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Everything posted by stuck

  1. Hi all, Does anybody have a wiring diagram for a Td5 they are willing to post? I'm only interested in the wiring on the red plug on the ECU. Cheers, Mick.
  2. Two door Ralph, two seats
  3. It's got too many seats & doors but it's still a proper truck. Welcome back
  4. Gents, Forgive me for being thick but does anyone have a picture or drawing of where the transfer box separates from a R380 please? I'm not sure if it matters if you remove the transfer box from the extension piece or the extension piece from the R380. Cheers, Mick.
  5. In my (limited) experience the brakes have a habit of sticking if left idle... Worth a quick check before you strip it?
  6. As per title gents, What are you using to get lube into your gearbox?
  7. Whilst you are in there change the horrible plastic head location dowels & if it hasn't been done recently the injector wiring loom.
  8. Never taken a LR gearbox out before, Is the bracket shown in the manual necessary or is it easy enough to balance the box on a decent trolley Jack? Cheers, Mick.
  9. It certainly sounds as though the head gasket has gone. I can't think how just the gasket failing would result in a loud noise though. What ever it is I wouldn't risk running the engine until you've had it examined.
  10. Sorry, Engine already removed, 4.6 on it's way mid August Hope you will show me a lane or two then ( as long as they are in close proximity to a fuel station )
  11. 1) lack of power. 2) horrible clattering noise when you put your foot down. 3) remove pig iron & fit v8. Sorry, couldn't resist!
  12. Cheers chaps. Richards sorted me out, £20 for the pair
  13. Stop fitting the HT leads with a hammer
  14. HSE I suspect converted to LPG. Post is confusing though...
  15. Steve you are a gent! Let me know what you need from the TD5 as I think you will have fun there ...
  16. Gents thanks for all the replies, Are we talking the same thing here? The LR series pic looks like the part that bolts to the engine, not the part that welds to the chassis. I have been wrong before though..,
  17. Thanks Steve, When you say V8 one may fit are you talking early Defender or P38? Cheers, Mick.
  18. Gents, Where can I buy v8 engine mount brackets to weld to the chassis of my 110? Cheers, Mick.
  19. Hmm, that's not what iwanted to hear. What are my options? I'm fitting a 4.6 in place of the Td5, if possible I'd like to retain the Td5 tank. Any links to anyone that's done this before would be appreciated. Mick.
  20. Nice looking LR Fridge (apart from being an inch too short) May I hijack and ask where the arches are from? Cheers, Mick.
  21. Gents, can the fuel pump as fitted to a 110 Td5 be safely used with petrol? I'd rather ask than find out the hard way Ta, Mick.
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