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Posts posted by leeds

  1. Fire extinguishers are like first aid kits. You carry them and hope you dont need them.

    How many first aid kits contents are out of date just like the fire extinguishers people carry?.

    I think one type of extinguisher has to be inverted/rotate once a month to prevent settling of contents??

    NEVER open a bonnet if engine is on fire! Car carried fire extinguishers are only useful for smaiil fires. (Had to use one once when pan caught fire in small motorhome.)

    Serious question though, what is the most suitable/recommended extinguishers to carry?? Also any clues on whether extinguishers have to be carried vertically or ok horizontally



  2. If the vehicle is classed the same as a Fast Trac, surely it would then be limited to 40 mph on the public highway?

    It looks to me that the front fairing is wider then the winch drum. Surely that would cause problems with spooling cable back onto the drum?

    Have a look at the answer to questions. Something like if pulled by cops, the cops won't be interested if do a DVLA check as it would come back as a tractor. Now I would have thought that would have aroused the cops natural inquisitiveness and get them to do all sorts of checks!!!

    So far no bids, but plenty of interest here! :D



  3. Have my Photo Driving Licence in front of me.

    Top left hand corner it says


    Then underneath that it has that horrid blue rectangle with yellow stars on with UK in centre.

    No where on it does it say I need a bit of paper with it!!

    So what is the point of these new licences if they are not licences

    Why have bar code on the back with all groups I am entitled to drive?



    PS Now where is that bit of green paper????

  4. When is a photo driving licence not a driving licence?

    Yesterday trotted down to crown post office with passport/photo driving licence/passport photos etc to apply for an international driving licence.

    Waited tfor 20 mintutes Filled out form and was then asked for the paper driving licence. Was told photo driving licence not a driving licence!!!

    So whats the point of us carrying these things if British officaldom dont recogonise them as valid driving licences??

    OK its easier to endorse a paper licence with points but surely thats what computers etc are for.

    I bet if you get pulled by the cops, produce a photo licence they will know within seconds if it is valid and how many points are on your licence, what you had for breakfast etc!!



    PS Rant over

  5. Must admit I cant really add anything extra to above comments.

    Certainly looks like crane operator didnt have a clue what he as doing.

    Certainly think the HSE should have a look at the operating proceedure!

    Pity they couldnt do that to illegally parked vehicles. Like the Mazda sports car I saw parked on double yellow lines at a bus stop That deserved lifting!!



  6. We now have to buy petrol in litres but still measure our distances in miles.

    When thinking of fuel eonomy do you think in MPG or KPL o even MPL

    I am use to working in SI units but still think in MPG for fuel ecoomy (or not) :P

    What do you think in for fuel economy?



  7. Can't help with the key situation/immobiliser stuff.

    I can highly recommend the Orteib waterproof bags.

    Kept my camera dry in the bottom of a dug out canoe, also my passport etc when I got totally immersed with my documents in ortleib bag still around my waist. They were bone dry

    So a big thumbs up to Mr Ortleib.



  8. Les, whilst something dodgy may be going on it could be simple human error.

    I got one of these letters some years back.

    Phoned DVLA and someone pulled out the original paperwork.

    Turned out there was difficulties in reading someones handwriting.

    Must admit I had gone out and bought some extra security devices just in case soeone was thinking of lifting it.



  9. Good evening,

    Can anyone tell me the breaking strain of a Plazma 11mm rope? as the bloke selling it

    is not sure


    Lawrence ;)

    IF he does not know the breaking strength, does he know wether it is plasma§ Or is it some hemp string he has lying around,

    Food for thought



  10. Insurance question for you lot.

    Person A owns a car and is the registered keeper of it. Lends the car to person B long term who is the sole driver and who insures it fully comp.

    Have been told that this could constitute fraud! I say that if the insurance company is aware of the actual ownership of car then it is perfectly legal.

    Reason why this has been one is so that person B (young) can build up some years expeirence/discount.

    So what is the collective opinion?

    Fraud or legal?



  11. Put them down the bottom of a cave and tell them there'll be no-one coming to get them out as some ar**hole's nicked the cave rescue's kit...

    Only problem there is that they wil be polluting a perfectly good water course!

    Also some poor sod will land up crawling over their festering remains.

    Remids me some farmers in Co Clare used to throw dead sheep into shakeholes/cave entrances. Their neighbours half a mile down valley got their drinkig water supply from that cave system!!!

    Anyway Geoff some bleeding heart liberal would complain that you are infringig on their human rights!

    What about the rights of society and our human rights???????

  12. How about 1" tubular climbing tape? Cost about £1-2 quid a metre retail from your local climbing shop.

    Slides on ok. Will go over splice. Only problem is getting it right to end of splice. Very tight for last inch or so. When rope is tensioned I am sure it wil go that last inch.

    Have just fitted it. Not used in anger yet.



  13. Roll cages fo a 110 CSW.

    Is there enough room at the B post to put an upright there without fouling on the doors?

    If not will the distance between the A and C posts be too great to make the cage effective since its not possible to have diagonal bracing in vertical plane!

    Any photos of roll cages on 110 CSW please?



  14. This theft is not only a downright dispicable act, it is also one that could potentially put lives at danger. It was not just only the land rover that was stolen, but also some of the rescue equipment. If this weren't bad enough, the team's base was also ransacked during the raid.

    Being a member of a mountain rescue team myself I am aware of how much time and effort is put in by the volunteers, not only to train and respond to call outs but also to spend the time fundraising enough money to kit out and operate a rescue team (there is no government funding for Cave Rescue or Mountain Rescue teams in England or Wales.)

    My heartfealt condolonces go out to the team. I hope you get all of your gear & vehicle back soon and that the persons responsible are caught.


    As said above total scum. It is not as if it was not easily identifiable as a rescue vehicle/HQ

    In times gone past I have turn out on some rescues with CROin Yorkshire. When either the CRO or N. Yorkshire ambulance turned up you knew most of kit required was on board. A lot of that kit was extremely specialised and may have been purpose built for that teams requirements. Can remember the days of development on the 'mole phone' which improved communication between underground and surface, also was invaluable as a surveying tools.

    These scum are onthe same level as people who attack ambulance /fire crews and nick kit out of ambulances whilst crew is busy dealing with seriously ill people.

    Put them up against a wall and.................



  15. I was making some enquires in where to obtain tyre pliers/bead breakers some time back. Petergg (thanks Pete) pointed me in the direction of Chris at BOAB. Basically since I have never repaired an offroad tyre he wanted to give me instructions in how to break the beads and repair punctures with the kits he sells.

    So off I trundled for an afternoon’s lesson with Uncle Chris. It was time very well spent! Lots of hand on instructions with lots of useful tips. A very knowledgeable, helpful guy who not only knows the kit he sells, but loves and drives land rovers the way that are meant to be driven, i.e. in places like the Simpson Desert in Oz!

    So if you are after, tyre repair kits, on board compressors, roof tents (he is importer of a lot of Oz gear) contact Boab at www.boab.biz

    Well worth sticking that address in your favourites folks



    PS Plenty of tea/coffee and cake on offer all afternoon. Only problem is you have to make it yourself!!! [tongue]

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