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Steve 90

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Everything posted by Steve 90

  1. Oooop's, Is this my doin? Sorry !!!!
  2. We'll I'd like to come up. We have a potential date clash which may or may not be an issue so until I have worked on that one I cant really commit to anything, But I am very keen. Also need to talk to Mark and see what he thinks. Then look for the other half of the team. I have someone in mind or alternatively Alan made a good suggestion for team mate at the weekend which could work out very well :D when is the closing date for entries?
  3. Mine fits very snugly, In fact much more so than pretty much any other cage Ive seen. I bought it as a kit and fitted myself. The one Ive seen since (I mentioned in earlier post) didn't fit as nicely round the screen but still just as well as most other cages Ive seen. I wouldn't worry about tube, I Ive had many heavy rolls including going end over end and its not got a mark on it, More than can be said for some others Ive seen.
  4. I have one, Very pleased with it and its stood up to some heavy rolls. I do know someone who has had one since mine and the windscreen hoop is different and does not fit as snugly!
  5. Tony, I have 12mm 12.9 cap heads in both of mine.
  6. Exactly. If synthetic does hit you it does no more than sting a bit. Far less dangerous than risking loosing a finger untangling a sail caught up in the winch drum.
  7. Nope, Only as a marker if you are crossing a track. Otherwise they are no use and just something else to think about (not getting it wound up in the winch) while you have many more important things to be concentrating on!
  8. I was under the impression they were Ashcroft but I could be wrong.
  9. Very Sad, Goes to show you never can tell what's around the corner. I've always regarded strata Florida as no more than a rough track, To think something like this could happen is unbelievable. As for, Gary's accent is usually so strong you can only understand every other word. Must have been a shock to them to find out what happened half way through putting it back on its wheels. Seems amazing the vehicle was left un-attended after such an accident.
  10. Hello Mrs Bass, And welcome. Heard anything from Paul yet??? Just had txt from Jim saying he and Adrian finished fourth. Couldn't steer all week, turning right was a real issue and steering would lock up. Only 10 cars finished and weather was poor.
  11. Morning. Im looking for a weldable ram end for a 25mm/1" shaft with a plain bearing (rose joint) and a hole size of 3/4". Steer forth only do metric size's which is what im using now, with a sleeve I turned to take up the difference in size. I need to replace the ram end so I'd prefer to have the right size if possible. Anybody have any idea's who else I could try? Many thanks. Steve.
  12. You dont have to have one but they are very usefull on the very technical stuff. Some events we go to we never use it, Then the next we will be using it all day (usually on a 4x4 adv event if James was in a bad mood when he setup ) It can, In the right situations and used well save you a LOT of time. It can also waist a lot of time if you try and use it just for the sake of it or use it badly. I reckon mine, Complete with mount has added approx 40kg to the truck, Well worth it on the whole I think.
  13. I have one that exits through the top of the cage in a similar way. After the first event I nticed that it had pulled the top of the rear hoop down about 4". Wasn't an issue, 10 mins with the body jack and it was back in place then I welded an upright (34mm od tube) from the ctr of the cross up to the top run of the cage to stop it happening. Might be worth doing before you bend yours.
  14. Err, I understood "Hi All" Then you lost me! Right, whats the best thing to get started with?I could do with as simple and as user (User is an IT idiot) friendly as possible to start with. Theres going to be quite a lot of work going on with the truck so id like to be able to get it up and running as easily as possible as I fear there will be a few issues to deal with. Also does anyone have a MAP that might work half decent with a std 4.2 as a starting point? Or one I can just plug in and forget for the near future while I sort everything else would be brilliant! Then as I get the rest of the build to a usable stage I could look into perfecting the Mapping a bit more. Cheers. Steve.
  15. mmmm, just trying to mount the ZF74 P.A.S pump on the front of my 4.2 (out of an LSE) and there's a few issues, Partly with the feed pipe (reservoir - pump) is going to end up close to the exhaust manifold which I really don't want. I could just look into mounting it else where but first I though id look into a serp front end as I believe the ZF74 will bolt straight into the original PAS pump mount. Reading through this makes me think it might not be straight forward. Anybody know if its possible with the LSE motor? Is the front of the crank long enough? Is there a front cover available that will fit? Any help/advise appreciated. Cheers. Steve.
  16. Couldn't agree more. Me actually, The insurance Co knows exactly what it is, What's been done to it and what its used for. The rep walked around the vehicle with me as we made a list the first time and they get a call every time I do something to it now. Mainly due to the fact that if it gets pinch'd I want the same back! I thought this Thread had gone into the " if you have an accident and they check it over" mode, In which case the axles and an engine producing a zillion times more power than std would be of interest. Im not having a dig Fridge, I personally don't have any issue with any of the work on your or any other well preped truck. But I also cant see how, what is basically a std 90 with a different cross member(a well fitted one) is an issue. But as you said earlier the law is an ass which is why I feel we should not stir things up any more than needed and threads like this on a public forum are pointless and just asking for trouble.
  17. Yes they do have checks. Within reason we have to be close to the national average (although there are differences due to area). They do "surprise" spot checks and pre arranged visits to just check the site etc over. There's the "mystery shopper" as they call it who will be a VOSA representative with a VOSA car calling in just as an off the street customer. They will also call in and re check any tests that have previously been done in that day and compare the test with your findings.
  18. Exactly, I can do and have done engineers reports in the past, but now im not allowed to alter my truck???????
  19. This all started out as a thread about the legality of challenge wings and has turned into yet another "throw all the challenge trucks off the road. I admit that there are a lot of trucks on the road that are not safe but a large majority of the more heavily modified ones are in a good state of repair. Its the less modified ones that someone's been round with a hobby welder and a halfords spanner set that we need to worry about and these are probably the ones that are less likely to need an SVA. My truck is 100% mechanically and structualy A1. It only does about 1/2 mile at 25-30mph on a small back road a couple of times each year but I do regularly make major alterations to it. If I need to SVA it every time (And Im sorry Will, Saying you need to SVA it but once you have done it you'll be ok for further mods make a nonsense of the whole thing) for just that tiny use then I'll give up. Where do we stop with this. C&U says tyres must have a speed rating in excess of the max rated speed of the vehicle they are fitted too. Does a simex speed rating exceed that of a V8 landrover??? I don't know but it might be worth looking at. Talking about speed, what about an engineers report for a seriously moded V8? (as I thing Honiton Hobit mentioned earlier) What's the effect of 35 inch tyres on the braking system? Surely that should have an engineers report before being used on the road? Suspension lifts alter the CofG and the steering geometry of a vehicle, Surely that's quite fundamental to the safety of a vehicle and should require a engineers report? I do think that there are many many trucks that are not safe to be on the road but SVAing all the tray backs isn't going to even get close to sorting it out as the worst ones are the ones that are just being messed with in a shed by people who don't have a clue and wont be picked up by it. As far as I can see this is just stirring up trouble and bringing something to public attention which is not really the problem we should be looking at. In contrast I see cars and trucks through our garage everyday with wire hanging out of tyres, Steering components in a poor state, Brakes below standard which drive on main roads at high speed and the customer refuses to do anything about it because they "Don't want to spend any money on it" Think I know which would worry me the most.
  20. Exactly and all the recent talk and attention being drawn to the subject is going to make it more likely.
  21. The trouble with a lot of the trucks around the rate of change and regularity of modifications will mean that they need an SVA every month or two! Think with all this being stirred up time and time again its going to cause people problems.My trucks trailered everywhere but I know that if I need to get an SVA every time I do something to my truck just to cross the road once or twice a year on one of JST's event I'll call it a day and I'll find something else to do with my Sundays.
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