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Everything posted by Nonimouse

  1. The only Garage I know of that's out is the Shell station on the A39 coming into Bridgy
  2. Pro-comp make dampers for a number of other companies When I look at the Extreme 4x4 stuff, I am reminded of this: https://www.amazon.com/MX6-SERIES-SHOCK-REMOTE-RESERVOIR/dp/B000CNIPMU
  3. Use an old tyre for the sump to sit in
  4. Just an aside. I used to used to go through lift pumps on my last 200. so when I put this one in the Disco, I payed out on the Glencoyne spacer. Not sure if it works, but I've yet to kill a lift pump
  5. Earth straps would be my first choice. Clean the battery to chassis strap and the chassi to engine strap. I have a habbit of adding a second engine to chassis earth
  6. I've had a few 200tdi's and they remain my favourite engine. I've done all sorts to them over the years. But this has got me thinking. Your description of the 'Hybrid Turbo' is exactly what I thought it would be. I remember the adverts and my Van Akren tuned 90 (back in the early 90's) had seomthing similar. It will have a very similar torque curve to standard - it's essential ly a better built T2. If you wern't in the far North, I'd need to pop round to have a look
  7. SuperPro can get them if you require - but it's not stock they hold SuperPro Australia is part of Fulcrum Suspensions
  8. Going back to what was said earlier, I think your first stratedgy needs to be 'check the simple things (again)' Don't overcomplicate. Then if you find nothing odd, look at what is different about your engine I don't think your gearing is at fault here - if you run the figures through Ashcrofts calcs page, you get 'normal' figures - identical to mine. With a standard turbo max torque is at 1800rpm with max bhp at 3,900rpm. Ideal efficcincy range is at about 2,300rpm - 65mph in 5th, with your set up. Torque doesn't drop off until 3,000rpm - 85mph with your set up. I'm wondering if this 'Hybrid Turbo' might be the issue. What exactly is this "hybrid turbo"? What has been done to it it? Does it match the boost curve of the standard turbo? Do you have access to a standrad turbo?
  9. I went off OME when the production changed and they went super hard. I simply don't need them that hard. I do like a Bilstein. But for the last 7 years I've been running Raw4x4 Nitro Max. 50k miles, no issues. They have big bodies, so hold lots of oil and cool well. The paint isn't brilliant, but after 7 years they are ok with no advisories. I was thinking of changing them this year, but after last weekend, marshalling for BAMA at Bovingdon, and having to do some fairly high speed hooning on the gravel tracks to get from TC to TC, lock and unlock gates etc, I think I'm just going to give them a coat of paint. The bushes are supplied by superpro, so don't wear out. loads of travel and they damp well. Only reason I ended up with them is that SuperPro were based in my village and they used to sell Raw 4x4. I bought a set, which had been built in the Argentina, just before all manufacture was moved to Canada. The Argentinians weren't happy about losing there jobs, so vandalised a number of shocks. Mine included. I fitted them and all four let go there oil in a big way. So SP gave me a replacement set, and those are the ones still on the vehicle. As and when they go I will look at Raw 4x4 again - without doubt the best shocks I have ever used.
  10. If you have issues getting through to Devon 4x4, my Stepbrother is service manager down there now, so let me know...
  11. I had an annoying click on braking and accelerating. Changed the drive flanges - still did it. Aftermarket Brake Pads (EBC)were moving slightly, back and forward, as the pin/spring set up wouldnt hold them in place. Knocked up some stainelss tube sleaves for the pin/spring - sorted
  12. Interesting thought though. I've noticed that there is always a 'Rob Peter, to pay Paul' set up with tuning 200tdi's properly. Unless you fit a boost pin and essentially throw in as much diesel as it will burn, whilst watching the rest dissapear into the environment. Running a 200tdi with the same gearing but with a standard turbo (at standard boost) tweaked boost fuelling and a slightly bigger intercooler, I do sometimes have to change down a gear when towing over 2 tonnes - sometimes two when pulling 3.5tonnes. My vehicle isn't overloaded and weighs in at about 2.1 tonnes... Where I suffer is reversing up slopes when off boost - dead like a dog. Had the same thing with the last 5 200tdi's (4 vehicles) all set up the same way, but one had 1.44 gears... If it is the 'perfect storm' then setting as much back to standard settings , as possible, might be the way. Might I also suggest a chat with Ian Braughan form IRB or Jermey Fern. Roland is more a petrol tuning and dodgy manifolds kind of guy... *please note, the dodgy mainifolds is a tongue in cheek comment and in no way an accusation the Roland or his company sell dodgy mainifolds for four cyclinder petrol engines.
  13. LR dealer will still supply Britpart of Bearmach - depending on who LR parts are buying from. As I said - better to buy known quality like Payen
  14. In this day and age, probably better to find out what was the genuine part - buying Genuine these days is mostly Britpart/Bearmach I'd be tempted with Payen and buy form a known source
  15. I was wondering about 25mm - although Mike has seen some fairly thick structural steel recently
  16. I think this is where you have to start. Remember a collapsing hose isn't easy to spot I don't think it's fuel delivery as it's smoking - sounds like air restriction. Do check the timing though - go back to factory marks and start again I'm also one of those 200tdi folk who go gently steaming past you on the hills (metaphorically) {Disco, with 1.22:1 box and 235/85x16's
  17. Fuel is relatively back to normal round here. No major queues in the local town (Bridgwater) and Ford's Garage, just off J24 of the M5, on the A38, is selling diesel at 1.36 , no limit
  18. I bullied it into place with the Licoln https://www.lincolnelectric.com/assets/us/en/servicenavigator-public/LINCOLN3/IM518.pdf I do like an ARC with some grunt
  19. For a giggle, try sticking 200 year old wrought iron to mild steel
  20. I get free travel by train through work. But there aren't any stations on motorways.. I do try to travle by train if I can
  21. We tend to keep the tanks full on the cars - or as full as possible. The modus has a tank full of E5 that I can remove and put in the Vitara. The Dub is full and the Disoc is mostly full. I'm out on site tomorrow - but not far from home. Out on Saturday for marshaling - if it happens.
  22. It does seem to mainly an urban problem. Although there are so few fuel stations left , out in the sticks, that being rural isn't as much of a blessing as one could wish.
  23. Try a Donaldson head first - it's relatively hig maintenance and does need a snorkel to fit to. Option two would be to go Aussie style and fit a precleaner up on the roof - 200Tdi syle would do
  24. That was because in heavy foliage, leaves get sucked accross the face of the intake. Early CT were all mushroom heads (upto 1990 Discovery), which, due to the centrifugal effect, spin out any water ingested Facing foward you do get a lot of rain water intake - wheras backwards it is reduced somewhat. With a Donaldson type. all the water ingested, is spun out and then leaves through a drain hole in the head
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