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Posts posted by Hercu

  1. 7 hours ago, ballcock said:

    Not a case of overheating more a case of under cooling.

    Hi Jaf

    Agreed with Ballcock

    Not knowing your location but here in Southern Africa the stock radiators do not work due to the bypass hole in the main radiator tank,

    If you remove the bleeding screw on top of the radiator (hope yours is brass) and inspect by putting a "welding" rod you will find about 20 cm down a partition with a 20 mm hole which allows warmer water to circulate straight through on cold starts..You might be able to see it by lighting a torch into the hole...

    In warmer weather 30 to 40 Deg C the water is taking shortcut and does not circulate through the cores of the radiator,,,

    I had mine cleaned and hole blocked by Radiator guys and never had a "Under cooling" problem again and sometimes I drive in low range thick sand  for 2 hours at 25 kmh,  with ambient 40 deg without the heat gauge moving from normal..

    PS: did remove the air con Rad as well and fitted new viscous fan...!

    • Like 1
  2. Finally The games can begin

    Fetched the Disco and drove 2000 Km round trip to collect the vehicle

    Pulled on a Frame with front bumper removed, and both prop shafts...Not a walk in  the park ...I can guarantee...

    Could not get the suspension to raise...Did not know to bridge relay..so pulled it on flat suspension for 750 Km.

    After arrival at workshop and proper internet we got the solution and it raised with a stronger battery.

    Seems to be a heat seize due to plastic water distribution Manifold between heads broken ..No water in the oil though or white rim on oil cap...? Mechanic will start to strip heads tomorrow ...

    Any do's and dont's will be appreciate

    2018-03-10 20.12.00.jpg

    2018-03-10 20.11.09.jpg

  3. 5 hours ago, garrycol said:

    Well I have had my 2007 RRS 2.7 TDV6 for 8 years now and it has been the most reliable vehicle I have owned.  It gets used on road and offroad and other than service items it has not had any issues.

    As long as you use good quality lubricants and parts they are easy to maintain and are very reliable.

    In the past - I have had 2x Disco 1 V8s from new and the RRS is far more reliable than them.




    Garry...Thanks you for the reassurance ...Yes I am going to give it a go...Enjoy the repair process and might be as happy as I am with my D1...and there is a a lot said on D1's and 2's as well..!

  4. Kvz2000...Thank you and I truly agree...My Disco 1 gave me many enjoyable years and mechanical I would not change it for anything..

    It is only the Rusty body that concerns me and a D2 Body does not fit on a D1 Chassis..and all the D1's up to 98 models is rusty.. Good body shop can fix it but the cost is almost the same as a very good used TD 5 (Disco 2).

    I think The Mechanic is more excited than I am on this project ... and If I am not happy at the end I am sure I will be able to sell it for equal or small profit..!

    Will surely keep all updated...

  5. 6 hours ago, TSD said:

    Enjoy the project Hercu! The D3 really is a great car to drive, and for me any car you've rescued or put loads of work into is much more enjoyable than anything you just bought with no hassles.

    Forgot to mention in my summary before - if (when)  you have to change brake disks (and if you already have 19" wheels)  - look into spending a little extra and converting to D3-V8 spec. Same calipers and pads, mounted on different brackets, and bigger disks all around. I didn't find the D3 brakes inspired much confidence, the V8 conversion was a huge improvement. I don't doubt the standard brakes are up to the job, this is more about feeling than capability, but I found it well worth the extra cost.

    Thank you TSD...... Really excited about this project...Will certainly look into the brake conversion...Not yet on 19's but yes, disk's close to the end of their time ..

    "and for me any car you've rescued or put loads of work into is much more enjoyable than anything you just bought with no hassles"

    So true...That is why I love my Disco 1 TDi !.

  6. Received the bank release today and the log book (Road worthy and registration) Now at last ready to be collected, 

    The workshop is excited and the games can begin now;;; Yes the more I read on this model the more I want to agree that it actually is a Normal Landrover with a bit more bells and whistles ...!

    Yes, I got this at an incredible good price and if the parts is as quoted I will have a D3 for quarter of the price of the normal used going rate..! worth to take that risk..and if I am clever the should be monthly payment  saved can make my life with the Discovery 3 a breeze


    • Like 1
  7. " I am getting the vibe that everyone has a grudge against these cars, " Daan That's the reason for my initial question " Am I looking for trouble ? Well I have put my head in this bee hive!

    TSD  Thank you super informative post...Taken to heart. We Landrover owners clearly understand what the responsibilities are

    Garry ,,,No Diesel Territories in South Africa and accident Damaged LR engines are selling for a crazy prize ..Can buy a nice Roadworthy running  TD5 for what they are asking for TDV 2.7 engines.

    Looked at the Jag.. engine but thought the twin turbo would be a problem...But yes there is a way out !

    Few available  but heavy loaded,,

  8. 3 hours ago, Shackleton said:

    Apologies Hercu, I didn't realise you'd already bought the D3 and wouldn't have made a comment that must have seemed like a bit of a poke if I had. Fair play for taking it on and good luck with the build - here's hoping it's the lesser of whatever potential probs there could be when it arrives!

    Shackelton....Appreciated but truly not necessary......no offence taken.. Thank you for the best wishes. It is going to be a nice project

    I really hope I can fix this without incredible cost...If not surely I might be lucky to sell it to a Landy lover who had an accident damaged write off....

    I got this D3 on the current exchange rate for £ 1800-00 and if I spend £ 2000-00 it will still be a bargain !

    See they are selling for 6000=00 to 10 000=00 + in The UK


  9. 1 hour ago, Bowie69 said:

    I think cultural limitation have made me somewhat confused about this statement! :) 

    That birds egg boiling in my..#$$.....became an Ostrich egg now...!!:wacko:

    Bowie...Yes, the saying when you are in a hurry or very eager to achieve something goes " you can boil and egg in my #$$ "

    To express my eagerness I referred to a huge egg !!

    (I was in a hurry but now I want a rush)

  10. 29 minutes ago, garrycol said:

    Ok - do you know what the actual problem is with this engine?  What do you mean by seized?  This normally implies pistons locked to the cylinder liners which does not normally happen with the 2.7.

    I am assuming that the engine will not turn over - normally one of three issues.

    1.    The cam belt tensioner which is mounted to the oil pump has broken so the belt jumps teeth - basically pistons hit valves breaking valves, rockers and possibly the cam chain.  In some cases damage to pistons may not exist and the heads and valve gear can be rebuilt.  So check if the cam belt tensioner has broken off the oil pump.

    2.   What you have alluded to above; in some engines, a big end conrod bearing can rotate and fatigues the crankshaft so it breaks.  Engine rebuild is required - drop the sump and have a look.

    3.  Related to two, there have been some report of cranks breaking without apparent bearings spinning - straight metallurgical failure of the crank - result is the same as two - drop the sump and have a look.

    If you look at the Disco3Uk forum and the RRS UK forum - you will find plenty on these issues and find people who have worked through them.







    Garry...Once again , Thank you...This is sadly a long distance thing....The vehicle is at venue A the workshop at B and I working at C..All in a 400 Km triangle..!

    I bought it on a Gumtree ad after a trusted angling friend inspected it and declared it a very nice and clean vehicle and worth to buy..(Trusted seller!)

    The owner stated the engine "seized" and could not Identify the problem whether it was heat, bearing, or timing belt...His "mechanic" :rolleyes:  could not identify the damage except saying that the engine could not be turned by hand... So, it still needs to be transported to point B (the workshop), which should have happened last weekend but the trailer promised to me was urgently needed and the owner could make a few bucks where I could have it for free...  So still waiting to hear when the trailer will be available now...!!!

    One positive is that the workshop owner offered to fetch the vehicle as soon as the trailer is available with only fuel cost to my account. (A promised fishing weekend opens doors):D

    That birds egg boiling in my..#$$.....became an Ostrich egg now...!!:wacko:



    PS: Thanks for the links.


  11. 2 minutes ago, garrycol said:

    For a D3 you would only ever consider a replacement engine of the same type using the standard electronics - to change to another type of engine is never going to be viable due to to huge cost of changing computers and other electronic issues.

    So your only real option is a rebuild or a replacement 2.7.  No other options are economically viable.


    Aah Gary ..Thank you so much...There was so much confusion on this that even I started to fiddle around...Good .. Mind set on Rebuild or replacement...!

    Was Talking to the workshop manager and Main Mechanic on Saturday and they gave me exactly the same answer..They even recommended a rebuild rather than a replacement... ( I am not Paying workshop hours only parts)..

    So it is body off and putting on the knee guards when I go to see the bank Manager  ...!!! (His office carpet is very thin)

  12. On 2/24/2018 at 9:28 AM, missingsid said:


    Some of the negative comments are BS, the chassis on a D3 is about 4 times the thicknes of a D1/2 and I have not seen any posts about rust other than surface rust as there us no paint on it. I would not trust a Mk2 Cavalier to get to 150,000 miles let alone keep going but D3 does.

    All the parts being knackered? Maybe it depends on maintenance and if it has early model parts (cant rember what year yours is sorry but mines an MY05) so yes it could well be a money pit. And due to your location probably not a very good prodpect ūTBH, I love mine but even in the UK it is suggested to keep £1,000 spare for repairs at all times.

    Due to the number of computers in the car (everythinghss its own ECU) you cant drop a different engine in unless it uses the same ancileries, even the alternator!

    In order to work on it you will really need a proper fault code computer, in the UK they are £400 (Britpart sells the better one) but that is probably more than you are hoping to get an engine or!

    Maybe it is better to out it as spares? It may well net you more money than you paid for it!

    Missingsid...Thank you for a highly appreciated reply....Owning a Discovery 1 TDi I am fully aware of Disco's moods and pains...A landrover owner must be very committed to maintenance and TLC..and it will return you all the joy in the world and yes being able to buy it cash supposed monthly installment could be saved for "that" day when it is needed..!

    The D3 in general is fairly well rated except for that Bearing Failure....But seems once fixed it is done..!

    "Maybe it is better to out it as spares?"   It is also considered

    Rust on the Coast or near the coast is a given...and after few years the "Cancer"' get a grip  ...I do launch the Jet ski with my Disco in the surf but usually get power washed once back home..But salt water and metal is a devil..

    On 2/24/2018 at 11:03 PM, Ally V8 said:

    Sorry if you don't like my comments, but they are based on vehicles that come into my workshop on a daily basis,either for servicing or diagnosis.This is for my own customers and other garages customers cars.Many owners are struggling to keep them in good shape,often scrap them if major engine damage occurs.Maybe I should take some pictures of the corrosion I see and post them here. Many toothbrush salesmen thrashed their Cavaliers to 200,000 miles, I saw plenty back in the late 80's, early 90's. Then they seemed to disappear, almost overnight. I've had to scrap too many D3's already,same as P38's did when they suffered liner issues. TD5's it seems are still just about worth fixing - to some.

    Thank you Alley , your comment is very valuable... Yes...There will be concealed rust .. but as I said previously my D1 is a 1997 mod...This D3 is 2006 which give me 9 years plus...

    Please post that pics of corrosion so that we could see where to look..

    Kind Regards

  13. On 2/24/2018 at 5:32 AM, garrycol said:

    Yes the same engine - just some minor differences with some ancillaries which you would move from your old engine. (not sure which ones but is no issue)

    The Territory engine is the lastest version of the 2.7 so doesn't have most of the issues (like oil pump housing failures) and I haven't heard of spun bearings and broken crankshafts with them.

    I know the Territory was exported to South Africa but not sure if the diesel models were - so check - certainly there are plenty of petrol Territory's on SA Gumtree.





    Thank you for valued info..

    Yes, there is and even landrover Petrol engines...But due to my locality I must consider a Diesel engine...and not sure what mods to be done from Diesel to Petrol on the system..????:unsure:

  14. 1 hour ago, garrycol said:

    Likewise the aftermarket rebuild parts for the 2.7TDV6 do not have a good reputation - that oil pump on the Turner site is not genuine Ford and aftermarket pumps have a dismal failure rate of the seals.

    Garry....Is the Ford Territory 2.7 TDV 6  exactly the same engine ???

    The Diesel model was never marketed in South Africa (Only Petrol) from New Zealand...

    To Import A ford engine might be cheaper than to rebuild this D 3 engine and as said ..the parts is not the best..!

    Thank you ...Gary ..I am now in a different Mind set..! 

  15. 11 hours ago, FridgeFreezer said:

    Britpart parts don't have a good reputation round here..


    ...Or to be less diplomatic, they're often shockingly rubbish and certainly a risky prospect on something like an expensive D3 engine. I wouldn't trust them to make mudflaps, let alone supply something critical like a crank shaft.

    Maybe the reason for the reasonable quote...Thank you FridgeFreezer...I am still waiting for the Landrover quote !!:rolleyes:

  16. 14 hours ago, Bowie69 said:

    I'd want to pull apart the existing engine before committing to anything

    Bowie...Yes...Yes..Yes...I seriously would have loved to do that but this vehicle is in another province..the equipped workshop is 400 km away ..I am 300 km away from this vehicle.. I must travel through 2 countries  Mozambique...Swaziland...South Africa fetch (Awaiting papers)..Travel around Swaziland to the workshop ..close to the border...

    What a mission...!!:D

  17. 9 hours ago, Ally V8 said:

    The other thing about this thread that hasn't been mentioned yet is that the rest of the car will be knackered too. Disco 3's are all rapidly coming to the end of their life.If you take into account the state of the autobox or clutch and flywheel,all the suspension bushes,steering rack/joints,front and rear diff,EAS bags and compressor etc,etc,etc.

    Is it really worth bothering ? They are also getting rusty,both body and chassis.Not a car to look at long term with diesel rapidly falling from favour.They were very capable cars when new and lovely to drive,but like a Mk2 Vauxhall Cavalier,(Excellent car of its time) I reckon they will disappear almost overnight.

    Alley ..very valued point...From my Disco 1 1997 mod to this 2006 D3 it is a 9 year gain..My Di lasted very well rust wise up to now.

    Hope the D3 can give me another 9 years :unsure: ???

    Truly the Di TDi was a tractor in comparison with this D3 but easy fixable..!

  18. 13 hours ago, TSD said:

    You can buy most (but not all) engine parts, from a reputable company...


    Rotating shells was a problem, though it seems some failures were due to incorrect oil filter fitting (paper cartridge filter, not a metal canister). Snapped crank seems to be a continuing issue even up to the last of production engines. Me, I offer a silent prayer of thanks every time I turn the key and it doesn't go BANG! :rolleyes:

    TSD...... Thank you       Yes I have looked at Turner prices and very good...BUT  being in Africa with all the Red Tape and poor exchange rates the Parts might be more than double than the price of an used engine...

    Brittpart is fairly strong in South Africa and the quote was not bad....(Crank is very very expensive)

  19. I really appreciate all the replies...And yes..Elbekko the sail seems like a good option   :lol: and the D1 engine came to mind...:unsure:

    The body removal was discussed and the luck is that I will have the use of a fully equipped workshop with lifts, air tools etc..

    I have quoted the parts and came at the same amount that I will pay for vehicle as is... but still more than half less than the going used price..!(Parts and vehicle)

    But...I will still part very difficult with my Disco 1 TDi

  20. 4 hours ago, Anderzander said:

    I guess that’s why the car you’ve been offered is so cheap - in the balance it probably won’t turn out to be the bargain it looks by the time you’ve replaced the engine.

    If you install a different engine what will you have to do to navigate the electronics?

    Anders Yup, I considered that, that at the end I could have bought a running D3 for the price of this non runner and engine replacement...

    But at this stage it actually suits me fine because the old Faithful D1 TDi is still running and I can do this engine over time...!

    and I save my bank manager of having a heart attack..! (Not mentioning the wife)




  21. 2 hours ago, garrycol said:

    Engines are not rebuildable with new parts.  Anything you see a reconditioned/rebuilt means it has had parts taken from one used engine and put in another.  About the only thing you can buy new aftermarket are bearing shells and these are of untested quality.


    Buy a good running second hand engine.



    Garry Thank you...Yes it is the best option.

    Problem to get a running used engine...(In South Africa)...They are over prized due to the Rand/Dollar exchange rate.

    Can get good used D2 TD5 vehicle for the prize of a TDv 6 engine.


  22. 3 hours ago, Blanco said:

    Can't help I'm afraid but really interested to know the answer. ...... I heard that they can't be rebuilt due to the way the main bearings are manufactured, and that's what gives rise to the trade in enginesfrom scrap jags etc.

    Blanco Thanks...Yes I believe it is a difficult one....Somewhere saw that a rebuild requires a upgraded crank etc...etc

    Rebuild engines quoted at $4500..

    I have got the next few days to decide....But at $ 3000 US for the vehicle as is  it could be worth it ..?

    Maybe do a Lexus conversion..??

  23. Muddy ...It did fit on top hanging bolt but bottom small (Difficult) tensioner hole do not exist on merc alt.

    The body diameter is bigger and  quarter inch hard  rubber conveyor belt between engine and alt. worked well.

    The tensioner gave enough tension  for it to work without the bottom bolt.


  24. Hi Guys

    I am a very happy Disco 1 300 TDi  1997 owner BUT:

    Old faithful's body and all other systems are now rapidly fading

    Very close to 400 000 Km (398 000) and had some Head Gasket problems when I installed a VTDI Turbo with boost up to 1.4 

    Fixed that and had wonderful times. Fixed the rust on the Alpine windows/ removed the rear sunroof with rust and sealed. Done the roof lining..etc..etc

    Now the A pillars  is completely rotten and water seep through and wet the floorboard..causing a Flintstone's  effect..! ( Brake on the asphalt)

    This Disco 3 TDV 6 was offered to me and although the engine is seized the price is unbelievable..Half the price of old disco 1's (Rusted)

    On this model there was a factory problem on bearing seizing,,,the bearing cap was rotating on the crank...????

    Need true insets...please ..Cost on rebuild of the engine ..Is it worth it ?



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