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Posts posted by missingsid

  1. Saw it on TCM tonight and as it was made in 1965 I thought there must be landrovers....................

    Yep at the end at an RAF air base (chasing a Valiant V bomber, i think!) our hero Rod Taylor was in the back of an RAF series 1 with screen down chasing the plane.

    Later on a Series 2 Fire truck came to his aid when "he" landed the plane!!


    Know the film, I only saw the end when Rod landed??

    Can't remenber the film title, my dad was aircrew in Valiants so am interested in finding out.

    Oops title of film is the titte of the thread?

    PS Valiants are rarely mentioned as they got bad press due to the RAF using them for a role that they weren't designed for.

  2. Two lots of ten peneth to add.

    I fitted my headers plain and ran it for a year.

    Off road my brakes go soft due to underbody heat I wrapped a coke can around my brake pipes - OK.

    Next I added heat tape to he headers, take them off, add wrap and put back on. Not to difficult just watch out with the stainless wire it springs around and cuts you really well :o

    Now the engine ran really rich. The tape keeps the heat in so the gasses flow faster therefore the mixture is really out.

    Fixed that.

    Did it solve the brake problem off road? not really, so I may add somes holes in the bonnet or add some protection to the brake pipes.

    It did reduce the problem a bit due to the reduced heat.

    Don't know if this was helpful?

  3. 4ft is more than enough Know many people who have bought 5ft one and ended up cutting of 1ft

    Good things BUt

    mmm hi-lifts dangerous bloodly things

    I hate using my Hi-lift on the front or rear as it is soooo unstable, if you chock the wheels you need to be carefull how you do that as the motor can pivot either way.

    You relly need to chock in front and behind the wheel and more that one wheel chocked.

    My Hybrid came with rock/tree sliders on and for lifting a wheel it is far more stable as the motor cannot pivot around an axle at one end.

  4. Quote from Ebay Ad.

    "The common fault with the Navara engine is that the bottom end always blows and the conrods always cause damage to the valves, springs e.t.c."

    Maybe I missed something when working on engines,

    How does a conrod that is below a piston cause damage to the valves and springs which are above in the head?

    Or are Narvara engines a really modern side valve engine? :huh:

  5. Because "they" have to consider the lowest common unwashed denominator out there in the public who would think "duh....dat looks good, i'll try dat in my chavved up nova" and (hopefully) end up killing themseles.

    The BBC would never risk being sued by some slimey lawyer who tried putting the blame on them.

    Shame this country has come to this, :angry:

    Isn't it more to do with the sheep of this world (90%) who feel it is "obscene to put ones life at risk for entertainment"!

    After all "They" are paying for it with the license fee and feel very guilty. The whole point of being a sheep is that you are not responsible for anything that happens to anyone ever and so you can go through life safe but completely bored hence the need for TV in the first place. It's a circle that leaves them with just TV content to complain about.


    Sheep like sporty cars that look good but don't actually go fast as that would be dangerous! Ala Smart Roadster.

    Mine would have a Busa engine fitted to pi*$ them off.

    This choice the Beeb has had to make is all a bit hypercritical anyway, they never think twice about showing Malcolm Campbell dieing on Conneston Water when ever they want to. Or is this "Historical Footage"?

  6. Very interesting topic.

    :angry: Just got to end of my comment and it all dissapeared,

    and the undo won't work.

    Try again.

    Looked at the Ashcroft site.

    The P38 diff looks to have the same bolt pattern as the RR stock diff.

    The P38 4 pin diff centre looked the same as the Ashcroft 4 pin diff centre?

    Would like to have Ashcrofts comment on that plus what the price is to replace a stock 2 pin RR diff with an Ashcroft 4 pin diff?


  7. great minds think alike- i was JUST about to post to ask if anyone knew if they were SPECS cameras and if they were turned on.

    The good thing about these cameras is that you can go as fast as you want between tme- you just need to make sure that you stop in the services in between the cameras to give you some time to reduce your average speed!

    My father went from having a clean licence of 40 odd years to having 9 points as he hadn't seen the SPECS and didn't quite realise that the road works had a 40 limit on them- whoops!

    Slightly OT but road works on motorways used to be 50mph now they are all 40mph when/why have they (Gov't) changed their minds?

    The 50 limit had a big anouncment about saftey, the 40 limit came in with silence.

  8. Thought you lot might like to see this

    Pull up near my shop

    It is 6 wheel drive as well sorry for the pics but taken with my phone as it was all i had on me at the time

    Nice motor.

    I guess from the the lack of departure angle that it needs 6x6 due to soft road conditions when loaded up (i'm thinking Bull Dust if thats the right name)?

  9. Dont stuff around with rover diffs, unless you can find a 4 pin one. I took a range rover I picked up cheap, to have a play a couple of weeks ago. The only thing I did was put 7.50x16 SAT's on, and the diff blew apart on me. Wasnt even pushing it that hard.

    110 salisbury is probably the best, but they need shaving so they dont drag everywhere.

    I'm not going to say RR 2 pin 3.54 diffs are strong cos they aint

    However I've been runninig a Series 1 V8 with SATs for 20+ years on general off roading, play days and hard on road, drifting etc (general hooliganism when younger) and only blown a rear diff once.

    You don't have to trash a motor to get it up a hill etc.

    But if you want a challenge motor then yes there's probably no point using a standard RR diff.

  10. Hi Tobes,

    Feel I need to add another vote for HBRO (just to make it even you understand) I've just rejoined, and have been welcomed back by the members I knew a few years ago. HBRO was RTV Trial and green lane orientated (probably still is haven,t found out yet but I believe they are running a Wales Laning trip next year). HBRO take their mashalling and recovery seriously and believe in training (great idea). Always found the weekend events with camping brilliant. :D:)

    AWDC, lots of competition mainly speed events but lots of trials also. Very good for allowing private design and developement, though this tends to mean that to win you need money or ideas, sometimes both.

    I would be interested in hearing about Shires as have no knowledge of them.

    What ever club you decide to join you are sure to get a good welcome.

    Hope to see you at an event soon.


  11. definatly not Paul, probably more of us than 'them'. but its not PC to admit xmas is carp is it? or is it the 'winter celebration' nowdays as xmas isnt PC either? :huh:

    Talking of PC, my girlfriend is a Catholic so ended up at Christmas Mass. Part of the sermon was the priest complaining that the PC brigade want to change it as said above. The church is concerned that it will lose its biggest seller!

    Sorry for the religious bit, I'm a non believer but it helps to keep her happy :D

  12. Having a temporary fix on the V8 misfire (removed EFI and all assocaited gear inc harness- and fitted a big 4 barrell weber 500), along with new MOT passed 9.29am today ......I'll be there to help keep the course open, help with the smooth running of the event generally and drag many out when stuck :D

    .....Or even self recover :lol: - it has been known..........

    Always a good event, goes from strength to strength every year, something for everyone


    Hi Nige,

    Do you come free with the site when you rent it for events?

    You seem to marshal every event there!

    Has the Army stopped renting out the other great sites that used to be available?

    I quite like Broxhead but I keep getting stuck! I guess I'm more used to mud than bottomless sand.

    Happy Christmas to you all. :D

  13. I hate people who decide to control what other people can or can't do, or decide what is "normal"!

    But I have to admit that, although I love both of my modified Land Rovers I am only interested in usig them off road.

    I have no understanding of people who whant the latest, newest most expensive off roader then have no intention of ever using it off road. If I want a road car there are much better road cars than a 4x4.

    I can fully understand using a large 4x4 for towing, but what on earth is a Cayene all about :huh:

    The main difference is that I have no intention of stopping anyone from driving whatever they want. :D

    I do agree though that the antis are probably complaining due to envy, they're the same people who complain about supercars or even sports cars as they can't tell the difference. :angry:

  14. i'm a fan of the 'less is more' approach, one of the things people requested when this forum was set up is that it should be low-key so we can browse at work without it looking too obvious... if it went all brightly coloured and animated i reckon you might put off a few of the 'office browsers'....


    The only thing here that is "brightly coloured and animated" is your Avatar :D

  15. Yes, R1 engine is 998cc and produces 180hp, but peak output is at 12.500rpm... would need a 3 to 1 transfer box...

    A V8 Hyabusa engine exists built by Radical, 2.6 litre 380BHP @10,00RPM (busa engine @ 1,300cc is 180BHP).


    Is a bike engine more powerfull than a car?

    Well BMW M5 V8 - 5.0 litre 400BHP 8,000RPM twice the size and weight as above, however the Radical is for track days and doesn,t need as much Torque?

    The Lexus V8 is a wide and heavy engine compared to a RV8, quad cams add a lot of weight!

    IIRC alledgedly JE had a little chat with the then owners of TVR as they took his RV8 engines then alledgedly did an Orange number on him.

    Hence the need for thier own V8 - AJP.

  16. Blimey

    that place was called the heathrow engine centre when I worked there (installing phones)

    they were getting engines from scrapped cars

    pressure washing them and selling them as recon.

    I remember them (from a time when I also was installing phones)?

  17. Interesting.

    So a Hilux, it could be argued, is derived from a Surf, which is a car, so thats OK then.

    The Nissan Nivara, as far as I know has no "car like" derivative (but may have in Japan?) so would have to use the lower speed limit?

    Big can of worms there I think. I would think the 2 tonne payload would be more likely to be used as defining criteria since most pickups and twin cabs are only about the 1 tonne mark.

    Opens the chicken and egg debate too with things like the peugeot 806 and expert and the Mercesdes vaneo and viteo......

    Thought it was the other way round, Surf came from Hi-Lux?

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