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Everything posted by Boothy

  1. Yes, I've found a person whocan supply a pump that does what it says and will adjust the pressure and flow test it for me and supply the results.
  2. I've still got the engine block in the build frame putting it back together again, broke a ring on Sat just before Saley, Shirley and Dan arrived for a brew, so I sort of sufferred for being clumsy, new ring set should be here tomorrow from Real Steel. So rush on really.
  3. Last Christmas we re-chassied mine and went from 86" to 100" without any changes really to the body, and all I can say it's more stable especially up and down steep inclines, definitley better over ruts and ditches, but not so sprightly on the tight turns between the sticks, but certainly more stable when I get chance to unleash the beast in a straight line at times. Where I was struggleing is following 100" motors over ditches and wide ruts and sometimes dropping in the middle, if you know what I mean, be OK with 44" boggers I'm sure. Hard choice, never the right one either, good luck pal.
  4. Let you know asap Danny Boy, I'll get my crank and block back tomorrow from the engineers (Dave Rushton) then flirt it back together over a coupleof nights and hopefully refit it next weekend and hey ho watch out you diesels "Boothy's back", but I cannot order bits from Real Steel until Dave has told me what sizes I need you see, soit might be the weekend after.
  5. Well, valves measured OK all about the same and no low or thinner spots, but originally this wasn't a high mileage knacker I rebuilt in the first place,so heads have now been skimmed valves and seats recut and lapped in with diamond paste, re-assembled using OEM neoprene seals and await fitting. But not being the brightest person in the world, took the bottom end out and stripped for inspection. Ther crank bearings have signs or slight scratching on them probably from the dirty sump water ingress, will get the crank checked tommorow and re-ground if needed. Oil pump gears and bottom plate fine no scars or scratches. Bores beautiful no signs of wear just wants a glaze bust (only just) and back together, broke a water stud off and another requires a helicoil or similar and a good chemical soak. The dogs danglies duplex timing gears and chains which came from RPi will now fit a mountain bike after less than a couple of hundred hours of use, they are very loose and stretched not very impressed at all. So question is who is the preffered supplier Real Steel or RPi for new bearings (Michigan) and rings etc bolts and timing gears (which one is recommended), please remember this is not a race car, or is there another supplier who can have my hard earned money. Loved reading your engine build again Ian, cocky git.
  6. What are you worrying about entry fee's for??? I should be more concerned about how much fuel that LS3's gonna use use when you turn it up a bit, the entrance fee will be trivial in comparision to the fuel bill, you won't hear "digga digga digga" any more, it will be "gulp gulp slurp slurp, more please gulp gulp" and that's before the marshall shouts "GO" At least you won't hear it much before 8.00 am unless he's got lots of Jerry cans
  7. Hydrosteer friendly..................hoooooorrrraaaayyyyyyyyyyyy............well done your up there with the best of em
  8. I'll vernier the valves this evening Ian, but I'm inclined to think your right, they are 96 castings 10 hole ones and I've bought home a set of genuine OEM neoprenes. Yes fitted on both inlet and zorst, bit gutted I've not found anything obvious to put right. Probably end renewing rings and big end bearings while I'm in bits, but feelit's probably not neccessary. Cheers lads
  9. Hey up OLD man, But surely any ovality would have shown up on the compression test with a low reading on said bent rod. I will check the rings in the bores tommorow afternoon.
  10. Hello my old friend, good to hear from you, Well pistons out, and I can see absolutely nothing wrong, no cracks on the pistonseither top or bottom, nothing in the bore's, a few tiny scratches on the lower skirt but nothing to warrant the smoke, the shells all looked fine, in fact I was quite dissappointed, all rings free to move and intact. All it can be is knackered Britpart valve guide seals,but I cannot prove it which is even more distressing. Some come on Ian give me a clue, by the way this thing NEVER used any water at all. The Northern Poof.
  11. That's 3 big fish in half'n'hour, including an unexpected woodpecker Did you see how scared of that water it was in the photo, I told it "don't panic it's not deep just dirty" but it still didn't want to go in, I dropped a proper ricket at Tong thinking I would get the punch over the water before it got to deep and was closed, but found out the hard way the snorkel had split underneath, and for the first time ever had Marshall recovery but hey in that weather I wasn't really bothered it was awfull that day. Still finished second in class. there is no way on this earth I would swap the petrol V8 for a diesel, yes I've had problems with cooling which was down to a brand new faulty electric water pump which kept airlocking and causing me some right grief, and a bit of trouble oiling up plugs which we think is in the bottom end somewhere possibly a cracked piston skirt or something similar but I love the instant and furious power that is available, oohh and that sound is just awesome, come on be honest. Come on treebloke are you doing the Northern, great fun you know and local'ish??
  12. Tonight I am hopefully taking my pistons out to see what the smokin' was all about, I've had the heads fully reconned, they're sexy now and very, very nice, but just got to sort out the bottom end and know where I'm up to before I send my entry in, but SHOULD be OK, probably beat the diesels power wise running in on tickover anyway........... they don't exactly roar off do they?????, more smoke and noise........ anyone for fishing????? in fact come think about it Saley's very similar
  13. It's a bit difficult for a driver to take on a completely new bitch who he has got have absolute confidence and faith in, it's his vehicle and ropes etc let alone his flesh and bones that are at risk when it all goes wrong. Go and see some events and get yourselves known and talking to drivers and basically learn the ropes from watching, it's not the easiest job in the world and you WILL get the blame for everything. I would not like to take on a new unknown bitch unless he was an experienced challenge driver who knows the limitations of the vehicles etc to be honest. Good luck
  14. I rebuilt the Challenge machines V8 a couple of years ago now, rebored +20", rods all checked for cracks and straightness, crank polished it didn't need grinding new shells (Vandervall replacements, can't remember the name Cleve ??) new pump gears and bottom plate Mopar one, full recon on heads including skimming 10 bolt ones, new Piper RP4? cam and followers plus new bearings, new rocker rails and tappets, all the usual stuff, composite gaskets, neoprene stem seals, everything to give me a nice reliable engine that should do a few years with no drama. But following a sump full of Kirton water last yearit's never been the same, I got into some seriously deep water doing the Howlin Wolf, the engine never missed a beat because the Megasquirt was superb but when it came out after about 20 minutes of water over the bonnet,the oil pressure had dropped, sump full strauight onto trailer for a good flushing. But slowly the engine which is only used for comps has been starting to smoke blue'ish and using about half a litre of oil per event. It smokes following a good rev or mostly when it's stood on it's backend facing the clouds and leaning to the drivers side. The plugs foul but I can never say which cylinder its seems common to all. It runs unbeleviably sweet and has amples of power, is really smooth and starts superb. Compression was about 125psi all plusa out on the starter with the throttle closed and no oil added to the bore, after a squirt a bore it didn't really make alot of difference but all cylinders were very even. Last bit of the story is last week at the last round or the Howlin Wolf I unbelivably drownded it again and filled the sump again but turned it straight of and was towed back to the trailer, usual flush out and the smoking seemed heavier, so time for a look. Plenem chamber was a bit oily and wet still but not excessive, trumpets were again slightly oily, bores were all oily to the feel but the pistons are all cleanish not heavilly carboned, the bores all feel smooth but oily and look OK. Heads stripped and Britpart (I know and I'm sorry) Neoprene valve guide seals don't look brilliant and the guides feels fine. All the inlet ports were free'ish from oil but the exhaust ones were black and oily as were the valves, the inlet valves were spotless. Took the heads to the reconditioners who cannot see anything immeadiatly wrong which would have caused heavy smoking like I described. SO million dollar question is "what's wrong with her", pistons are coming up and out tommorow evening so we could be taking bets here. My guess is a couple of stuck or damaged oil control rings, by the way it's a 3.9 block, it has got very hot in the past before the cooling was sorted and usually has about 30psi oil pressure at tickover when hot, and if it was not for the smoke you would say was a sweet well sorted motor, and no I never saw it breathe, and ALL the gaskets looked fine on their removal. And yes found where the water was getting in through the valley, Sikoflex on the rebuild. Cheers lads, bit of food for thought isn't it??
  15. What do you mean "ever funny antics", I was trying my hardest, it probably does look funny, but we were trying Look forward to seeing you all soon, your a great bunch.
  16. Twins were good tonight

  17. How wet was it today ?? Absolutely soaked to the skin, how the marshalls and organisers find the drive to do what they do is amazing, massive thanks to each and every one of you AGAIN. Only one punch today and back on the trailer by 9.40hrs following hydraulic'ing the engine, but after a drying out session she still sounds sweet, but the engine was planned to be coming out this week anyway to sort the smoking out (valve guide ?) so no real harm done. Saw a completly new side of Tong today with the rivers and torrents and high winds, but then again we are on the edge of the Peninnes. Had a great year thanks to all concerned.
  18. Don't you try and put me off John, I'm going for it on this one, and I don't want 3rd thank you.
  19. You can get (don't ask me where from) a buzzer/sounder that goes in place of one of the reversing light bulbs, or find your local Maplins (plus mail order) get yourself a 12 dc sounder and connect the positive to the indicaltor bulb and earth the other leg and you've got a buzzer for the test, should only cost pennies. If it's to loud wrap it in a rag or put a plaster on it or something just to quieten it for your test afterwards, throw it.
  20. "Although I am not in the motor trade (it doesn’t pay enough !)", Jenson Button and that Hamilton fella are doing quite well out of the motor trade Ian Halfraud's trade cards also come into their own on batteries where there are some good big savings to be made, also depends on muppet of the day on the tills wether you get it on other things as well, My sons Peugeot 106 "Quicksilvers" front brake pads needed changing a couple of weeks ago, "need some front pads mate, for a 106 Quicksilver", so after several minutes tapping around on the computer said muppet asks me "what are they?" "pads mate", bit more tapping "we don't sell them sir", after a lot of explaining what pads are and what they do, the lad gets me 2 different Halfords part numbers for front pads, when we finally find the boxes to suit the nunbers he expained " the more expensive one's are dearer because they are better quality and bigger as well", to which I replied "it's not because the smaller one's are for the 1.0ltr and the bigger one's for the 1.4 and 1.6 is it mate ? do you think?", "don't know sir, it's my first day today". The worrying bit is how many other poor souls has he sold the wrong part to who will go home strip their motor down only to find muppet has sold them the wrong part?, it's happened to most of us and it's so bloody frustrating, but the ending is at least they were heavily discounted with the trade card, and the muppet is probably on the minimum wage, glad it wasn't an oilfilter or something similar. God bless the Muppets.
  21. Don't forget he's got to get one more than Boothy yet He only just managed to get of the trailer last week, then put it straight back on, broken
  22. Come on Daan these are small'ish sites aimed at a mixed bag especially newcomers and intermediates, takes some of us all night to find the Gents in the boozer. If you can find your way up from Oxfordshire you will find a warm welcome oopp Nerth, we can even supply a translator if you get stuck with Saleys twang.
  23. Saley and myself drove around the Mow Cop site to look at punches in the following days competitionlast Saturday, We drove my 12 month old standard Toyota HiLux crewcab with little thin road tyres on it, and had a proper good laugh at nearly getting stuck loads of times and having to be mega selective about what route across a wet field we took, and had a few near misses. Great fun, no ARB's no Simex, brilliant.
  24. Don't put me in for any 2 day events, some of us have to work for a living, just look how many entrants to the 2 day events this year, 2 teams last event, no teams this event, should be quite popular then. Mow Cop leant itself to be available to all sort of punch abilities easy, hard and intermediate on different areas within a large site, you must attract newcomers and that is the only way to survive and grow. There are hard competitions up and down the country that specialise on extreme formats, so be carefull. You did not have any suitable recovery vehicles on site and the only people capable of recovery and equipped for it were fellow competitors, so be wary on having ahigh number of extreme or hard punches where novices can become unstuck as well as "experts". this post was started by Matt asking what sort of style and formatt of event WE wanted, put it to the vote of the competitors
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