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Everything posted by stuck

  1. That's the puppy. My problem was on the relay designated as number 22, if you look at pins 87 & 87A they should be internally connected, mine weren't for some reason.
  2. It's the relay that switches the injectors. The wiring diagram I used was out of a book of lies but I think the same one is available in the tech archive on here, if you can't find one PM me your email address and I'll scan it for you.
  3. I had this problem on my CCV motor, worked through the EFI drawing and in the end found the following: On relay 87A you will see two pins with brown wires with an orange tracer, according to the drawing these should be connected together but on mine they weren't for some reason, connected them together with a shorting link and she fires up every time, take the link out and she won't fire at all, no idea why the pins weren't connected together though... HTH's Mick.
  4. Thanks Steve, How the he'll is a V8 LEZ compatable ?! (Don't you just love politicians) My TD5 is fine (121K miles), just missing a V8. Thanks for the info mate.
  5. The ones I tried were nationals, will have a try at a smaller outlet.
  6. Thanks Ralph, Problem is I've tried the two tyre centres near me and neither will do them as they didn't supply the tyres. I tried to explain that had they stocked Grizzly Claws I would have bought them from them!
  7. Gent's, Is it possible to change LR tyres without a fancy machine? If so how have you done it? Cheers, Mick.
  8. Gents, Forgive me if this has been asked a million times... I have a 110 TD5 but I am missing my V8, couple of questions: Would a 4.6 mate up to my gearbox? Would my gearbox hold up to the power for a reasonable length of time if driven sensibly? Cheers, Mick.
  9. Gents, My 110 Td5 has developed a metallic rattle from the top of the steering column. This seems to occur when one tyre hits a bump and is much worse when she is cold for some reason, I have very little left to right play turning the steering wheel and non at all when I try to force the steering wheel up & down or side to side. Any ideas? Thanks in advance, Mick.
  10. Hi Nige, Good point, no I don't. If that's the issue can I bypass in some way? Cheers, Mick.
  11. Gents, My CCV truck is nearly complete but I have an issue where the engine dies when idling with the alternator connected. If I disconnect the +12V excitation wire from the alternator it's fine, soon as I re-connect the wire the engine dies as though the power it takes to drive the alternator is too much for it. It's not an issue if I apply my right foot to the loud pedal, engine runs fine and the alternator is putting out 13.5V. The engine, auto box and ignition components are all from a '90 RRC 3.9. The only thing I don't have connected on the wiring side is the park / neutral switch into the ECU, could that be the issue? If not any ideas? Thanks, Mick.
  12. Gent's, I need a part number please. I've managed to lose one of the big dished washers that clamp up against the radius arm bushes (the ones at the chassis mounting end) Donor truck was a '90 RRC 3.9 Auto and if it makes a difference it's from the off side. Thanks in advance, Mick.
  13. Thanks leont. Welcome to the forum by the way.
  14. Have you given it a good spray with WD40? Sounds simple but it sorted the back door on my 110 commercial.
  15. Anybody else seen Country-file tonight and the article on Defenderwatch? Any further details? Have tried Google but can't find anything. Cheers, Mick.
  16. Cheers chaps. Certainly don't need wussy things like heaters so I'll just blank it off. Another step closer!
  17. Gent's, The CCV truck I'm building is almost complete thanks to a lot of help from here What I hope will be my last question is this: in the middle of the servo vacuum hose there is a "T", the centre part of which has a port with an I.D. Of approx 2mm, where the hell does this go? Engine and box is from a RRC post '90 RRC auto. Thanks once again, Mick.
  18. Have you had a look at your fuel filter? That's where I would start.
  19. Blimey, I've never seen one that close to letting go"
  20. Bowie you have PM if you could take a look please.
  21. ^^^ as above, if you have decent suspension the ARB's can be removed with no Ill effects.
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