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Everything posted by Boothy

  1. Dan never used his tyres much, spent most of the year on his roof, saying that so did a few others, Saley spent most of the year on his back, trying to out drink the Southern'ers, and didn't score to many points there hey John ?? Neil didn't spend much time on his back, because Saley kept waking him up, and blaming Boothy All in all, what a good year, some good memories, just can't remember winning many, or where I left the 8th piston. Happy New Year
  2. Personally I think I would prefer 3 hours sitting around the fire socialising and then 3 hours extra driving in the daylight, Why not start at 5am when Saley's usually up and about, then knock of for an hour for breakfast, at say 10am, if you fancy a couple of extra hours. Suppose you would have to change the Code of Conduct for drivers or write an appendix or similar. We'll see how we feel a bit closer, if there's any spaces left.
  3. I thought the idea of only doing 4 rounds instead of 8 was due to these hard ressession bit times, money being tight and all that, So were are now expected to pay 20% more for 50% of the 50% reduced series, and then to be told if we don't take part in the night part it will be difficult to compete because of the points missing. Sounds like a Labour Party manifest. Merry Christmas.
  4. Welcome to the forum. I suggest you PM Saley, he's on this forum, he manafactures and competes with his own designed hydraulic competition winches, which are superb and very reasonably priced. He's the man.
  5. Saley, I suggest you take the time to look at the rules and the maximum tyre size size part, and I don't think there be to many smiles of you then pal.
  6. I have 4 V8 heads, the one's with 14 bolt holes which I am reluctant to dump down the local tip which you are more than welcome to have. A forum relay relay perhaps?? If they are any use to anybody else PLEASE have them.
  7. I've had a belter today in my local Halfrauds My son again wanted some of these high power ultra bright headlamp bulbs they do under their own brand name, £20 each, but buy one get one free, so not to bad, also a set of Bosch wiper blade's for his Peugeot 106 Quicksilver bass bin thing, gets to the counter presents the trade card followed by the debit card, "thats £44 please sir", "Whoa, hang on pal what for ?", turns out the lamps are not but one get one on the trade card so you pall full whack minus a bit of discount, so its actually cheaper without the card, work that one out, beats me.
  8. One of the lads has just been round for a brew and told me he had been ringing around after an 8x4ft sheet of 3mm chequer plate and the cheapest he's had fromStoke-on-Trent is £93 a sheet. I thought that was a rip off and about £30 to dear, is that the right'ish price nowadays, its for the rear floor in a series 3 SWB tub ??? Thanks again lads.
  9. As Nige know's I've just caused myself a right headache whilst refitting the engine after a rebuild. What I did was to relocate the coil packs to the back of the plenum chamber, right out of the way, plug leads running from the back forward, in an attempt to tidy the front of the engine right up, mission complete well tidy, certain cables and gauge capillery tubes run through the valley space really pleased. Come to start it nothing, no spark, bell out the coil packs to the EDIS to check the new wiring, perfect, check on the screen to see if it's picking up the crank sensor, perfect, bell out all the EDIS connections, perfect, re-bell out coil packs perfect, remove and check earth to block (doubled up 35mm cables) perfect and clean, reload MSq still no go and no spark, must be the EDIS module there's nothing else left was my thinking, Nige at this point via telephone dissagrees at this point I will add (smarta**e), so re-bell everything again including all earth's to ecu etc and all feeds to all sensors, feeds and supplies to ECU and EDIS, perfect, now Iam really running I am now running short of idea's. At this point with another full evening ahead and a fresh cup of tea, and having a good gander at a spare coilpack (early Ford type) it came to my notice that the connections on the coilpack are flat, very flat, and the the crimps on the connection units are not tight in fact they are quite open, these were probably opened up more than ever by repeatedly pushing meter prod's into the plugs whilst belling out. I was using standard Fluke leads and prods, just be warned gents, and the morale is check for the unexpected because it will have have you completely baffled to a point of despair. and DON'T tell HFH cause he will punish you for it. I've only written this down because some clumbsy sod someday will do exactly the same with a plug on connection somewhere, I know.
  10. I lost 8 cylinders in the same water, that was certainly not blue, but the air was.
  11. Oh "he's runnin" alright, thanks very much, luvverlly, and she still spits a little flame out the exhaust box at times to, frightens the oil burners to death, gives me funny feeling's, just does it after a big blast up hills and things, looks impressive..... Thanks Nige, your a star you know, not bad a for a Southern'er, bet you grandparents were from oopp nerth.......
  12. Some good photo's in the gallery there, well done. Congratulations and well done to my sparring partner Mr John Sales a good, fair and just result. Well I think it's safe to say the Beasty has been run in today, and I did not push it once, just cruised around and took it easy, what I did find is a pool of oil on the trailer, looks like its the rear crank seal leaking, just my luck of late, sod's law is it ?? and for about an hour the hydrosteer failed again and then mysterously started and worked again, beats me, then we got so wet and cold we gave up, right pair of dithering jessies, frozen right through, but loved it, just to cold, felt sorry for him, Thanks to Barney, Matt and the team especially the Marshalls, and thanks for the hot chocolate and mince pies, very welcome.
  13. Well its on the trailer and ready togo. Bit tight and very lumpy but I'm sure it will loosen off, so I'm not going to try and break any records tomorrow.
  14. Just rebuilt my 4.2'ish engine,C/W with a torquey cam and nothing elase to special but the old mapdoesn't seem to suit it to well, bit lumpy bit rich. So the KPa is right up high on tickover at the mo so that's probably where the problem is. No way will I have time to datalog and Ihave a comp tommorow (challenge) so I was after borrowing a standard ish 3.9 - 4.2 map just to keep it good tommorow, no big rev's etc. Whats we got ???
  15. Due to some real bad luck, an EDIS 8 module has failed, it is used to fire the coil packs in the Megasquirt system, so I cannot start my rebuilt engine yet, hopefully Saturday one will arrive and that should solve the problem. Then I will see if it has any leaks etc, so basically, yes the plan it to enter, yes I will take it easy, and I won't know until the last minute. Failing that I will marshall, and marshall hard if that's the case, and missdeamours will result in flogging with a birch, but I aim to compete.
  16. Rebuilt engine is now in, bolted up, exhausted, wired, fuelled, watered, oiled, and ready to start tommorow, so hopefully it'slooking good for me to compete providing all is OK. I will keep you posted.
  17. Never seen a lowered Peugeot 106 Quicksilver on Simex with a 8274 have you guys ?? If you think I'm letting the pup loose in the beast, think again boy's, It's still no engine in yet, I'm trying to get all the front puleys right before I fit it, back in, so I am fabricating things while it's in the stand and I can line things up easier. Not biting Mr Belton, you need a bigger worm.
  18. Thanks very much Gents, that solves an argument/disscussion. Cheers
  19. How this for an idea, Class 3, Standard body (i.e. no traybacks), unmodified chassis, one forward operating winch, tyre size restricted to 37" max, no additional traction aid's i.e.difflocks. Class 2, Tyre size restricted to 37" max, no rear steer, steering must have a mechanical link, windscreen must be fitted, no portal type axles any combination of winches and traction aids may be fitted. Class 1, Unlimited modification's. What do you think, I don't want to cause an uproar, it's just a thought. Then a percentage punch score could possibly be introduced a bit more fairly,
  20. Good mate of mine has asked me a question I couldn't answer and it is, "What is the difference with a Stage 1 V8 front axle", and I suppose the rear, I think it has CV's as oppose to UJ's which enables permanent 4WD i.e. LT77 proof, can any kind knowledgable soul put us right please ????? Thanks boys. Boothy
  21. Am I right in thinking that RV4 is Suzuki based with Toyota axles and mostly Jap, and therefore leaves me thinking it would be rather unethical trying to amass votes on a non Landover based vehicle on a Landrover forum ???
  22. I agree John, I know I've harped on about hydrosteer before not being adavantage and this opinion was shared by many others, I also struggle to see why catagorise to group 1 for not having a windscreen ???, I understand rear steer, So would a fairer system be more easily and clearly defined by tyre height, rear steer, portal axles, spaceframe, lockers, multiple winches, and unlimited mod's, An incredibly difficult task to catagorise that lot and put it into 3 classes, but newer vehicles are coming along and could take a huge advantage of the present system, and introducing a percentage score from punches would emphasise this. I agree also with the combined score from all four rounds counting. So it's either leave it alone or have a bit of a tweak, it's up to you boss and that's why you are the boss, boss. I also agree with you that it's great for the series and the sport to have this vast array of different specced and evolution of vehicles especially with this years motors coming along, but I don't envy you the task of classing them.
  23. No doubt have an heater as well now your getting older, and a pipe rack. Suit you sir.
  24. Build your motor to suit your budget and your vision of what you want, don't suffer from peer pressure, and more than anything enjoy it, does it matter what wheelbase it is ? it will never be the right one. Good luck
  25. They've got to be cheaper than ARB's, wouldn't like to be near one when the strap breaks in the middle of a comp safari, and about 6 halfshafts an hour I guess. I've ordered 4 of Santa
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