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Posts posted by def-eight7

  1. The fan only runs for 30 seconds to a minute then shuts down when it reaches a cooler temp. I can look into raising the idle RPM although the voltage drops while at speed as well. 

    I see my voltage drop from 13.9 to 11.8 when the can comes on. This also causes my gauges to fluctuate, often looking like it is over heating. 

     Is there anyway to buffer that drop?

  2. Looking for recommendations on improving my electrical situation. I just finished switching my 200 tdi one ten over to all LEDs (headlights, instruments, interior,  indicators, etc..). I am also running an electric fan which has a fairly large draw. 

    I have noticed that when the RPM are low and the fan is on I am dipping below 12 volts. When that happens the headlights and blinkers flicker. 

    Are there voltage regulators that maintain a higher steady voltage? Should I be going with a dual-battery system?  

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