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Everything posted by Boothy

  1. At the end of the day Mach 5's were produced as a competition wheel and I don't think balancing was ever a priority, Probably better of selling them and getting the look'a'like alloys that have been produced.
  2. What are doing now Dan, removing the little nut from behind the wheel ???
  3. 12mm Marlow competition rope, Wash in the machine on No4 soft wool and delicates 40* with rinse hold after every event. KEEP THE ROPE OUT OF THE SUN WHEN NOT IN USE, OR COVER IT, it hates UV and it gets seriously degraded by it. But the best tip by far with any type of rope is, get the bitch to go halves on it, and just watch how much longer it lasts now.
  4. I feel sorry for Jim and it must be a hard pill to swallow, but to stay on top you've got to keep moving forward "onwards and upwards" as they say, I bet Simex were sick as pigs when everybody and their dad made blatant copies of their tyres, but there are an awfull lot around now, or is that different ? I will stick with Jim because he knows his products, backs them up and supplies a second to none service, and above all that he's a damn fine chap. Keep smiling Jim
  5. I have just recieved an e-mail from the MSA that they are processing my application for a non race cross country clubman's licence and that all criteria has been met and expect to recieve my licence within 21 days, No problem until the mention of "National B" which now puts a whole slant on things and poses the question Has anybody with any authority got a clue what is going on, I take it the licence is going to mandated this year, even though from my perspective the whole affair has not been unlike a "Monty Python" scene, it seems even the best of the organisers and clubs have been caught on the back foot, circumstances seem to be different from club to club, event to event and then change day to day. As a competitor it seemed to me get one a.s.a.p before the almighty rush and then avoid the possibilty of turning up at the first event with the old "its in the post"excuse, this act may now come around and bite me where it hurts. 7 days ago the only event that appeared to need an MSA licence was the XTC, now it seems I need more licences than Jenson Button does to do the British GP
  6. Whats the view with the news that it might have to be a Class B licence because of the championship ?
  7. Dave W, please don't take this the wrong way, are you something to do with MSA or very well read up or an organiser /scrutineer or something ?? It's not meant to be an insult just an incocent question, as you seem to very much "in the know". Cheers
  8. Anyone point me to where I get some Nomex fireproof boxer shorts in XXXL from, especially in tartan with little teddies on em, just getting prepared for next year....... I have already applied for my licence, just wait for the price if you need a medical......
  9. I've read it somewhere it's only for MSA run events and therefore events being run under MSA rules are a different ball game i.e not run MSA officials.
  10. Thank you for your concerns about my recent "man flu", I can report I'm through the worst and fit and healthy once more, basically "I'm back", I've always been shy and tactfull, some people call me "bashfull, but never quiet, power to the people. I don't have a problem with the licence more with the reason (or presently lack of a clear one) for having to have one, but more so of all the Challenges up and down the country do we suddenly find out at the end of January, how come every single club and organiser in the country has managed to miss this small vital point, until the season is about to comence ??
  11. Either I am been very miss informed or somebody is very mistaken and should be careful where he points his plasma cutter and his advice. So let me get this correct, the MSA insurses my well being at an event, but I have never seen a policy or what I am covered for, I was under the impression that the MSA covered the CLUB and not the individual for public liability etc in the event of a mishap, providing that the club had followed their guidelines and rules. Also any event official of the MSA also has a limited cover. The cover is quite clear if you read the MSA website. So you are saying that by having a comp licence will I now be insured as an individual, so next time out if I hurt my wrist etc they will pay for any time of work and expenses incurred, which bleedin apple tree do you honestly believe I fell out off ?? I have a very good personal insurance which is quite expensive and costs an awful lot more than £23 a year, so I wonder if the MSA do a family plan, could save me a fortune ??? With a usual blanket speed restriction of 15mph how on earth can a NORMAL Challenge be classed as a speed event ? or with licence can we now drive at any speed we deem OK, because we have an MSA licence and are insured !!! If I had wanted to do point to point, or Team recovery or Comp safari, then yep no problem, that's par for the course to stump up and obtain a Clubman licence, but I have not entered any so can not see the point of having to have one, I used to have one years ago whilst competing in road rally and stage events and a RAC comp licence prior to that, but again they were timed speed events. I hope somebody from the club's challenges this new regulation and represents its members and not just lies down and accepts more dictation from the MSA. £23 works out at less than 50p per week week, but its the principle and the reasoning behind it that irks me.
  12. Another complete and utter RIP OFF, isn't part of the entrance fee already going to the MSA. Is MSA an acronym for MONEY SHIFTING A**E's, or is it MORE SHAFTED AMATEURS ?????????? Is this going to apply to triallers etc as well and do we have to use the MSA ??????? Really winds me up this somebody else in this fair and honest country shafting me again for money.
  13. Boothy here, I haven't got a vacuum leak, thank god, what I have got is a kink in the pipe restricting flow, so it's only half my fault, although I have not tried it yet. I use plastic air pipe with rubber jointers at each end,it's the rubber thats kinked and flattened on a corner. Thanks for the pointers they are a great help, Richard, I only have 2 gauges in the motor one for oil pressure and one for water temp and both are mechanical capillery gauges, oh and a fuel pressure gauge under the bonnet. I get confused by all these clocks and things. Seems strange I use an Austrailian forum for my Nissan Patrol Y60 4.2 and you use a British forum for LR etc, doesn't it make the world a small place. Teslo, When I re-wired mine I checked using a multimeter the coil pack wiring from the ecu to the plug on the coil pack, checking a,b,c,d etc, and in doing this caused myself a problem due to the fact the meter leads I was using to check for continuity (just on the resistance scale) had forced the crimps (connectors) apart slightly on the coilpack plugs, so when metering everything seemed good good but in practice it was missing and banging and driving me mad due to the poor or no connection, even though the plug seemed to fit securley. So it was just a case of carefully retightening the crimps with a very sharp small screwdriver and all was well again. Hope that might help.
  14. It's gotta be option 3, dodgy pipe somewhere in line to MAP sensor. Nothing has changed except engine out, rebuild, engine in. But what I did is to have a massive rationalisation of pipe/wiring, making things much neater and hopefully more reliable, including a serious re-route of the MAP pipe. So there I think my problems lie. I've had Megasquirt a long while now and forgot my basics really, I was looking at tight engine being the problem but now it's all coming back and I remember 100Kpa at rest with no engine running therefore the lower the reading should be lower not bleed'in high. Back to basics and check the pipes tomorrow. Thanks Lads Chris
  15. Waxen, you've given me food for thought there, because I was thinking the higher the figure the greater the vacuum but thinking about it it's the opposite way, oohher.
  16. Kick a man when he's down, thanks lads, sniff sniff cough. I soon as I'm fit I will post mine thanks Matt Chris, cough, cough,
  17. Righty oh, Here's a problem I found myself with, following a full rebuild, I have got a Kpa up at 70/80 on tickover, 800 rpm'ish which means with the old map it's throwing fuel in. Same cam etc just re honed, reringed (although less than 1000miles since rebore, heads skimmed and recut etc, reground crank usuall stuff but nomajor changes. OK I thought do a day in it and it will come back down, absolutely no time for re-mapping (which has to be done off-road), so a full 7 hour Challenge took place, it run faultlessly but without any silly rev's used a full 70 litres of fuel on a very small site,it was difficult because it was sowet and cold totellabout smoke etc but all seememd well. Tried the other day now running like a bag of nails and extremely rich and chuggy, laptop on and still up there at 70 or 80Kpa cold, plugs black and wet with fuel. Question is, if I doctor the fuel map to compensate for the high Kpa I will have a very limited range, so to speak, how long should I expect the high Kpa, is it normal and expected, all other paramaters, settings, readings, temps etc look good to me. So all i did was to reduce fuelling on the higher Kpa's to weaken it, but that also causes me concerns. What do you think boys. Chris
  18. I've got MAN flu, so I am being nursed and taking full advantage of the situation.
  19. Thanks for the prompt replies, the only problems with changing the hook is where they are fitted to quickstrops, sewn on if you know what I mean, which is where the trouble is in my case.
  20. I am trying to find a supplier or manufacturer of the good old yellow 3.15t winch hook,or possibly a supplier of the spring clip, which my son and winch biatch has a remarkable habit of breaking or losing, rendering the hook useless for competition. Any pointers please, I know I can buy a hook of a couple reputable winch suppliers for about £12-15 but its a lot to pay for a clip, I must have half a dozen missing springs/clips and I know I am not alone. Cheers
  21. Boothy


    I know him well and he HATES cats, and he shouts in real life too........................in fact he's ORRIBLE
  22. So you could let a 38.5" tyre down to 5 psi or so, and it might only measure about 35 inches, so I think it needs clearly defining BEFORE entry or scrutineering, because I'd be pretty fed up if I'd entered, prepared, loaded, travelled, camped only to find out on the morning of the the event that the organisers were still not clear about the rules they made. So come on clear up the matter please with plain English answers. Thanks Chris
  23. Seems quite simple to me, If you like it do it.... If you don't like it don't do it..... Non-bowlers..... off the green please.....
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