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Everything posted by mike4444244

  1. cool thats a much better solution than what i was thinking about! I presume 86 is left unconnected to anything and 87 goes via the warning light to earth? Mike
  2. Hi Jas, Those diagrams are good but kind of the opposite to what I want, I'd like to override the fan so its off for when i'm wading or whatever, the thing is i need the switch to be in the on position when its turning the fans off... if you see what I mean... Thanks for the offer of pics, as it happens i'm having a nightmare with my rear lights so if you wouldnt mind taking a photo of where the loom from the lights/fuel level sender joins the dash loom on the bulkhead that would be great! Thanks Mike
  3. Yeah feels good but now i have no excuse not to get on with wiring! i have a few issues like, dip not working, horn only working when dip is on, reverse not working, tailies not working, stop only working 1 side and only when lights are on etc etc... i'll murder that spider when i find it Actually Ralph I had a question for you... how do I wire my leccy fan so that it works off a thermostatic switch (gonna get xeng one after xmas) and so that i can switch my VWP rocker ON to override it (wading), it needs to switch on so I can wire in my big warning light to remind me to remove the override? My friend mentioned switching 12V each side of motor so it has no current but i wasnt really listening Thanks Mike
  4. Woo hoo! got engine running today after standing still for 14 months sounds sweet as a nut just got the bloody wiring to fight now for the MOT! Mike
  5. I have RRC seats in mone, dont hinge forward like defender ones but you can wind them quite far forward... to fit you just need to fab some longer runners. Mike
  6. Thanks for the advice guys, I'm gonna go for the DIY one, I'll post some pics etc when I get it built! Mike
  7. Ahhh cunning plan, how do you guys think the outside would stand up, my workshop isn't very big hence when sparks are flying they tend to fly everywhere! obviously i'd paint it, i wonder if it would be worth skinning it in ally? it just so happens that I have a good supplier of 18g ally sheet.... what do you guys think about eBay, not seen many 2nd hand on there myself? mike
  8. That diy one looks good but is ply up to the job? It seems that you might end up rebuilding it every year? That self assembly metal one looks great but its quite expensive for something you have to build yourself! Mike
  9. Hi Hopefully santa will be bringing me some money this xmas which i want to spend on a shot blast cabinet, cos i'm fed up of paying for it so basically if anyone has any recommendations for makes or suppliers etc i'd be grateful, would prefer floor standing ones because I'd like to get relatively big objects in like mini radius arms, cylinder heads, my V8 block etc? the bench mount ones look like they would get these bits in but not with enough space to work around what do you guys think? Discuss.... Mike
  10. Hi I'm lucky enough to have a mate in the trade fortunately but I still have to order mine in full lengths (6M) now i usually transport it on the roofrack of my 110 in single bits with a hi vis waistcoat tied on to the back, but when I'm in a different car I just take a hacksaw with me and cut everything down to 3M which will fit on most cars... sheet is a different matter though, I have to get all that guillotined on site before i try and move it... interesting point though... it is actually possible to move 2 4x4 sheets of 16g, a mini front subframe and a 200tdi bulkhead in a clio, not a very comfy driving position though
  11. Hi Ok tried the above but didnt get engine to fire as I ran out of battery, should be able to charge tomorrow and let you know how it got on! thanks mike
  12. Thanks paul you star! Will go and have a go at it now and let you guys know how I got on... I think most of the left over wire are green but I'll be back on tonight... I also need to get my bloody bike charging properly aswell so lets hope a new reg rec will work... I can tell its going to involve a basil fawlty sapling attack Thanks for all the help Mike
  13. Hi Ralph yeah i have matched wires where I can but i still have some left over, unfortunately my car seems to have had a citroen attack in the past and has several green wires the fact that the police added about 3 miles of wiring loom doesn't help either! Thanks Mike
  14. Hi, The stop solenoid should be connected ok as it has run since the wiring was reconnected, but will definately have a go with injector unions Thanks Mike
  15. Hi Can someone run me through how to bleed a 110 200tdi fuel system, so far I have emptied the tank of water replaced the knackered lift pump, bled throught the fuel filter as per instructions in the book of lies, removed fuel return from injection pump and pumped til clean diesel came out, turned engine over and it wont start, quite a lot of watery diesel got throught the pump before i drained the tank so I assume its going to take a while to clear the injector pump? At the mo I'm going to go with the plan of turning it over for a bit longer when I have recharged the battery! Any advice would be great, also if anyone happens to have a 1993 200 110, a digital camera and a spare 5 mins would they mind photographing the various junctions in the wiring looms that meet on the bulkhead by the fuel filter? There are several connectors and various combinations and the bright spark that disconnected them on my car forgot to label them . Could this kind person also include a description of roughly where each wire runs to? Thanks Mike
  16. Hi If you go down the route of buying it ready made you're probably looking at spending about 30 quid per door card, you can buy an 8x4 sheet for 45 quid, out of which you could probably do all the doors and have some left over for wingtops or something? from what i have heard if you buy it in you'll probably need to trim it anyway mike
  17. Hi Whenever i fix tread plate down i put a bead of silicone round the edge and eveywhere it touches steel, this way it stops the drumming cos is glued down... as for cutting it its dead easy to do with a jigsaw, just take your time! mike
  18. remember the saying.... 'you can't get shi*ter than a kwik fit fitter' mike
  19. Hi Second hand snap on every time! I got one of my snap on top chests off ebay for 40 quid! Just a matter of being patient, they do come up very cheap sometimes I also have a cheapy machine mart one... its had light use and is fairly battered, not a patch on the snap on boxes, having said that it was the cheapest they do! Mike
  20. Hi The slots in mine are angled downward at around 45 degrees, ie you have to slide the wing inboard and down at the same time to refit, it stops them popping out again as gravity holds it while you screw it mike
  21. sorry forgot to say, if you want something making up then you could get hold of northernchris and see if he could make a tubular one to your spec? Mike
  22. Hi Looks similar to the rebel one I have, I havent any complaints about them! In the pic it looks like the actual bash plate is ally, which I prefer as if it takes an enormous whack its likely to deform the plate rather than the chassis rails..... well hopefully mike
  23. Hi Luke IIRC the GKN ones are the OEM, my local place does them for about 60 quid i think... Mike
  24. Hi Yeah skins seem to retail around 70-80 quid but cant find anyone selling frames, funny really when you consider their simplicity and the potential market for them? Guess its back to the daily trawl through the internet for some marginally better 2nd hand ones mike
  25. Hi Yeah i'm pretty handy with welder, I used to work weekends making jigs and things for race cars, It looks like your confirming what I thought about door skins though? I wonder if its cheaper to buy a frame and skin separately hmmm.... mike
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