary dramatically on the lighter ones though.



  14. The idea of soft shackles was mentioned by Streaky on the Bridles thread. Seemed a good idea so I made some enquiries.

    Have just spoken to the UK importer of them.

    Cost of the black 10,000kg soft shackle made from 14mm plasma is £40 each including VAT BUT excluding carriage


    Come on Andy, where are yours now?

    I will buy half a dozen of them at £4 apiece

    Wonder how much Streaky and co paid for them in the UAE?



  15. It is NOTHING to do with environmental issues! It is all about raising more money by the councils and the government.

    Give you an example, the UK government (our friend Gordon) has increased the Airline Passenger Tax by a Billion pounds. (There are very serious questions about the legality of this but that is a diffrent point) His arguement was that it would reduce environmental impact of air travel. Strangely enough all airlines/transport group/environmentalist state that it will have ZERO impact on the environment.

    But it will have a MASSIVE increase in Gordon's back pocket!



  16. Dependent on the load to be lifted, surely using a vehicle winch as a crane would start to lift the front end of the landrover up.

    If the load is only of the order of a few hundred kilos then this would not be a major problem.

    If you wanted to lift a couple of tons using a LR winch then having a pulley block firmly fasten to the floor in front of the LR before the winch cable went over a second pulley fixed above the object to be lifted would surely overcome the problem of front end of LR going up.

    The LR winch is then being used for pulling rather then for lifting. Yep HSE would probably have a dicky fit, but when needs must etc.

    Sorry i don't know how to put sketch diagrams on here.



  17. One possibly is a material called Comtex. This was developed at Leeds University where I used to work.

    It is a self reinforced composite made out of polypropylene fabric. It is strong, lightweight and incredibly tough and very good at absorbing energy. 10mm layer of it will stop a .44 magnum bullet at 10 feet, a solid shot gun pellet. For bullet proof body armour it failed only on one test which was the high velocity 5.5mm round which penetrated it. Only thing which stops those are solid ceramics which weighs a lot more then the Comtex.

    Not sure who markets it now. Used to be a company called Vantage Polymers

    Hope you find something suitable.



  18. I am/was a Mod we were never told of any problem and I am in the dark I was posting a reply to someone when the forum was pulled.

    I hate the new forum, and some of the poeple that Mod have there heads up their own arse.


    PMSL Pete!

    I assume that as a Mod, you exempt yourself from your own statement?? :P



    PS Thanks for all your advice about my 110. Am planning the next big trip in it!

  19. I think the important bit is as follows:

    Christopher Macgowan, Chief Executive of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders said: "We need to reassure 4x4 owners. Researchers at TRL have demonstrated that drivers of 4x4s and MPVs are less likely to be involved in collisions with safety barriers and that occupants are less likely to be killed or seriously injured in all types of accident."



  20. It's one cock-up after another.

    I started 'foruming' on LRO and used to spend a lot of time on there. especially when i first started, when i received a lot of really useful help.

    Now, I'm able to offer a bit of help in return, and try and do so when i can. I've also made quite a few friendships through meeting people from the forum.

    Since they started changing things (badly) i've tended to read more on here. Unless the new forum is heaps better, i'm not sure that i'll be arsed with it anymore.

    and yes, the Readers Forum is full of drivel and so much carp it's beyond belief!.

    Hi Matt and Luke,

    You have also forgot the downright nastiness and personal attacks as well

    Some people think of it as their personal playground and want to evict some forum members.

    I will not be forced out, so I enjoy posting photos etc of where I have been with my Land Rovers. Strangely enough that upsets certain people over there. :P

    The people who I got a lot of useful advice from on how to equip my 110 etc are in the main not so active over on LRO now.

    LRO is the only LR forum that I know where there are unwritten Rules. It's ok if your face fits and you abide by the unwritten rules.

    It's much easier posting on here as things are so much simpler and straightforward.



  21. I too rarely go on.

    I've been on today to voice my opinion.All I get is personal attacks. Being told that as a mechanic you don't know what your talking about.You are not allowed to tell the truth either.

    Oh well switch it of as there's a lot better forums with friendly helpful people about that really do want to help others.

    mike FOAK


    I can and do in certain places cause trouble in an empty house !!!

    Hi mike I added my tuppence worth about cowards who attack people using alternative id's.

    Guess what?

    Both threads have been pulled!



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