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Everything posted by stuck

  1. Iomlt, Any chance you could tell me where you bought that cage? Mick.
  2. I'm running 35's with a three inch suspension lift, chopped arches and + 75mm arches. Dosen't catch due to axle articulation but rubs a bit on full lock (easy fix, just haven't got around to it yet ) Mick.
  3. AC Tig! I'll get my coat.
  4. I'm with Chris, Have seen so many solder joints fail! As the man said, beg, steel or borrow a hydraulic crimper! Mick.
  5. Thanks Bish, As you have indicated it's dry turns that I'm having problems with, will go the gym Mick.
  6. Hi all, Quick question, would you expect the power steering pump on a RRC to be able to cope with the additional steering load imposed on it by 12.5" wide Creepy crawlers? Power steering was fine before lift, am I just overloading the pump? Cheers, Mick.
  7. Sorry for hijacking but can anybody recommend anything similar in the Lancashire / Yorkshire region? Many thanks, Mick.
  8. Cheers for that, PM on it's way. Mick.
  9. I'm no where near you but if you don't have any luck closer to home I'm willing to post one to you as long as you send it back once you've finished with it. PM me your address if you want me to send it to you. Mick.
  10. No problem, My 3" lift has been purely done with suspension as I didn't fancy tackling a body lift, in short this means: +3" HD springs Long travel shocks Castor correction arms Poly bushes (whilst I was there) Dislocation cones Extended brake flexis +75mm wheel arches and a hour with a grinder. I then found that the front prop fouled the anti roll bar, thanks to advice given in this forum I've now removed this. Next on the shopping list will be new prop shafts as the joints look like they are under too much load from the increase in angle. One bit of advice if I may, before tackling this job ensure you have a bloody big trolley jack and some good axle stands, you WILL need them. HTH's Mick.
  11. Bugger! At least I asked before I bought lockers Thanks Bish.
  12. Thanks Bish, I feel much better now I know. Time to visit Ashcroft's I think! Can anybody tell me how many splines I need for a '88 EFI auto please? Thanks, Mick.
  13. Sorry that I'm asking a lot of questions at the moment but if I don't ask I wont know Just finished fitting a 3" lift and 35" Creepys to my auto and after reading all the threads I'd like to know a little more about busting half shafts (before it happens!) As I understand it this is less likley to happen with an auto box but assuming it's still possible to snap a shaft how will I know it's happened? If you break a shaft do you loose all drive or just on one axle? If you loose all drive can you limp home in diff lock? Once again sorry for all the questions but I'd rather be prepared! Thanks, Mick.
  14. Thanks for the pics Wayne, shiny looking truck! Cheers for all the opinions Gents, following the wise words about the jack coming through the windscreen I've bolted it to the tail gate! Mick.
  15. Cheers Wayne, Hadn't thought about the front of the bonnet, a picture or two would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks, Mick.
  16. Cheers Bish, I tried the scuttle but couldn't get it to fit without fouling either the bonnet or the wipers, guess I could loose the use of a back door (going to weld them up any way) and bolt it across that and the rear wing. I've got bumpers with jack points, not ideal but better than nothing! Thanks again, Mick.
  17. Hi all, Looking for the best place to externaly mount a Hi-lift jack on a RRC, only place I can think of is across the lower tail gate. Any better ideas? Piccies would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks, Mick.
  18. They need to go to either side of the L.T. input (+ & -) on the coil. edit.. now i think about it one wire should be 12v in and the other should go to the +ve on the coil, sorry about that! HTH Mick
  19. Dengie, Thanks for the pictures, I would realy appreciate a picture showing how the snorkell attaches. Many thanks, Mick.
  20. You Sir are a Gentleman! Thanks very much. Mick.
  21. Blimey that was a quick response! Are they a RR item or am I looking for a series or defender part? Thanks, Mick.
  22. Ah I see what you mean! Thanks for that! Mick
  23. Hi All, Forgive me if this is a frequently asked question but I've done a search and can't find an answer Just taken delivery of my nice shiny 35" creepys on steel modulars and am sat here wondering if it's safe to use the rangie alloy wheel nuts? Obviously the shoulder won't pass through the hole in the modular rim but the taper on the end of the nut does seem to offer up squarely. If I can't use these can somebody please point me in the direction of some suitable locking jobbies? (Dont want my new tyres to end up on a pikey's 'van!) Many Thanks, Mick.
  24. Thanks Defcol, That looks a tidy job! A more detailed picture would be greatly appreciated. Mick.
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