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Everything posted by Jen

  1. Hobnobs go with everything! ...as does Vodka I would wish you luck guys, but with your determination you don't need it Stay safe.
  2. For all those ordering those books over here, Waterstones can get them for you with ISBN numbers and just charge you the cover price converted into £'s... quite good we thought and they got our California one very quickly. We'll be getting the others before we go
  3. Wow B) We were going to go there on our tour of the States/Canada... now we ARE going to go there! Not sure we'll be doing much crawling though, a fully loaded 110 Camel on Muds is probably not the best off road tool in that situation.
  4. I will check them when I get home
  5. Have fun, send pics Ours is going out on the 9th July, but to Baltimore, so I will be watching with interest to see what fun you get up to B)
  6. Oo, he was lucky! (and a bit daft) [ geek mode on ] Is that the extent of the signs? I assume he'd passed lots and lots before hand! That'll be why we have a very large book of signing requirements for road works in this Country then! [ / geek mode of ]
  7. Good idea. I shull now be known as ELG. Nice plates Ali
  8. [ tuneless singing ] Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Pauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul, happy birthday to you! [ / tuneless singing] I know I have a funny pic, but I also know it's at home Still, there's always later! Hope you have a good one
  9. No worries dude, I feel a special 'George' edition coming up... or one on the joys of Subaru Ownership Just let me know when to bring the laptop over to nick all the info you have An OT post I know, but it bumps it back to the top for the Friday morning people
  10. Money for both t-shirts and address details will go to Fridge tonight Thanks for sorting this - very B)
  11. I only have one thing to say to you.....
  12. I'll try... I can't ensure how long it will last!! (and that has nothing to do with the efficency of the Engle! )
  13. Bugger. We'll be missing Billing But on the night of Billing we'll have our own little BBQ (should be outside the Ben and Jerrys Ice Cream factory by then! ) and try and get hold of dodgy russian vodka to keep in with the spirit B) Nicely done Si, are you feeling all warm and fuzzy now Jez?
  14. Are the t-shirts the ones with the link on the first page? (need the chest measurements as I always end up with the wrong size t-shirts! ) Will add to the poll after I know, money to JU at the SLRC social on thurs. If so, 2 large ones over here then. Perfek for the gym and the show season coming up B)
  15. Mm, not sure we could do this, there's not going to be much room for driving onto things once we're in the container... heights going to be a bit tight with the Camel I think. We're planning on keeping as closer eye on the ship as possible and being there well before it is due to arrive so we can pick up on any problems. We will make sure it's well insured and should anything go wrong we'll be buying an old Mustang and motelling it around the USA lol!
  16. Walfy - thanks No hurry of course, we apprieciate you offering B) Thanks for the contacts 92.9, we're putting together a good list of people to check out now (I love this website). Good job Dan's got a day off to sort it on tuesday! Yup, the containers have a 2.2 (or something like that) height in the doorway. It's just our jerrycan holders that reach 2.4m, so we've been told if you reverse in it'll fit ok, after all, most the Camels were shipped by container so they must have fitted somehow! We'll have the spare wheels on with less air in the tyres and ratchet straps from Chassis to axle to aid the operation and prevent it moving around too much whilst in there anyway. Gonna be 'interesting'.
  17. Thanks Ali and Thanks Bish will check both of them out ....but then I'd miss the Ben and Jerry's factory... Mmmm... Seriously, the route is flexible and we're open to options. Just got to bear in mind that the end of the trip will be December, so wherever we are we'll be camping up until then.
  18. Hi Ali Yeah, we initally looked at Ro-ro... but the car needs to be empty for anyone to ship it apparently, this has been said by everyone we have spoken to. People tell stories about turning up with a fully loaded car and telling the shippers to 'take it or you won't get our money' but frankly with 4 1/2 months for our trip I'm not prepared to take that risk, I don't want to spend the first month reorganising shipping. It'll be obvious theres things in it as there'll be bikes on the back etc... and besides, with a week in New York planned in the post-thanksgiving sales I'll need a container (and the Camel measures 2m 40cm at its highest point) Thanks for the tip though, will pass that onto Dan. Walfy... wow. That sounds superb B) Canada has been my dream since I was about 5! (as Bish will confirm as I go on and on at him about it everytime we see him! ) We're not sticking to ridgely to a timescale so I'm hoping to spend as much time there and in California doing route 101 as we like. The plan at the moment is to drive up through the rockies via Banff, Jasper etc. to Alaska (via head-smashed-in-bison-jump, which we just have to visit ) and then back down to Vancouver, so any info you have would be more than gratefully recieved, ( s2jen@yahoo.com, jen.rees@ntlworld.com or we'll be at Gaydon/Eastnor ) we have 1000's of guide books and things, but they're never as good as real experiences. I figured on that sort of driving time, we worked out milages and I think we're looking at 3,500 for that part of the trip alone. ...isn't it always the last thing to organise that's the most annoying?!
  19. Margaret, thanks sooooooooo much for your reply... so many people have just given us funny looks or lauched into horror stories It's good to hear some good news!! We have found a couple of shipping agents who seem to offer what you recommend, but they're all based in Felixstowe, hense the search for some more advice or a company in Southampton. This does seem to be the last major step and once this is sorted I'll be able to start geting properly excited! I have to ask - where's the next trip for your 110 then? Have the previous 2 been Africa? ...so much world so little time ...I just can't wait to get to Canada... B) Oh, and James, I love you too! [ being very grown up and ignoring the comment about my boobs ]
  20. He did... although it wasn't that bit of Bunny Lane and his primera didn't really look like that! I took my Scooby to Bunny lane too... I did have some pics somewhere but can't find them now Oi Jon, I'm watching you
  21. lol! Don't worry, he'll just join the other 2 fluffy camels positioned elsewhere in the vehicle... I'm starting to think we needed a Camel 130 to carry all the Camel related fluffy toys around!
  22. lol! 'Lift and Separate...'
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