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Everything posted by Jen

  1. Got a weekend off! B) Gym tonight then spending tomorrow morning working on finishing decorating the bathroom (we put the new suite in in Feb!), I'll probably spend the rest of the day cleaning the house and sorting stuff out. Sat night we're cycling down to Friends for good food and drink Sunday I'd like to get out to do a bit of walking/cycling in the Forest with my Camera what will really happen: I'll spend several hours in the garage staring aimlessly at the Series before dispearing and then I'll pretend to clean whilst dancing around the lounge to a music Channel. Dan will 'work on Charlie/Bertha' which really means stand next to Charlie/Bertha holding a spanner whilst talking to Shire Committee/Club members all day.
  2. Eye - 'biro' us in if possible please B) If it's anything like last Christmas we would have done the 800 mile rounds* of visiting the relatives and be needing the break and fresh air * assuming the Camel doesn't break down in Colchester again!
  3. Saw this on 'Scoobynet' - can't argue with the logic!: What we need is more pirates, see below As you can see, global temps have increased steadily, as pirate populations have decreased. So, do your bit! Here are a few tips to increasing pirate populations in your area: * Speak with/write to the government to increase the awareness of global warming (a.k.a. pirate population reduction…or PPR). * Use fuel efficient vehicles. * Drive smart, drive less. * Buy energy efficient appliances. * Replace your light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs. * Choose renewable energy. * Find gold and bury it all over the world. * Start every sentence with "Yarr" In all seriousness, I wouldn't mind if I thought the money was going to be spent well and the policies well thought out. Helping the planet will never be a bad thing and as a specialism of my degree there are as many arguements that we *do* cause damage as we don't. If we could truely tax damaging practises and offer grants for using suitable alternatives then using the revenue to help solve problems such as China/Asia then I would probably fall off my chair with amazment... however, I think they're likley to tax the easy targets - gas guzzlers, air travel whilst ignoring the real polluters e.g. lack of recylcing facilties for business/packaging in shops. It never fails to amaze me - in the Isle of Wight yesterday planning for a large wind farm was turned down (yes, I know the for and against arguements from an environmental point of view) - but why was it turned down? Because it didn't look nice. Oh well. Dan and I spent last night talking about how we can save money, i.e. using hte grants for cavity wall insulation/loft insulation and potentially getting a 'run around' instead of using the Camel. I've already sold my Subaru and I'd be lieing if I said the potential green taxes had nothing to do with it.
  4. Ahhhhhh, but that would require sensible rational thinking!
  5. It wasn't 4x4's, it was high polluting vehicles (bloody media! ) ...I'd reckon it would be done on a system like the tax disc and it was for residents parking zones, so would be pretty easy to administer when people applied for their permits. Does prejudice against large families etc/disabled people - I'd like to see them attempt to use a smart car!
  6. ...now if you'd been selling *them* at Sodbury! B)
  7. Some Councils are terrible, but we all work bloody hard actually ...something to do with working under an agency I think... ( and before you say it, it's my lunchtime, I'm allowed on the interweb and I know nothing about domestic drains!)
  8. Brought a few things; axle stands (silly thing to buy first, they're bloomin' heavy after a while!) so I can get on with the Series Front radiator panel and a radiator in *very* good nick for £15 B) Seat box lids (as I'll be making my own seat box, so didn't need the whole thing!) for £2 Excellent little Series keyring Stickers , well, it's traditional Still 100 things I need, but had an excellent day with alot of nice people so it was a big success for me B)
  9. ...I have a very short memory... I also have a CD full of 40odd tulips in .bmp format (can change if you want) I used to do quite a few Subaru events with which can be posted if necessary? Doesn't matter if you use them or not, but if it would be useful for this event or future reference just PM me an address B) Example:
  10. ...if it's who I think it is, they can renew at a site day, just not brand new members Think Dan mentioned this to them at L2B.... 'bout time they got down to site day
  11. Mmm... don't recall seeing any about - but Dan has Committee on Thurs, I'll see if he can ask the others - sure they can find a way to make it non-competitive enough for the insurance B)
  12. P.S. Near Christmas means there's still lots of Chocolate about as well B)
  13. Still no idea what we're doing at Christmas But this sounds fun! Up for camping/whatever and can probably annoy a few more into coming as well if necessary? Will have to check with 'him-in-doors' first though... Jen
  14. The Mirror Ball will only be used when stationary - I'm having the hanger built into the roll cage Oh, and the bubble machine is also sorted... just got to figure out how to hard wire it... and then move onto less important issues like gearboxes... Anyway - no-one joining the J33P event? It's bloody brilliant and they're a friendly lot B)
  15. lol! ...17th Nov 2007 then Since when have you let little problems like bodywork stop you?!
  16. No problem! B) It looked most cool. Still coming appart! lol! I have the engine though, 3.5 V8 EFi, and am slowly collecting bits. Just sorting the chassis out and then 'modifying' will begin No pics as yet, the avatar will change as progression occurs though!
  17. Good point, I guess that's what happens on here atm then. Still, always useful to have an idea of who's giving you the advice.. although I guess if you use an internet forum you will be aware of those issues anyway.
  18. I did see a Cayenne at Woodlands not long after they were released... I was so shocked though I forgot to clock it's off roading abilities! This week is officially 'sorting out the garage' week, which'll hopefully mean I'll be able to get to the front 1/2 of the vehicle Excellent news re: eddie - quite demoralising for me tho' as I'm probably going to be cutting George up soon! Estimated time on Eddie then? Next Bunny Lane would be 17/11 then? Dan even spent a few hours on Bertha at teh weekend She's now 2" taller! He got very excited until I pointed out pumping up the tyres didn't count
  19. Bit of a shame though, it is a useful resource. HH and Fruity are excellent at 'campfire tales' (among thier many other skills) and FF *has* to be mentioned for his Mega'anything' knowledge and ability to bring cookies/break grinders When you start thinking about it, there's is alot of expertise on here
  20. Yeah, good man It was looking pretty B) too.
  21. At the end of the day you have to fit what suits you, don't just go for kit 'because someone else has got it and say's it's good', by allmeans talk to people and get a variety of opinions, but go and live out of your truck for a week or two in this country and figure out what you want/don't want/can't live without. We fit as little as possible high up (which is a joke as we've got a Camel and all the weights up high anyway!), but have found the spotlights invaluable and the bush wires useful, but again, it depends where you're going and what your long term travel plans are. If in doubt, do as much on the rollcage as possible, you don't need to mount everything on there perminatly. Wood is heavy and will rot eventually, we removed ours. We've kitted the camel up with things we wanted, but carefully considered, for example, the roof tent is the lightest we could get - it's fitted to teh front of the roof rack because of the jerry can holders on the rear and mounted as low as possible, in fact, it only rises above the roof rack by a couple of inches. We put it on the drivers side so the awning could go on the passengers and you'd be able to use the passenger seat as an extra seat under the awning if needed. We didn't have it coming out over the front because we wanted to mount it low and it would have meant hingeing the front of the roof rack with the lights etc. more hasstle than it's worth and much easier to hinge the side! The roof tent IMHO is invaluable. It takes us 1min 28sec to put up and as we move everynight putting the ground tent up gets tedious, especially in the rain. We also are getting a small storm tent for really bad weather, the roof tents stood up to gales, thunder and torential downpour without probelms, but the storm tents alot cheaper to get wrecked There's and endless amount of equipment you could get, but some good chairs and awning and a 'proper' fridge have proved most valuable to us When we go away long term we'll take the high lift and waffles, both mounted as low as possible, we already have duel fuel tanks and will have a small burner which can run on virtually any fuel, 'camping megastore' is good for this sort of equipment. We'll still have our proper gas cooker for travel in western countries though, I need my grill! At the end of the day - see as many kitted out trucks as you can (not necessarily the ones tht have had £1000's spent on them) and steal everyone's good ideas!! The Crichton's (sp?) (Chasing Rainbows book) are worth talking too and at most Landy show's, they proved with their old disco you can go most places with a little inginuity. get on some of the expedition forums, lots of people that have done lots of things.
  22. Well we do have one free weekend between now and then!
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