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Steve 90

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Everything posted by Steve 90

  1. We can feed Lardy beer and Jack Daniels instead, Far more effective than biscuits and sweets!
  2. You down for beerz on the night before?
  3. Who's drivin this time Jase? You or Lardy?
  4. Im starting to get right excitted now, Its not long!!!!
  5. Would that be the "interesting BOAT" that Kris ended up on his side and had to winch through then I just drove straight up?????? :lol: Sorry Mate, I couldn't resist a bit of a stir!!!!!!!
  6. James, If neither take you up on the spare place we might know a man thats keen to have a go just didn't get round to entering in time!
  7. Morning Mr tickle's! Dont forget the two broken bolts I stuck back in with silicone
  8. Keep ya hands to ya self!!!!

  9. Jase we have fitted loads of them, Sometimes the impellar come's loose so they loose preasure and other time's they get noisey and can keep going for a while till they stop. Could be 3 years, could be 3 days. The only sure thing is one day it will stop so may as well bite the bullet and put one in, Save getting stuck somewhere when it does go. The early one's were real bad, the later one's seem a bit more reliable but still not great. There are actually two pumps in that unit. A low presure one that pumps fuel up to the filter head then back to the pump wher another pump then pushes the fuel forward to the pressure reg on the head at a second higher pressure so it aint as straight forward as just fitting a pump the the fuel tank unit which is probably why none of the fuel parts type companys have produced a replacement yet. When you refit it you can make the pump "purge" the system by turning the ignition to the second possition then pressing the accelerator right to the floor and releasing it 5 or 6 time's. The Engine management light will then start to flash and the pump will run. Leave it run till you hear a noticable change in the sound of the pump (1-2minutes) then you should be able to start the engine!
  10. I have a 1994 discovery disc brake rear axle on my 90 and need to change the hub as a few of the drive flange bolts have broke off and in a hurry and a very hungover state on saturday morning I managed to break a drill off in the one hole.... ......... Anyhow I have a couple of front hubs from the same 1994 discovery that have already been taken off. Will these fit the rear if I swap the disc? Id rather do this than pull apart a good complete axle which I was gona sell complete.
  11. You'll have to excuse Mr tickle,s, AKA Mark, He had a bit of a heavy weekend and things all got a bit much for him on the walk home from the pub in the early hours of sunday morning. He's probably still trying to recompose himself. Aint that right Mr tickle's???
  12. Ive not been impressed with what ive seen of them in mud but thats only and observation, ive never used them and I could well be very wrong. They do seem to work well on the harder stuff tho , again only watched people using them!
  13. Well an all round tyre thats acceptable on rock but will mainly be used in soft going is what im after. I really do not want to loose any of the soft ground ability I have with the fedima (which are very good) but would like something just a bit better on rock. I think if it wasn't for the down size in diameter id go for the simex ET's. Im thinking of going for the ET2's and cutting them as above but how much will this damage the rock performance? Will they still be any advantage over the fedima? I think the extra flex will probably be enough to make them better but who know's without trying it!
  14. Will there be somewhere I can plug my hair dryer in?
  15. Never seen Iroks in the flesh but they look impressive, How are they compared to simex in the mud? Are they the tyre that bath tub uses?
  16. Any joy with the camping then Russ or is it a no go?
  17. Well this is how I braced my bars, The brace isn't ideal as it has a bend in it but they seem pretty strong and have stood up to some very heavy abuse!
  18. Mark and Kris are very bad influences on me and by the time we get back at "shut tap" you'll all be awake, but you will have plenty to laugh at!
  19. They probably arnt too big actually, Depends if they are a small 37 or a large 37 if ya get me! Tyre size's tend to vary from make to make dont they. The only reason I wouldn't be too keen to go bigger is the gearing as I have 4.11-1 R+P's and like it as it is plus some events having a max size limit but im defo open to all options. Not been impressed with the Pitbulls ive seen so I wouldn't be to keen on them. Not seen Boggers used, I dont like the anacondas which I think are a similar tread pattern but the bogger could be a totally different tyre.
  20. Ive been watching this thread coz im coming towards time that I need to replace my tyre's. Ive been running 35/10.5x16 fedima sciroco's but they are gettin a bit long in the tooth now. They are awsome in mud, on grass, soft going etc etc and ive never been out driven on the soft stuff to date (with the exception of someone on a newer set of the same last weekend, Grrrrrr) but they are very poor on rock and stone so Ive been looking at going Simex as ive been impressed with what ive seen so far. Has anyone gone from the fedima's to simex and seen a hage difference? I imagine they would as they seem to flex way better than the fedima and I think the rubber is softer. The problem I have is I dont want to drop down to a 35 inch tyre (although the fedima is marked 35 it compares to a 36 inch simex). But although I want better performance on rock I do a huge amount of soft ground driving and the ET2's sound less than Ideal in the mud! I supose a 36inch ET1 is the ideal but I dont think they do them.
  21. Forget the legality issue, From an off road point of view does anyone have experience of using modded ET2's off road? I would imagine they self clean and grip better in the soft with a little less grip on rock etc? I like the look of them a lot.
  22. Adrian, You sounded so sure that you were gona win! What happened? Was the bribe only big enough for Third!!!!! :lol:
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