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Everything posted by Nonimouse

  1. the police are massively understaffed - most crews have 7-10 out standing jobs on at any time, in most police. Busy areas more so. The simple rule that human life comes first, then major crime etc. What suprises me is why AMPR cameras aren't used more for obvious illegal stuff - like number plate sizes. Then noted on the vehicles record to give the MOT tester a heads up
  2. The Pathway is meant to tbe the DVSA - but oddly enough they are massively understaffed (like every other government agency or organisation) due to spending cuts. Same old, same old
  3. I tend to lean the other way. MoT testers should do what they are trained to do - inspect under a specific and generally inflexible testing regime, for saftey defects or excessive emmisons levels. Police should oversee the obeyance of the law - especially in obeyance of those crimes that can lead to injury or death DVSA - should pull anyone and everyone for the most minor to the most major of things so they can issue fines which essentially pay their wages
  4. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/bull-bars/bull-bars This explains it much better than I can
  5. Mainly because the marketing is good. Interesting fact. A tesla needs a charging current of 75amps. Yes 75 Amps. And 4 hours to charge. Most houses in the UK don't have the new legally require 25mm2 feed into the consumer unit. They generally have 10mm2 Most villages (like my own) have 1 number 15kva substation to feed the village Most of the mains supply (11kva) from Sub Main (33kva) is old - town and country Do some maths. It will cost a few million per village to upgrade to allow up to 10 (at most) electric cars to charge, but only after the 11kva and 33kva runs have been brought up to scratch. And what about cities, what will happen there? Upgrade the infrastructure, but how do you charge the vehicle? Plugs in the kerb? # Then cost. I was recently offered a job that came with a Tesla and a charging point fitted to my property, along with a £3,500 'allowance' towards charging costs, as well work mileage charging costs from public sites. Working on having to charge the vehicle 5 nights a week for work, I was well into the red on £3.5k. The Boomtown Rats got it right
  6. "However, since 25 May 2007, it has been an offence for bull bars that have not been approved as compliant with those safety standards to be sold. Approved devices will carry an indelible ‘e’ mark (for example: e1 01 1471)." Uk law is lovely in that it's rarely retrospective. The change in the law was inacted from 25/05/07 Thus, like the Tow bar regs, or the Driving licence regs, pre that specific date is ok
  7. There is a chap down here who will repair 110/90 doors. Replaces the rusty bits with stainless channels that drain. But it's a phaff so he does charge. It's not a long job though and he has the folds down to a pat. We are still talking £50 per hour, plus materials - about an hour and half a door for front doors. He's a good welder, builds replacement Triumph TR chassis.
  8. The heated steering wheel would have sold it to me straight away. I really do love them
  9. All modern and commercail stuff - the last auction was a bun fight
  10. Just get them to use a Tapley Meter
  11. Sadly, in this modern day, few folk know what a bearing scraper is... It brings me joy to see you have two (I only have one)
  12. I'm after the part number and possibly a schematic for the 200series D1 grill mounted spot lights, please
  13. A window into the soul of the engine - interesting
  14. Luckily not. Unipart built them up and you can check the engine numbers against the factory records if you know the right person. Not many were done, simply because LR set the bar so high (low) on the 200tdi before they would approve a rebuild - 2litres of oil per 500 miles for example. So no myth - fact...
  15. The RRS never did work for me - the association with indigenous travelling, caravan owning, dodgy tarmac laying folk, is just to much. However the L332 is a special vehicle. I drove a pre-production LHD 4.4 at the LRE SW. I used the same car as a wedding vehicle and on my honeymoon. I love them. The Supercharged is glorious, although appalling off tarmac. Theres a really nice one in the Land Rover section of Expedition Overland Forum. The owner has fixed all the bits that didn't work from factory, replaced the air bags with struts - it's really nice. And white
  16. If I had the money I would buy one - even at considerably more than the origional price suggestion. I'm very impressed by the design, like the looks and have heard nothing but priase form those I know who have driven one. BUT I don't have the money and am very unlikely to ever have the money. Nor do I actually need one. My disco has some years left in it - probably more than I have in me.
  17. I've competed in Autumn Leaves twice, Saxon Express once, Bramley Express once and Road Master once - in a 200Tdi and I have never had to fit an extra return spring. Actually, thinking about it, I've never had to fit a return spring for competition in any of my diesel vehicles
  18. https://www.motorsportuk.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/motorsport-uk-yearbook-2020.pdf - IIRC it was under section R, but may be superceded by the fuel regs
  19. I replaced mine with second hand G Wagen leak off pipes, from an OM617 - that gave me a spare one for emergencies. They are a harder plastic and last longer than rubber
  20. Very interesting - so much rust!
  21. One of my favourite places. I played rugby with Mark in my youth
  22. Generally, to be an expert you must be deemed competant by a panel of your peers. Hence the 'Certificate of Competance' to a level, ie NVQ2. This is to satisfy the HSE that you are competant. For example I hold a competance at NVQ 7 in pesticide management, which deems me compatant to advise on Herbicide and Pesticide application, with a speciality concerning Injurious and Invasive Weeds. I had 35 years of experience behind me to feel ready to be assessed. It means I am a professional. By law, to advice on Pesticides and not be liable to prosecution when it goes wrong, you must have said NVQ7 or equivalent Certain items, such as Creosote with Coal Tar and bulk Rat Poison are being clamped down on by the CRD, becuase they are, by there nature, not good for human life. It's getting harder to purchase such items without deemed competance - for example Red Tractor or a NPTC Pest control NVQ3 An expert is not a professional - they have no professional indemnity
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