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Everything posted by Jen

  1. Ours has arrived too apparently... B) Can't watch it for another 21 days though
  2. Quite like it... but hate the front bumper... I do have a thing for evil looking black cars though. Anyone got more pics of the SWB? Interior?
  3. True!! 'tis really evil No worries, gives me a good reason to come home Thanks for the efforts of all combined... 24hour Petal on re-run.... coooooooooool. B)
  4. Ahhhhh, congratualtions! B) Just be carefull, I have a godson who was brought up with Landy's, at 4 years old now his Dad has to keep an eye on him as he's so good with a spanner he keeps coming up with random peices of HSE for his Dad...
  5. Well, not really - the ventilation issue surely just relates to that tent? And therein lies my point exactly Oh, and you can take the roof tent off your car when you get home if it's not built in... and even the roofrack if you want to. Don't really have that option with the set-up above. That's the great thing about Landy's and expedition euipment, so much choice there's something to suit everyone B)
  6. It also looks bloody heavy - as it's on the large side, what sort of weight would that add to t top of your vehicle? Bear in mind you *will* want to do some serious offroading whilst on expedition It also appears to have the problem most did before MyWay came along (who are still far from perfect) - there doesn't look like there's alot of venitilation between the fly and the tent? Spend a cold night in an old style howling moon and as you get dripped on in the morning you'll know why it's important. I can see a gap, but doubt that would be enough? Is there any venitlation holes inside? It looks like it's canvas? (and putting a heater in a tent will have the same effect!) Also bear in mind, you have to put it away everytime you want to move, no option for adding it to a trailer if it's built into the roof of the landy like it looks from the pics. Still, I like the low profile and that is *huge* tent! B) Unsuprisingly we spent quite a while looking at tents, my perfect one would be howling moon floor and ladder, Myway canvas tent. Sadley, don't think they'll be making it!
  7. Glad you know about that, I know a few that have ended up damaged because their owners thought they were bomb proof. If you fancy getting it out on track and finding the limit in safety, I know a good group of guys that go out on airfeilds/tracks etc. fully qualified instructors etc. The 'company' was set up by a couple of Hampshire Scooby owners who love the excuse to get out on track and know you only get the good tracks with good groups and organisation B) - I think they've have owned everything possible beween them in the past and have every type of vehcile attending the different training days. Got their details if you fancy giving it a go, just drop me a PM. The chap I sold my last Scooby too was coming from a Lotus - unfortuantly he had a disagreement with a roundabout, those body shells are expensive!
  8. Gutted! Fantastic pics guys, good to see Eddie in action and Ash looking like the happy chappie I know him to be! B) Love the punch in the air! B)
  9. As always B) Have fun, thinking of you all
  10. I'll 5th (I think) the Really Useful Box suggestion. We kitted the whole Camel out for about £40 taking advantage of the sales. They are as built in as you would need them to be, we have rope boxes either side of the rear and the boxes fit in neatly there - with a cargo net over the top they've off-roaded around Seven Sisters and all the dirt roads here in Alaska without shifting an inch. They have a million different sizes, check out Staples in S'ton (if you can bear to go there ) for a look. The advert is indeed a new mini standing with a wheel on each box, Richard's also used ours as a step ladder when fixing the Dlander at Eastor and we've lived out of them (litterally) for the last 7 weeks B) Still, I know it's probably not what you want... but they do come in different colours Look forward to seeing your solution. I;ve got something completly different planned for George... I have to keep reminding myself I have to build him yet!
  11. Only just seen this so commiserations to you from us in the USA As you say, only a bit of metal but I know I'd have been gutted to watch my car burn. Agree with all the others, no harm in carrying some safety kit. Personally all my cars have window smashers, seatbelt cutters, first aid kits and fire extingushers. As long as you know your limits and are sensible these are all valid bits of kit I wouldn't be without. The Camels even got a fire blanket for camping trips Glad you're ok Simon, that's the important thing Jen (and Dan)
  12. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but I have to say I havn't been there and *not* discovered something I hadn't seen and tried before! My visits have got to be heading into the double figures now, and to me, with a good mixture of mud, slopes, rocks and water makes for a good site B) Have a great time everyone, we'll be thinking of you! (JU, don't break it, I want a ride in Eddie when I get back - in exchange for cookies of course B) )
  13. Now when he say's restoring... the thing I have in mind can only be described as 'the slightly-camp-love-child-of-Eddie (FF's 109) -and-Petal' (see Dollythelw). So not what you'd term a classic restoration, I couldn't hope to match FF in the rivet counting steaks anyway Now all I've got to do is save the money and learn to weld. Well. Very Well. No need to finish it before we arrive, I promise I won't nick bits Thanks Mandy Good to hear from you. Will try to stay safe... although I must admit the bear warnings are a little disturbing... Blog updated... from a campsite with wireless internet access
  14. @ you lot.... cheques are in the post 1hr and 4 minutes 'till we get the Camel back B)
  15. Thanks FF, saves me a job Quite amazed you didn't apologise for me tho'! Extreme Marine, B) if you're around that'll be great. We're planning on getting internet access at several points around if we can (will be more difficult from now on as I'm hoping to avoid hotels for the duration of the trip!) so will drop you a line when we get near. I hope we'll manage to meet up with a few people from around the USA/Canada as it really helps make a trip I reckon. Either that or just get good tips as to where the Cheesecake Factories are! Well, the bags are packed and I'm going to attempt to get a good nights sleep before we pick the Camel up in the morning, but I'm so excited I don't think I will! ...or it's the air con that sounds like a low flying jet and the fire station across the street, I'm not sure which Will prob disappear for a while now, but will update the blog whenever we can Postcards to 'Shire's' will be dropping through our letterbox in England (for Becky to pass on) anyday now. Jen
  16. B) Should be there early november-ish if that's any good for you? Vague timetable at the moment due to my tendancy to fall in love with places and stop for a couple of days and also get bored quickly and want to move on (whichever mood I happen to be in at the time ) Will be sure to contact you when we get near, always good to meet or get tips from 4x4 people Just as an update - Charlie Camel's been transfered to the pick up point today and we're being picked up at 10am tomorrow to go and get him - WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Can't wait to get on the road..
  17. You lot know how to make me feel better! Lucky for you all I have discovered the Cheesecake factory... I only wish I hadn't tumble-dried my jeans before I went out Luckily we heard today Charlie has cleared customs (as far as we are aware without any extra charges which is a relief! They could have been upto £1000 ) We're just waiting for it to be transported to the collection area now (which should happen tomorrow) and he can then be released Friday, fingers, toes etc. crossed.
  18. Hehe, thanks Fridge Checking today though, as we've paid for internet access at the hotel in a vague attempt to get the customs clearance sorted on the Camel... transfering back from Washington to Baltimore today.. then sitting by the phone for the call saying it's ready to pick up. Frusrating knowing that it's sat in the docks but we can't get it! Still, two more days hopefully Fingers (and toes) crossed. Missing you all already. Jen P.S. Love the quote in your sig B)
  19. It's true I know I should like it but I do find it depressing and dull.. The worrying thing though... is I did spend much of last night downloading Barenaked Ladies... (there's no way I can write that sentance in a sensible way, I lost my old albums I used to have, so it was good to replace them ) Thanks for the other suggestions and good wishes guys There is potential, but I think it'll have to fit in the Camel as we're sharing the container. Oh, and I'm planning to pick up a few bits and pieces for my series George Nothing to say we couldn't post some stuff back with bows on though B)
  20. @ you! (You'll have to sit on the water tank.. Dan took the rear seats out!)
  21. Thanks Mike, you enjoy yours too! We intend to arrive back on the 1st Dec, Camel will probably be joining us later. Should be interesting as I havn't had time to MOT the Mini before we go, so will probably end up having to bring the bike back on the plane so I can get around to work on Monday! It was a 40', it's the only way we could get a hi-cube as the 'normal' containers were too small for the Camel. We would have had to lost 7cm somehow. We looked at lots of options: flatten tyres, ratchet strap axles to body, fiddle with suspension etc. but it still would have only been 2cm clear inside. Bearing in mind the amount these containers bounce etc when on the boat we decided to go with the hi-cube (only available as 40'). It was a bit of a no-brainer really as it was only £200 more and I was happy to pay that for piece of mind not only that it would get in ok, but was more likley to come out the other end with no damage. It's no extra cost on the way back either Did look kinda lonely in there all on it's own! Jen
  22. lol! I didn't risk it, but am planning a last weekend of Chocolate eating to make up for the lack of Cadbury's in America! (The plan to visit the Ben and Jerry's ice cream factory is easing my pain somewhat ) Ah, yes - we've seen that in Whistler as well and it's Dan's idea of heaven! ... sad thing is, I can only beat him on the uphills... still, I'll just have to practise the downhills more. The idea of reducing the pain going up for the smiles coming down does appeal Will def. check out the Colorado ones too... we should just beat the snow Dave and Jon - Thanks for the music suggestions, there's certainly a few from those lists I need to get B) Moose - Argh! That's exactly where it is going!! I'll send Dan in to look for it See you Friday still? Thanks, Jen
  23. Well, after loading up last tuesday the Camel set sail last night from Felixstowe on the MSC Christina I'm glad we went for the high cube, there's was quite a difference in the heights of the 'normal' container compared to that and its' extra piece of mind with him having a bit more space inside (and no fiddling about changing wheels etc. at the other end). He was *very* well tied down by Kingstown Shipping's main man who's been loading cars for 40 years 'and never lost one yet!' (even having one on that ship that ran aground! ), thanks to all those that recommended Kingstown, they've proven excellent so far We even had a Camel coloured container : < enter dodgy comment about bondage/ropes/Moglite here >: The MSC Christina... she looks ok right? We're following on Sunday flying out to Baltimore and spending a week or so around New York/Washington/Baltimore before hopefully picking Charlie up on the 24th. For those that are interested, our blog is here: http://usacanadatrip2007.blogspot.com/ Which we'll updating whenever we can and there's lots of pointless details (and unfinished pages) on our website here: GetMuddy should you be extra bored at work. All that remains now is to finish sorting the paperwork, give the house a good clean, make sure I've packed enough underwear, stand the Mini up ... the list goes on and on! Shire's brought us a very (very) cool cycle computer each, so thanks to you guys, I'm looking forward even more to buying my new bike now! Those Moab/Whistler trails are going to get a bit of a pounding... B) Only one thing I'm stuck with - Driving music! All my driving music is Subaru type stuff.. not really suitable for 50mph in a Landy! lol! Any suggestions gratefully recieved, I go blank everytime I get to the download site! ...please don't leave me with Dan's music choices... Jen (and Dan)
  24. We've done a hell of alot of practise and thought about overlanding recently... and there's one thing that is key (and anyone claiming to know all the answers usually forgets...): What will suit you is the best solution. 'the best' solution in your eyes is infuriating for someone else. Out of the box solutions rarely exist and it's just a case of adapting your choice of vehicle and storage solutions to what you desire. I've been some places where I wouldn't of wanted to take a trailer and I've been to others where a trailer would be a perfect solution, all depends on what you're doing and where you're going. I think, for us, we've hit the nail on the head now, we've got everything on/in in the Camel in easily accessible places, nothing inside will move if we end up on the roof, so pretty safe, and even with the roof tent (which is half the weight of a howling moon) we've been fully loaded on some serious side slopes at 7S with no problems So fine for us as a contained unit... and plans for a trailer are in the future so we've got the choice should we need more room in the vehicle
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