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Posts posted by v8bertha

  1. Hi all,

    Desperate cry for help here... I am rebuilding the Salisbury diff in the Camel this weekend with the help of a friend who does this sort of thing for a living. I ordered all the parts a couple of weeks ago, but the collapsible washer part number 607197 is still unavailable from Land Rover :( .

    Does anybody have one knocking about they could get off in the post today?

    Or if you are in the vicinity of Southampton or surrounding area, can I come and pick up at some point?

    Cheers all.


  2. You could get a whole fleet of genuine Camels for that sort of money!




    but you'll probably need to spend 30k on it to make it work properly!! :lol:

    Importing to the US of A could be an issue as it's not old enough. I assumed being a 300tdi it was 1996 onwards... Just read the ad again, its an 83, so should be ok.

  3. Booking?? he didn't say anything about that. Where do I get a booking form from? I think our two week Jolly over the Pyrenees will persuade Mrs S either way as to her on-boarding into the world of overland. Every year I have gone away I get back share the photos and she says she would like to go next time but changes her mind during the planning phase of the next trip, however this year she has decided to give it a go so we will see what happens.


    Ta daaaaaa.... one clickable linky!

    I think there will also be a booking form in the next club newsletter which should be arriving on doorsteps within the next week or so. :)

  4. Hi Dan,

    There is a strong chance that I will bring the trailer again, TJ tried to sell MRS S on Seven Sisters in September.


    Ahhh... good old TJ.

    I haven't received your booking form yet, do you need me to add some pro-seven sisters propaganda to help gently persuade Mrs S? :lol:;)

    D :)

  5. Jason,

    Gutted we missed you yesterday... Jen and I wanted to have a nosey at the trailer but due to other commitments (first night out without the baby!!) we couldn't make the event.

    What are the chances of you dragging the trailer to another Shire event?


  6. Kids love it! ... well, most do! Just keep a close eye on them as when its busy its very easy to loose them!

    There is normally something going on in the arena to entertain the kids. And every now and then they do something Land Rover related too!! :lol:

    We'll be arriving Friday night and will be on the Camel stand for the whole weekend, sitting under the awning to keep out of the rain. Ours is the yellow car ;)

    Dan :)

  7. If you are more like the "average" Land Rover owner who panics if something has an electric wire going to it, then you are better off with an older or more basic vehicle which may be less luxurious/reliable but be simpler to fix and the common faults are well known.

    :lol: thats me!

    The (separate) and more general subject of expedition preparation, planning, vehicle maintenance etc. has been covered many many times. The Vehicle Dependent Expedition Guide by Tom Sheppard is an excellent book on the subject.

    Check out some of the overlanding forums too, such as Horizons Unlimited.

  8. Mo makes a very good point... A trip like this requires a huge amount of planning and preparation. It seems that you are in the initial "ideas" phase of planning at the moment but I fear that once you take off the rose-tinted glasses your plans may change somewhat. If you just wing it, you will probably come unstuck (or should that be stuck??) pretty quick.

    I for one would love to hear more about your plans, the preparation and eventually the trip... and if you are prepared to do your own research and share your findings then I'm sure those with knowledge will be more than happy to share it here.

  9. Interesting choice of vehicle, but no reason why it shouldn't be able to make it, providing you treat it with the respect it deserves.

    As for spare parts... errrr... I'd have thought that most stuff on a D4 would be beyond the scope of most DIY mechanics and that if it does break down it's gonna be a main dealer job to get it going again thanks to the need for special tools and computer diagnostic equipment.

    If I were doing a trip like that I'd be thinking about a vehicle that better suits Bush Mechanics, i.e. something that can be repaired by a local farmer with a big hammer!


  10. TJ, my old fruit ;)

    The "Empty Vehicle" policy is a bit of a funny one. One of the main reasons they specify this is that they don't want the hassle if the deck-hand decides to help himself to the contents of your car. However I have heard of people delivering their cars to the Ro-Ro port and collecting at the other end with no problems. I think visibility is the main problem, if you have a load of kit on display then there is temptation. I've also heard of people turning up for a Ro-Ro with a loaded vehicle and being turned away at the gate with an instruction to go empty it, and subsequently missing the boat!

    This is why we shipped in a container... all the stuff is safely out of harms way. However you then have to declare on your import declaration not just the car, but all the bits bolted on to it and stored inside it.

    If you can, try to organise shipping where the agents at both ends are part of the same company, or at least are willing to talk to each other.

    Be aware that there may be costs involved at the quayside, such as any customs inspection costs, or storage costs if you are not able to collect within the specified timeframe.

    Grab me tonight at the club meet if you want and I'll explain what we had to do when we went to see uncle sam.


  11. I had a similar problem on my '98 Freelander. Turned out to be grime in the ignition switch and was an easy repair. Pop the bottom shroud off the steering column, and unscrew the ignition switch from the back or the barrel. Unplug the multiplug and then using a tiny-weeny screwdriver, gently prise off the back of the switch. This exposes the contacts and you can then clean them up using some very fine emery paper or something similar.

    Pop it all back together once cleaned and hey-presto, no more weird electrical problems!


  12. Hi all,

    Those of you that have booked will be getting an email tonight with all the details for the event. If you didn't supply an email address then I'll be sticking it in the post first thing Wednesday morning so you should have it all by Thursday.

    Looking forward to it, should be good with the recent rain up there :)


  13. True, LRseries does have something similar and generally they deliver what you ask for, but the choice is limited and you get arsey emails if you even dare to ask them where your stuff is after 5 days of waiting :huh:

    Agreed, if you are part-numberless then it could be a PITA, but there are plenty of ways to find a part number... google, Part numbers forum, Microcat on your pooter, Microcat online etc etc

  14. Has anybody else noticed the shiney, spangley, new LRDirect.com website?

    First impressions seem very good, you search for a part number and it gives you all the variations of the part from a whole heap of suppliers :D ... Perfect! Just what we've all been after for so long!

    I think I may have used them in the past, but as they were "just another supplier" I had no reason to rate them, but if the new website is anything to go by I will be making them my suppier of choice for the simple reason that I can specify non-sh#tpart stuff without having to phone them up first to ensure that the non-sh#tpart stuff doesn't actually come from sh#tpart! :lol::blink:

    As with most suppliers a simple search on this here spandangalous forum will turn up a whole heap of posts both commending and flaming pretty much any supplier, so I will be placing an order with them in the next couple of days so will let you know if I get the bits I actually order.

    Wish me luck... I'm going in! :ph34r:

    Dan :D

  15. Hell yeah!

    But on a serious note, make sure you have adequate insurance cover for the boat, the last thing you'd want is for it to get damaged or even worse, stolen and then have to foot the bill for repair/replacement. Could mean you don't get to visit them for free holidays ever again! :ph34r:

  16. There's a gazillion threads on here about insurance and the same names seem to come up again and again.

    Frank Pickles springs to mind 'cos its a funny name :lol:

    Footman James seem to have been offering some good prices lately.

    Adrian Flux seems to suffer from intermittent PMT. Sometimes you phone then and they give a great price, other times they are astronomical!

    Unless you are a farmer, best advice at the moment seems to be to avoid NFU!

    Use the search facility and you will find a whole encyclopaedia of insurance related posts!

  17. We had our "fleet" covered by Britannia and I have to say it was worth every penny.

    The policy covered both me and SWMBO in any car we were the driver of. One nominated car (Camel 110) had European cover.

    Trailers weren't a problem and neither was the age of the "nominated" vehicle.

    I think I called them out a couple of times and each time the call centre knew that a LR needed a flatbed taxi and couldn't be towed by one of those dolly/wheel lift tow trucks. So as Fridge says, they just call up the nearest local company to come out and rescue you.

    I guess it depends what you want... All I'm interested in is a recovery to my choice of destination, be it home or garage.

  18. Thanks for the reply but isnt this the Freelander forum?

    Indeed it is... I think Chris may have been having a "Senior moment" :P:lol:

    If you want to sell a Freelander, wait until it snows. Everybody wants a 4x4 then ;)

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