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Everything posted by Porny

  1. The bit above the blue hose... I.e. the bit that's attached to the blue hose??? In which case, that's the blade for the EGR.... Ian
  2. On Ebay.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...bayphotohosting and http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1997-Jeep-C...1QQcmdZViewItem Surely not legal Would be interesting being the passenger though!!! Ian
  3. The few I spoke to seemed to think it was too expensive.... can let you know which ones via pm (though I 'think' I'll be meeting you on Friday!! ) Ian
  4. This weekend I was mostly buying..... A very nice Disk Handbrake conversion from X-eng... Complete with forum discount And a set of Jackable Sills from UK Land Rover.net which get very heavy, very quickly, when walking back to the Land Rover!!! First time I've been to Donnington and was quite impressed... not a show as such (which I know some people expected)... but numerous trade stands - thought it was quite good overall. Although £9.00 to get in seemed a bit steep.... and I was even more gutted when walking back from the Landy... some bloke leaving the show very kindly offered me his ticket... bugger. Ian
  5. Well there fitted in that postion as standard on later (higher spec) Td5 Defenders... Can sort you out the part number if needed. There's some on Ebay: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/LANDROVER-DEFENDER-R...1QQcmdZViewItem Ian
  6. Yep... you can fit a non-self leveling one... But you may find you need to change your rear springs to the HD version (as fitted to normal 'commercial' 110's i.e. non CSW).. CSW have softer rear springs for improved passenger comfort... but to make up for the lower spring rates, the self leveler is utilised. Hence, if you remove the self leveler, the rear suspension set-up will be very soft... esp. towing or with heavy loads. Ian
  7. It does, 2.5" for a TD5, 2" for a 300Tdi In all honesty, you could probably run a Td5 rear silencer, with an adaptor to change from the 2" - the 2.5"... I could make you one of these complete with Td5 flange if you get stuck.... Td5 box is stainless steel too... and they come up on Ebay quite cheap at times... or try some breakers, some Td5 stuff doesn't fetch that much money, due to lack of demand. Had a look, but I need a chassis number from a RoW spec 90" as not quite sure which one it is. I think its WCG102890... but not sure. Ian
  8. Or just use the exhuast off a late RoW spec 300Tdi - same spec as Bogbusters... Complete with rear Td5 type fuel tank. Or adapt the rear section off a Td5 (which i'd imagine waht Land Rover do for RoW) Ian
  9. And the inlet postion... and the overall length. Ian
  10. A quick search on google... some pictures of a wolf intake here: http://www.willmotta.co.uk/id3.html - about half way down. Ian
  11. I don't know how much they are.... but why not get the intake off a waterproofed wolf??? (not a standard Wolf) Different to to a standard 300 TDi. Part no is: PHB102510 In all honesty they're probably vast amounts of money... but from what I remember are better sealed and don't have the little drain. Outlet pipe I also think is different, it comes out of the side, rather than the bottom. Ian
  12. I've heard that water injection isn't that effective on a diesel.... and just don't get it wrong... clatter clatter bang!!! I'd be more inclinded to be playing with propane injection or LPG... or even Nitrous Though I admit these are a bit more expensive. You can get 200bhp from a 200Tdi without extra's like these... but it's not cheap!!! Ian
  13. What nozzle are you using... it really needs to be an (atomised) mist to be most effective? - for which you may need more than one pump. Water temp sensor??... would be better off putting a thermocouple in the inlet and outlet of the intercooler, so you could measure the temperature drop. Might also be worth ducting air into the intercooler, adding a basic ram effect... but I would also drill some holes in the fan cowel so that the passing air can escape - also add a divide between the radiator and the intercooler going all the way back to the fan cowel. Ian
  14. Were you using during boost, or pre-boost??? Ian
  15. water cooler for the intercooler per chance??? I.e. using the wasing bottle and a nozzle to spray a mist of cold water onto the intercooler trying to reduce intake temp???... thus increasing performance??? Ian
  16. And there's me being nice and posting tools to you..... Wonder if I could catch the postman and get it back!!! Ian
  17. 90 - June 1984 110 - March 1983 127 - Summer 1983 Ian
  18. JST, Can't you send Dan in his Disco 200Tdi powered 90???... Southam tyres isn't that far from Leamington Spa. (reading the post on fitting the 200Tdi) In fact, it's classed as Leamington Spa Southam Tyres Southam Drive Kineton Road Industrial Estate Leamington Spa CV47 0RB Warwickshire Tel: 01926 813888 Might be worth seeing if they'll do them a bit cheaper. Ian
  19. Why's the ECU side complecated??? Just need somebody with the right kit... I know somebody!!! (not me, but my mate) esp. if your 90" is pre-flash ECU. Ian
  20. Any pics??? I may have dreamt this, but McS did you fit a supercharger to your Td5??? JST sorry for hijacking the thread... Ian
  21. But a Rivnut does the same job.... at least it does on my 110" (and my 90") Ian
  22. Les, I've got one that does upto M10... If you were closer you could borrow it if needed (will speak to you later on MSN) Same as the one featured in this months LRO (I think) advertised at £90 ish, but I can them for less than that !!! (About £70 ish I think - need to check) Ian
  23. Raised or lowered??? What are you trying to do?? Ian
  24. no spare wheel either.... been replaced with a lovely bit of material (see other pics) - same of the middle rear seat. Some people have got such good taste!!!
  25. Don't know if we can to link to ebay stuff here.... but .... Is this the American version of Bellingo ???? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...item=4594751478
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