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Everything posted by TJ101

  1. Not got a picture on this machine of mine,, but is the same at the picture in post 1 cream crackered Tony, just wondering, if these ones on mine, were bought new, at the same time as yours ????
  2. The picture of the bust one on Pirate, looks just like mine Also may have to have a word with David as Ashcrofts , must get round to stripping the front end, to see whats broke
  3. OK,, see if THIS WORKS then go into Defender ,, Accessory Fitting Instructions ,Continue,,,Click ALL Years,, then ACCESS then Ref: STC8015AA
  4. Dave These may help Gen Defender side step Fitting
  5. Would imagine, Land Rover's computer parts system is similar to Volvo, and most other Ford owned companies With the on line system, the only way in, is via a Vin number, Very nearly gone, are the days of the old boys, who could remember parts numbers and fitments in their head,, good old paper parts books, are now lost in the depths of parts department, collecting dust !! and microfiche when out, what 10 years ago ??
  6. Hi Steve A good few here that DID the lanes etc,, but none left down here, unless it one of the Drive round days, the closest usable, is as Walfy says,, The Plain !!
  7. Copied and pasted from another site Land Rover yesterday confirmed that it will cancel the Land Rover G4 Challenge programme in order to focus more on product launches in 2009. "Given the severity of the global economic downturn and trading conditions, we need to make some tough decisions and that means prioritising our budgets on new product launches. We are disappointed for the competitors who have shown so much commitment and put tremendous effort into succeeding as representatives of their nation. We have and will continue to take swift and decisive actions for the benefit of the business; unfortunately that means the Land Rover G4 Challenge has to come to an early close," said Phil Popham, Managing Director Land Rover. Popham continued: "We want to thank the suppliers and sponsors who formed an integral role in the Challenge to date. The Challenge played a part in bringing the adventurous spirit of our brand and products to life. We will continue to look at other opportunities which will enable us to engage with our customers and reach new audiences." A key part of the Land Rover G4 Challenge was its commitment to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The Challenge was utilised as a fund generating activity for the charity, with the aim of generating £1million over the course of the next two programmes. Despite cancelling the Challenge, Land Rover remains committed to this partnership. Paul Jenkins, speaking on behalf of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, said: "The International Federation's partnership with the Land Rover G4 Challenge has already had a substantial impact on the lives of vulnerable people in many countries and we are well ahead of the targets we set. We highly value the support we have received and look forward to strengthening relationships between Land Rover and national Red Cross Red Crescent Societies around the world." "This relationship is something Land Rover highly values and we are proud that it helps to save lives. We will continue to build on the incredibly successful partnership we have with the International Federation and the funds generated to date prove this success,” said Popham.
  8. Did hear a rumor a while ago, that is was in doubt Any more info Kev ???
  9. No way,, Happy with the puma,, One abs lead within the first week or so, and thats it
  10. I'll vouch for Si, well as much as anyone could do for a copper Nothing personal Si He is who he says he is,, and surely any help given, must be worth trying !! so if you have been unfortunate to have suffered . please spend a few minuets, and let him have any details you feel may help !!
  11. PM me a e-mail address, if you want the originals ,, Hope the bodywork, was not tooo bad
  12. A few of the pictures Inc the bog standard Nissan on AT's
  13. Will post up my pictures tomorrow,,(usb lead in the office !) For me, a big proportion of the days enjoyment, is the company of the group,, My followers. of Jeroen (standard 90), Gary (Speced 90), Grenville (Nice Jeep) and Chris (scaff, Bog Nissan Navara on AT's) were a pleasure to spend the day with,, Had no problems all day,, bar catching up the group in front, on the final section, after having a few issues , Scaff wisely took some advise, with a couple of bits, and bypassed them, but did well for his first time
  14. Oh,, sorry, my mistake,, it you then,, sorry
  15. Today's event wasn't,, unless you work 7 days ?? Again a excellent day,, more to follow later
  16. Ben,, since you have been in the water this weekend,, you can do wet corner first,, tomorrow
  17. Remember me,, the sport could do with a run out
  18. The service from DVLA is getting worse,, I have to deal with them on numerous occasions every week !!! They are currently trying to do me for a speeding offence, in Birmingham, by one of the loaners, Not a hope in hell,, cause, its been sat in the yard for the last 2 years in bits , Fortunately i also have some paperwork, when they screwed up a cherish plate transfer, on the same vehicle,, just before it was scrapped, and they inspected it, plonkers !!!
  19. Or,, A couple of us are meeting in what was the Little Chief,, now the Costa coffee around 09,00, If you want to follow up to the site
  20. James,, How the list doing ?? Someone was asking at the weekend, and forgot who
  21. And most probably never will ,,, Until the next chassis change
  22. Fair shout Les,, Work is Work,, after all, a necessary evil
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