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Posts posted by 2drdan

  1. At last the Tdi is running and I'm well chuffed as the first drive around the block seems all is well!! :D

    A few tidying jobs to do but it drives and everything works.....

    Thank you to all who posted replies and advice to get me to this stage B)

    I'll sort out my pictures and post the problems and solutions at some point! :)

    Cheers, Phil.


  2. I have jsut put a 200TDi in my Rangie from a Disco.

    What do you want to see and I'll take picies tonight....

    AH ha, great , if you'd be so good,

    The piping for the intercooler from engine/from airbox/to turbo etc.

    The rad pipes, I've got the bottom pipe with a smaller dia pipe coming off it.....can't see where that goes...

    thats about it but a photo of the whole lot would be great, esp to see it in the RR engine bay for comparison......?

    Cheers Bishbosh, Phil. B)

    PS. no hurry, won't be able to do owt til the weekend ;)

  3. although my 200Tdi is a Defender version most if not all the electrical connections are the same as for your engine, if you need any pictures to confirm parts location just shout.

    Righto cheers, will prob (not holding breath) be ok on electrickery as I have a tame auto sparky for a mate but we'll seee how it goes......... :blink:

  4. find Les H's thread in the tech archive ref fitting a disco 200tdi in a 90, that hole is for your timing case wading plug, it will also let any oil leakage out from the timing case/crankshaft seal & camshaft seals. the clutch housing should have one too. fit the plug before driving in deep water it'll keep the timing belt dry & safe -- same for the clutch.

    if you need plugs LR part is ERC7295 or visit your local plumbers merchants they can supply a identical plug.

    Brilliant, as always a friendly and helpful reply from this forum!

    Thanks Western.

    Hopefully when this is all finished I'll be able to get out there and meet some of the forumeers....!?


  5. Evening to all,

    has any one got any photos of the disco 200Tdi engine, complete with everything plugged or plumbed in..? I'm getting toards the end of the install in to the RR and it's a PITA trying to work it out from the manual and I haven't had one of these engines before! :blink:

    oh and whilst you there, theres a smallish threaded hole on the bottom of the front of the engine about level with the top of the sump....... what's that for then..? drain plug ?

    Any help gratefully received,


    Phil. :)

  6. it's ETC7528. used on 200 disco & RR.

    Looking at microcat, the 3.5 has a 2 piece pulley, and it depends on what spec as to which pulley is used (the police have one all to their own... greedy buggers. it must give better PAS response so they can steer and eat doughnuts at the same time! :D )

    Ah Ha the elusive part no. Cheers. ;)

  7. So I'm stuck again...any ideas on the following??

    I need a pulley for a 200 Tdi PAS pump, it has two v-grooves as far as I can tell.

    Problem is as 200 not made any more it's a genuine part job and they want £90 ...... :o ug...

    So far ringing a couple of people reveal no salvage, of course the hunt continues but if anyone has one or knows of a scrap Disco with one I'd be grateful of the info!!



  8. 2 Q's for any one who doesn't mind...

    Well the tdi is finally in :) and now I need to connect everything up, fuel, air, coolant pipes being next to get ordered. I have a rad and the std intercooler but no air box....

    Any suggestions of the best model to use, I will be sealing it to a raised air intake and it is for a 200 tdi in a RRC......??

    (Famous Four have a disco 200 box for £25 plus the usuals)

    How does the tdi create a vacuum for the brakes??

    Grateful for any thoughts.....

    Cheers chaps and chapesses, Phil.

    PS. Pics of all the conversion will be added soon

  9. I can see all the points above with their merit.....however, how about some links to the Landy/Rangy vids on these web sites??? I've just got broad band back and now can appreciate the movies but would rather see LR products struuting thier stuff!!

  10. Ah ha, another convert to good 'ol diesel, it's the way to go I reckon, well I'm biased as I'm fitting a 200 Tdi to mine :) ................. but I have kept the V8 so far and will be dreaming of a suitable 'home' for it ;) ....mmm another project...... :ph34r:

    Good luck with the work!!


  11. Zeus engineeing used to do a LT95~200Tdi bellhousing, not sure if they still do.

    Failing that, why not give Rakeway a shout, it looks like they can pretty much make anything! B)

    Cheers, I did speak to Zeus, (sitting somewhere on an older thread) they needed a large order to do a production run, then I was warned off them by someone here, who i guess had personal experience and didn't think too much of their work...

    In the end I've gone for the replacement flywheel housing from Conversion and Precision Engineering, SIII clutch drive plate with cover from 130Tdi (HD) and engine mounts form Motor and Diesel........

    will be 'nibbling' a cutout for the starter this W/E ....... see how we go.... :)

    ..and yup, like the Rakeway idea....good stuff ;)

  12. mm...I'm assured it's correct and is also necessary on the isuzu 2.8 conversion too.....i suppose it relates to the type of bellhousing/gearbox and the original position of the starter motor....v8 down to the offside, Tdi at about 10 o'clock looking forward......?!

    will have to see how it goes...

    Ta. :unsure:

  13. Ok, i hear "learn by doing" floating across the ether, so having found an old packet of antihistemines I've been out working on the engines. The clutch plate does not come apart as I thought so it will be returned and swapped for a series III item. Having sorted this out I started to look at the conversion plate and wondered how the starter was going to fit against the bell housing..........transpires that I need to cut out a section of the bell housing >_> ?! urh! don't like the sound of that :o

    I'll now need to fabricate a plate to cover the gap stopping crud and the like getting in :huh:

    sorry no photos, the camera cable went to work with the missus!

    Any one done this LT95 to 200 Tdi ???



  14. so here's the thing, various bits have arrived for the 200 tdi to go into my classic but i'm struggling with the clutch plate. (hiding in doors from the rampaging flowers and hayfever attack!) From the new tdi plate (also in doors with me) the centre looks to be held in by circlip so can i swap this for the RR centre with the correct splines?? (some mention was made about series III centre being correct?)

    getting there if slowly, still waiting for a few gaskets and stuff, need to find a fastener supplier local to get studs for manifolds etc...

    Cheers folks in advance :)

    PS its the clutch plate for the 130 FTC2149

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