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Everything posted by Jen

  1. Excellent advice Being 5ft 11" I've removed the drivers one already, it got in the way and when it was down I was lucky if I could see the end of the bonnet
  2. Mike, I also have a Mini and would be more than interested to know which one you settle on.. (if it's an 'off the shelf' job). Driving a rover mini cooper every day and working in Road Safety sometimes means I'm driving home concentrating extra hard! Most I've seen during my investigating do look more like show pieces
  3. We visited them whilst we were in the states last summer, they were certainly busy and Rob was working his socks off. The demand seems to be high and at the time of visiting there was quite a waiting list. However, I know he was working on a solution to that problem and I'm sure Jez (dollythelw) will have the latest update. As for the axles, if I had the money I'd have a set B) The thought and effort that's gone into developing them seems emense and they did look awesome... however, I was upset that Rob didn't take up my idea of purple-portals....
  4. Well, as a true vapour builder I have a distinct lack of shiny bits but a large confluence of rusty bits B) When I first got 'George' he was a true scrapheap rescue looking like this: After a Christmas of hard work he looks like this (Deano not included): The brief is a truck that will suit a 5ft 11" girly driver with a shoulder injury, so looking like a series is a must but with some small...er.. alterations to ensure comfortable driving. I want to do 'something stupid' and with a competitive spirit to rival Rich (D-Lander) it'll have to be a capable truck as well as a sparkly party mobile for events like Shire LRC parties and L2B. I've spent the past year collecting various panels for nothing more than labour and cookies due to every penny being spent on the big yellow money sponge (otherwise known as a the Camel 110) in preparation for our 5 month trip around Canada and the USA. But now I'm back, the Camel isn't and I have no excuse for not buying shiny bits for George and finally putting some money into the project - and I can't wait Vital ingredients are scattered around the house at the moment, with the next big purchase being axles and a new chassis. Other ingredients include these: If you can't have a laugh whats the point? B) I've never undertaken anything like this before and have alot to learn, including how to weld and wtf wiring is all about But, hey, I'm a fast learner and enthusiastic enough hopefully to get through it. Aim: Something resembling a truck by Christmas 2008. Help. George thread: http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=21092
  5. Good man Good luck Rick, I have no advise to offer as I'm just starting mine I'm afraid. One thing to bear in mind though, always stick to what you want from the vehicle (although this will involve deciding first!), there will be lots of people waiting in the wings to influence you. Although advice is always good and often essential, you have to be happy with your vehicle in the end
  6. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, I wondered where the CD went when I checked this morning! Didn't realise you'd been round dude - you should have looked in the garage Cracking day, just a quick note - I drove throught that hole Dan is stuck in I was impressed with the Freebie, road tyres and a lightish vehicle is quite a good run about for Slab. That was the only 'stuck' we had that day. Loved the ride in Eddie, had a giggle in the Dlander, not having a vehicle is quite fun when you can pinch lifts in everyone elses B)
  7. He's *trucks* 8 foot tall!

  8. Not as good as Jez's, but: MOAB B) And a new set of wheels for me, that overtime paid off
  9. Nah, but I do have a tiny little mirror ball that will go nicely B) (took it down the side of the Concorde Club - a little greenlaning last night, it's very cool!)
  10. Christmas Day 2008 sounds good for me too If I can make Shires September 7Sisters I'll try, but I think Christmas 2008 is...er... more realistic?! Biscuits and cakes for all forum members at a suitable event if I fail! B) Al, I'm SO glad you have one of those to B) Here's my start point... series and donor series - spot the difference Will start a proper thread in Members Forum when I can with lots of Vapour like promises' featured Bugger.
  11. Hense the 'winky', it was only a joke No room for a woodburner anyway and not wasting time with fiddly things - got a Landy to build!
  12. Don't worry David, I know how you feel. I wasn't strictly accurate with my post and last night was working on the drive. I did work out though that I can fit my furry slippers in my trainers so had lovely warm feet ...er... the garage is made of wood...
  13. Ok, biccies, cakes and chocolate brownies for all forum members should I not have a working truck by the end of the year I may not have the axles I want by then due to said financial constraints, but I can come up with *something* and certainly want the rest of it ready to roll! (or slide if I can't afford the axles, ). Deal. Pass me the torch and the spanner. Sod the cold, I'm in the garage.... < slamming of the back door >
  14. At the risk of being accused of going quiet and not being up for the challenge, I am up for the challenge but having had the risk of loosing my job in early 2009 become more of a reality this week and after spending 5 months (and almost all my money) abroad this summer, I'd rather save every penny than risk £100. I'm not going to have alot of money to spare and for that very reason am unlikely to be finished by the end of 2008. Quite happy to continue making our regular annual forum donation though and perfectly up for vapour build public humiliation ...after all, I've got to learn how to weld first
  15. ...and build Zuz's truck... no excuse now Possible unemployment sounds dodgy though Surely being in America for 5 months and funding the big yellow money sponge (aka Charlie Camel) to prepare for said trip excluded us from actually being able to do anything?! That's a good excuse I reckon! Still, I'd be up for the 2008 Vape-off, I now have 2 piles of carp sat on the drive (thanks Zuz! ), 8 remaining fingernails and 3 uncut fingers, I reckon even attempting to build a Landy whilst all your tools are in America has got to be worth a few points for dedication - all we have left is a box of Homebase sockets, a pair of mole grips and a hammer....
  16. Quick and concise: VOTE WILL! Simply for starting with a lovely truck in the first place and getting distracted by fast rollerskates
  17. If it does the Police will be able to prosecute the violators, worth a quick e-mail to the LDNP to find out if anyone has their details.
  18. Al - luckily for FF's tiddle taking, that's not a viable excuse as you can park up and wander around/hitch rides with friends without being a member I know because my trucks projected build time is similar to your own (However I have nabbed at least some of the day in FF's 109 so get in line ) @ Manic.
  19. That makes sense if it's NP land. ...all that remains is to become as annoying as the most annoying bobblies (but in a nice way ). If you need any help or advice on what can/can't be done or the best way to oppose or look for legal irregularties in the TRO's then let me know
  20. TRO stands for Traffic Regulation Order - they are used for everything from speed limits to yellow lines, as well as banning vehicles - and in your case you want a One Way Order. Read my post above though and you'll realise they take a long time to complete legally (or will only be experimental or temporary) and cost alot. The Police would also physically have to catch him to prosecute. It would at least make the Council realise you're serious about stopping this guy if you request a TRO though. I would suggest this option as probably been looked at when the Hof Trails was developed, but always worth another try
  21. Is it public highway or part of the National Park? If it is a public highway, unless there's a One-Way TRO on the lane (making the police able to prosecute for going the 'wrong' way) there is little the Council or the Police can do to stop it. The Hierarchy of Trails relies on voluntary self enforcement IIRC? As frustrating as it is, there is little legally that can be done. A TRO would enforce the one way, but a perminant one would take 6-9months and about £4000 to do, experiemental or temporary can be put in quickly though - but this would legally only last 12 - 18months and there is still a cost involved due to the need to advertise in the papers. ....and of course you then need someone to enforce it. If someone rang me at work with this problem I'd probably recommend appealing to the guy causing the issues - especially as you know who it is.. otherwise you're probably faced with a lack of funding and legal nightmare with the COuncil (no matter how helpful they try to be). Of course if it's not public highway then none of this applies... Jen (Traffic Management and Road Safety Local Govt. Officer)
  22. ...or just build her her own garage and everyone will be happy Lookin' good JU, just don't forget the 'hobnob/cookie storage'. Essential for all good Land Rover repairs/builds.
  23. [OT] It's important the quality vehicle gets a home [/OT]
  24. We can try tho'! Will always bring cookies Yeah! Pub! When you havn't been to a pub for 4 1/2months I'll definately be awake enough Besides, We have a 9hour wait at the airport tomorrow... and then a boring flight. Plenty of time for sleep B)
  25. We'll be there! B) ...but in the Mini Camel probably won't be back until late Jan... Bloomin' half arsed shipping people. Grr. Big plan's for Bertha and George mean no Landies for us for a while. JUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, can I have a ride in yours... please? Pretty please? Gotta sports bra and everything!
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