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Posts posted by missingsid

  1. Hmmmm :unsure: I could always cut every other nobble off either between the side lugs and stagger them so there is always 2 lugs diagonally and horizontally, that way they would be no more aggressive than a simex et. I will have to check that it works out evenly around the circumference of the tyre first.

    I don’t want to end up in special class again :huh:

    Looking at the photo, you need to be careful how you cut. I noticed that some of the remaining treads look like they have been under cut and will rip off really quickly, esp on road!

  2. Looking at getting a few new sets of sockets, but 6 or 12 point type ( high torque)? Which do you prefer?

    What make do you trust?



    I use a German socket set which grips the flats not the corners.

    Works great except on 12 point bolts (modern engines and V8 oil pumps). :)

    Edited to add piccie.


    This stuff is luverly.


  3. I had a problem in certain rooms in our house downstairs when the router was upstairs, so I put one of these in

    WLAN Extender

    Now I get great coverage on the WLAN right out into the garden (great while working at home during the really hot weather this summer).

    The only caveat is that both units (one plugged in via Ethernet cable to the router, the other where you want the extra wireless coverage) need to be plugged into the same ring main. If they are on different fuses or trips on the circuit board it won't work.

    You will also be restricted to approx 6Mb bandwidth on the link over the mains cabling, so if you have 8Mb (and it actually runs at 8Mb) broadband you will get slower performance from the extension unit).


    I was looking at these last week, bit I heard that in some set up modes you lose the WEP security?

    Have you any ideas on this?

  4. Watching that rubbish TV News magazine today (08/12 bit late writting this) BBC1 Morning News.

    They had a peice about 4x4 sales being down.

    1st up was a Sales woman at a car supermarket.

    BBC asks about 4x4 sales down due to higher Eco taxes.

    Woman answers: Well actually some large 4x4 sales are down due to the high fuel costs, but people are still buying smaller 4x4s.

    Next BBC asks AA woman.

    So 4x4/Chelsea Tractor sales are down is this because of the Eco taxes.

    AA Woman answers. Well you know it's not about 4x4 use as some large cars are in Band F not just large 4x4s, also alot of the modern 4x4s are more economical and are in Bands D & E.

    Finaly the Beeb ask a Liberal MP.

    So is this the end of 4x4 sales due to Eco pressure.

    MP answers. This not about 4x4 use we cannot single out a group of people, this is about reducing the number of high polouting vehicles.

    Hooray BBC 0 Common Sense 3

    I don't know if the Beeb was trying to redress the ballance (doubt it) or just finally got caught talking cr*p

  5. Especially if you have longer than std springs I would recommend you get a cheap set from Halfrauds or equivalent.

    It is much quicker and safer as well.

    Not sure about the safer bit.

    Doing it without the compressors has no stored energy, just use a jack to lower the axle until it's loose.

    Doing it with cheap spring compressors, the spring energy is held in check by the tool.

    Cheap tool bends well with car springs, what will it do with LR springs?

    Quicker? how long does it take you to wind the bolt that far?

    Then how do you undo the bolt once it bends on a cheap tool?

    Personally I'd see if I can do it without the tool. :)

    Remeber to take the caliper bolts out and tie them up out of the way to protect the brake pipes.

  6. I watched the test vehicle in action at Slindon last Sunday and very impressed! Forgot to use the camera on my new moblie otherwise you might have seen some illicit pictures!

    Just looked at the web site.

    This looks VERY interesting, I WAS thinking about the Italian stuff (not interested in Orange stuff) but now I know where I will be going next year!! :D:)

  7. Saw this on the web and thought you guys would perhaps like to take part. I have signed it. Its not a joke.

    The government seems determined to get us back to public transport or the horse and cart. No doubt that the horse and cart would be quicker!! Anyway here is the proposal,

    The government's proposal to introduce road pricing will mean you having to purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill to use it.

    The tracking device will cost about £200 and in a recent study by the BBC, the lowest monthly bill was £28 for a rural florist and £194 for a delivery driver.

    A non working Mum who used the car to take the kids to school paid £86 in one month.

    On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be tracked. Somebody will know where you are at all times. They will also know how fast you have been going, so even if you accidentally creep over a speed limit you can expect an NIP with your monthly bill.

    If you care about our freedoms and stopping the constant bashing of the car driver, please sign the petition on No 10's new website:


    It will happen, I know a company that is talking to the Government right now about their national system!!

  8. And the really scary thing is that these are the same scumbags that get their teenage girlfriends pregnant (repeatedly) so they can get a council flat/house, and then sponge off our taxes.

    PLUS, two dumb-@ss parents=lots of dumb(er)-@ss kids, who'll then grow up to be just as bad and breed just a prolifically! (a bit like mice or rabbits).

    In the meantime, the ones in society who have a few brain-cells to rub together (like myself), control their reproduction to match their income, so the morons breed more and more, and the smart folks breed less and less (or at least at the same rate).

    So, over a few generations, our society is going to get dumber and dumber, and more and more 'chavvie'. I despair.

    Interesting comment, when I was in Israel for a meeting with a customer he said basically the same thing about the Palestinians.

    Why did they place bombs in order to win power, as their birth rate is higher than the Israeli birth rate they will inherit the country anyway!! :blink:

  9. You think these are good questions?

    10A. Do you, if ever, use land illegally for your activity? For example using farmers' land without permission or using footpaths for motorised vehicles / horses / bicycles.

    10B. If yes, how often?

    16. Do you believe that your activity has any effect on the countryside / other countryside users? Please tick all that apply Disturbance to other users

    Disturbance to wild animals / birds

    Disturbance to farm stock

    Damage to track surfaces

    Noise disturbance to local residents

    Inconvenience to land owners / farmers

    Inconvenience to other countryside users

    Widening of paths into fields


    Benefits the local economy

    Interesting spectacle to passers by

    Involves local youngsters

    Creates jobs for local residents


    The last Tw%ty question I saw like this was a US Imigration question:

    Are you or hve you ever been a terrorist?

  10. Rostyles are 6"... And aftermarket Wolf wheels are 6,5".

    The link went to a Modular wheel, these are NOT Land Rover OEM wheels and will be the size the manufacturer chose to make them.

    I think you are right that RR steels are 6 inch I will have the tyres removed from mine tomorrow as I need to fit 7.50 16 to them temporaaily. I have a feeling you are not supposed to fit them though?

    I have seen Simex fitted to RR steels, Idon't know if they have been widened or not. I have had a set of 7.50 16 tyres on LWB rims widened to 8 inch rims for the last 20 or so years with no problems but that was my choice and this is not to be taken as a recommendation.

    I will measure my wheels to check tomorrow.

    Yup they are.


  11. Well in that case i kinda know what i'm on about :)

    At work there are various folders in diffrent departments, ranging from a rather tasty 3metre hydraulic jobbie that can manage 10mm plate (probably bigger too but 10mm is the thickest we have), to rather small 1 meter manual machines that can do 2-3mm steel max or upto around 5mm ali - I have tired to bend thicker stuff with these but due to not being able lower the folding edge enough it just tends to shear it

    Gone slightly OT their, if you want recommendations of which manufacturers are best IMHO then i'll have a look at work on monday (cant remember of the top of my head)


    Still slightly OT

    If you want to lower the folding edge, can't you add another slice of sheet below the one you want to bend as a packing peice?

    This would raise the folded sheet with the same effect. You could alter the thickness of the packing to suit the difference in hieght required.

    The main problem that I have seen with manual folders is that the clamping fingers are not strong enough for thicker sheet.

  12. Whilst trying to track down an old friend, I heard from an acquaintance (second-hand then) that my friend had recently provided some LR based work for Jezza possibly for the production team in some way.

    My friend has a long history of LR and J**P products starting at the time when fitting a V8 into a Series 1 required the fabrication of a one off adaptor prior to Philips conversions.

    Apparently the latest request is to update an LR for Jezza's wife to tow her horses around. It seems that in a true petrolhead style the smelly chip fat engine has to be thrown away and a nice V8 burble is to be installed in its place. :D

  13. All good info chaps cheers,

    It didn't do it before conversion but it is related to frequency and whether or not it's under load, i did try all the combinations that give a neutral with the clutch engaged but no change.

    In first at tick over speeds if I give it a light blip the noise will occur on run down until drive is taken up again and can be heard at a lower volume in the first 1000 rpm (until exploding air and diesel take over the manuscript), this would seem to support the hi/low finger theory but it is a heavy sound more like the clutch fork......but AFAIK it wouldn't work correctly if it had that much play in it?!


    If this is totaly off the mark then apologies but I tend to agree with the clutch area.

    What would happen if the clutch release bearing came off the retaining spring which holds it on to the clutch actuator fork? This could provide the rattle but presumably it would also make a horrible noise when the pedal is pressed?

    I am really just speculating, 2drdan have you asked someone from Ashcrofts or similar?


  14. I've had two LT95 gearboxes which made lots of noise as the revs increase not quite the same I know, however the LT95 has an extension tube for the clutch release baring to slide on (this is due to it being designed for the LR 101 which has a shorter bellhousing - ask a comp safari racer) I think my noise is due the the extension tube moving as it is only a slide on fit. it might be that your noise is caused by the same problem but in a different form??

    Does this sound kosher or am I talking B%$!"*ks? :unsure:

    both of my gearboxes work fine but are a bit noisy.

  15. it's amazing that i can build computers but haven't got a clue about what powers them!

    It's a sign of the times - come Armageddon the guy who can rig up a wind genny, a few lights and a motor will be worth more than all the computer teccies put together!

    Try these




    On a bright note, we're all gonna starve anyway as nobody can handle where meat actually comes from!! :o

  16. Those nice men from the AA usually have to put the little gear lever into high after young Johnny has been fiddling with the car in Tesco's car park. Calls of the clutch pedal doesn't work...............................hehe

    My blonde moment is forgetting the hand brake when pulling away.

    Last time was ging to billing, at the M40 I stopped to help two guy's in a 90. when I got the roudabout at Billing the transmission was making a strange clattering noise. I had intended to drive the off road course but decided against it. wasn't until later that I realised that it was the handbrake still on!! :D

  17. I agree.... there is no point in gaing 4" of unsprung down at the expense of 4" of sprung up. More travel is ideal whether sprung or unspring but sprung articulation has more traction / effect than unsprung.

    Too many of the curreny kits ( IMHO ) do things wrongish.... They allow the wheel to drop miles but to keep the shocks safe from over comprssion the bumpstops have to be spaced so much that the axle can no longer go up any.

    I reckon that there is 1" of safety margin in a standard setup that can be eaten into. That means a 1" drop turret on the front and a 2" dropo bracket on the rear is all that can be fitted without needing to pack the bumpstops by however much more you have gone down with.


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    Thanks you are echoing my thoughts (I think :unsure: )

    I have never unstood the bit about adding extra lift the putting dropped bump stoops to take it up again :huh:

    Is this just a throw back to fitting huge wheels ala the US?

    When it comes to drive is the weight of the axle etc. enough to grip?

  18. HBRO Land Rover RTV & Drive Round Day, Broxhead, Bordon, Hants.

    Sunday 3rd December

    need to be a member of HBRO (you can join on the day)

    I have to say that the HBRO is the most friendly club I have had the pleasure of being a member of :):)

    By the way the calandar shows the event as 2nd + 3rd Driving Day and Trial, does this mean the the driving is available on both days??

    If I come down in WUD then everybody can marvel at how c*%p I am compared to Bert.

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