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Posts posted by Sandridge

  1. Hi,

    Thx for that great application and your time to sort it out!

    I am using a microlaunch for feew weeks and it was all good however it now stoped.

    Message is " Microcat you are runnig is out of date....."

    I was playing with dset files but with no luck.

    When microlauncher is hit after the dset files changed the error message is that "Microcat is out of date"

    Is there any chance to change microlauncher to change a system date back to 02/2008 regardless the dset files??

    The old version Microcat Starter 1.1 is turning clock back to 2006 and as far as I am concern this date is to old for the 2008 Microcat

    Any ideas whould be greatly appreciated ;)

  2. Forgot to mention that this copy which I ve manage to get form net does not contain install file at all.

    Someone just copy and paste data and program files and to make it work you have to use burned dvd with those files or d-tool ( any virtual drive)

    a bit silly however simple and efficient ;)

  3. I ve manage to sort my problem with xp by cliking on file "RegisterThinClient" in "MCLRE" folder.

    Before hitting "mclre.exe" I tryed to hit "RegisterThinClient" and it worked.

    Dont know what this file actually does but it fixed my problem and program started with no dramas.

  4. Try most popular P2P software like DC++ or uTorrent.

    Land Rover Microcat 02.2008 should be there available for download.

    I managed to get a copy from there, however:

    I had a few problems with that particular copy.

    1. Does not work with Vista 64 bit

    2. Does not work with Xp. (couldn't get it up on running on mine)

    the error massage is "OLE Automation server cannot crerate object". Dont know what can cause that error or why I have that message poping up.

    It may well be that my xp is in fault and it will run on yours.

    3. The "Dset" file is set to be 201701 however this version is working only when you change the clock in your computer to 02 2008.

    I would imagine that if somone could change "Microcat starter" to date 022008 then it should work fine.

    With VISTA 32- bit this copy is working with no problems. You have to change the date but after that it works just fine.

    Please if there is anyone who can say something more or provide some tips please do so.

    I am sure we will all appreciate that a lot ;)

  5. Microcat 2008 is havy. Its more that 1.6 G which means that it won't fit into one standard cd. On DVD yes but not on one cd.

    It has Defender 2007 and also Frelander 2 in it.

    I cant see any drastic changes in security of it.

    The only problem with copy I have is that it does not work with xp. With Vista 32 bit yes an I dont have any problems with it.

    It might be that my computer with xp is in fault but I ma not sure.

  6. Try most popular P2P software like DC++ or uTorrent.

    Land Rover Microcat 02.2008 should be there available for download.

    I managed to get a copy from there, however:

    I had a few problems with that particular copy.

    1. Does not work with Vista 64 bit

    2. Does not work with Xp. (couldn't get it up on running on mine)

    the error massage is "OLE Automation server cannot crerate object". Dont know what can cause that error or why I have that message poping up.

    It may well be that my xp is in fault and it will run on yours.

    3. The "Dset" file is set to be 201701 however this version is working only when you change the clock in your computer to 02 2008.

    I would imagine that if somone could change "Microcat starter" to date 022008 then it should work fine.

    With VISTA 32- bit this copy is working with no problems. You have to change the date but after that it works just fine.

    Please if there is anyone who can say something more or provide some tips please do so.

    I am sure we will all appreciate that a lot ;)

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