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Posts posted by RJL

  1. Top day, really enjoyed driving for a change although when I say yeh you will be fine when Driver is questioning me hanging off a side slope with one wheel dangling in the air, I now know how that feels as I was SH!tting it a few times today!!

    Sorry we could'nt make it back to yours Tony, but brother was taking his wife out for her 30th !

    Cheers James & co from Russ, Scott, Lewis and Rob.

  2. Top day, side slopes shocking like trying to walk on ice !

    Just remember James/Tony don't try to follow a SUZUKI!!!! :D

    Only joking it was mightie tight along there, only the two of us followed that route and got the hardest punch's of the day in my opinion.

    Looks like a quiet june unless you know of anything else ?

    Cheers Russ

  3. Even the everfaithfull japanese warrior let us down, must of been me takin the pi55 out of jase !

    got back and changed both cv's so all ready for a longer day on sat see you all then.


    PS May 28th @ Torrington for next CSW event

  4. Ian, no worries have replied to your email.

    now looks like:

    1. Mike Dunlop tbc

    2. Exmoor Cop tbc

    3. Nige tbc

    4. Tubocharger

    5. TJ101

    6. SimonR

    7. Si White - leave tbc

    8. BishBosh

    9. Dave & Gavin (Southdown 90)

    10. Ade Pope

    11. Dunsterhybrid leave tbc

    12. Recca

    13. Fruity & Pugwash

    14. Walfy

    15. Russell + Lewis :D

    16. Julian Vardy






    1. John T

    2. Wozz35

    3. V8 Camel

    Hi James,

    We have started our cardboard Land Rover cut outs to stick to the side of the Suzuki so we can be accepted ! Only joking, glad to see on other threads that you, Tony & Co enjoyed sundays event and good to get your support. I think Nige is up for this event so book him a space and I get him to call you. If you need the punchs call me on mob

    Cheers Russ

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