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Everything posted by tweetyduck

  1. So the landy is dead. On the way to the show today there was a squeeling from the front area, could have been Engine bay or under (i.e trans box or something) so we stopped at the services (1 mile). By the time we got there the squeeling had stopped so i stopped the engine and went under the bonnet and had a look. Got Julie to start it and nothing, just clicking so this meant flat battery (thanks to 2 people who stopped to see what was wrong,,, and Mike by phone, correct diagnosis on all counts even the guy in the Range Rover also on his way to the show). I decided to call the AA out to jump me and see what the squeeling was. The Alternator is shagged. No big problem as it was getting changed for a 100amp anyhow, but its failed. They tried to botch it but no luck. We set off on the way back with AA following. Squeeling started and then some imtermittant loss of mechanical power. Like the drive train lost power and then picked up again. 1st second seem fine (ish) but theres something worng in the gearbox or trans box is my guess. Sound like this is expensive and trip to the local specialist as it may even need picking up as i don't think it would make it. So the run to see it it works...proved it doesn't. Never made it to the show. I just wish i'd got the AA parts cover as the Alternator is covered. damn..... can't get into low ratio but diff lock high works. Can basically push level left and right but cannot get it into low on either side. Any ideaS? Is this is 100amp AMR4247G ? DENSO should be OK right?
  2. I'm going. Just look out for the bewildered.......that would be me. Or Just look out for the bored.......that would be the wife.
  3. As long as it will fit with the current dampner and "end bit" then i'll order one. Thanks All and Thanks Orange as if you have that one (same model) i'm assured it will be OK. TA
  4. I've read that when using the HD track rod the stearing dampner isn't required. I'd obviously like to keep mine on. Has anyone fitted the Bearmach BA220 and can tell me if i can leave the stearing dampner fitted? Thanks Catalog Wording>>>> """"Features: No steering damper required. The heavy steel takes stress off the ball joints. Rods and joints last longer.""""
  5. try here. theres lots to choose from. BTW USB is 5.25 volts max any more and you'd fry it although i run a 5.5V supply on most of my devices. 500mA usually max current.
  6. I just fitted Britpart HD OEM and i've no idea if they are any good but they looked OK. All i need now is a longer nipple as the ones supplied are too short. So my rear prop is now refurbished. Another bit completed. (the were £15 ish so i hope they are OK)
  7. theres another long thread on these suppiers here other thread.
  8. So V5C is back and now says Estate, PLG and 2950kg
  9. thanks so it looks like i stuffed enough in there. I'd forgot you told me about wynns Mike. I'll grab myslelf some for the rears. Thanks Les and Fender. Looks like i want a bearing packer and a gun for the next ones. Then theres as much as there can be in them.
  10. So i've put all the bits back. I'm now wondering. When i greased up the wheel bearings did i use enough? Can anyone give me guidance on this. I just smeared as much as i could into the bearings and smeared it into all the gaps as best as i could. Smeared a good dollop on the races and stuffed em in. I'm presuming thats enough for the life of the bearing but this got me thinking. I used this. Bearing Grease Link Was it enough? Is there a hard and fast rule? Should i buy a packer for the rears?
  11. You could by a new mirror and bond it to the windscreen?
  12. Sent mine off and it took less than a month to do but they "forgot to send one back" once i called up they admitted they had messed up and would send it in three days. I called one month and a day after sending it in.
  13. spelt wrong twice...#1 and #3 two for two,,, and thats 100% in my book. Cheers. I've replaced most of the pipes now. Only ones not done go into the heater matrix do you think i should replce these also? They weren't bad but doing this as preventative. One was nearly worn through so i wanted to change it a just ordered the lot. Missed the one i mentioned and just noticed there's some going to the back to the heater. I'm changing the header to an alisport eventually so i might as well do them all. Sensible or stupid?
  14. thanks. You're just the guru ninja of Mircrocat.
  15. OK so i cleaned it up. Is it possible to replace that lower seal if needed. I can see it now right where the pin goes into the PAS box, it sticks out about 2mm proud of the casing. Will see if it leaks in the next few days. The seal actually looked OK but thats no sign its doing its job.
  16. Can't find it on Mirocat. Thanks See pic.
  17. the weight now makes it 7. Anything over 3000 i think.
  18. If its an A you're likely not going to get it to Estate. A is Utility. i'd leave it as 2999 if you're not travelling. I sent a good photo of Plate and explained M isn't a utility its a station waggon. Thats all. Its likely a class 7 Drizz. no problem if you have local test centre.
  19. i've seen a picture somewhere of this being done with the trailer on end near the door and the landie all the way up to the other end. Now if i can just remeber where !
  20. Thanks. Farm shop been to. Oil obtained. They were expensive but just down the road. £15.10 for 4 litres !
  21. i'd check the LEZ web site to see if you're going to get screwed on LEZ if you go to london. If that shows up as clean then imho theres little reason to change it unless you're off abroad like me. http://www.tfl.gov.uk/roadusers/lez/default.aspx
  22. am i topping up my front axle with EP80 or 90 ? i lost some doing the swivels so should i drain and re-fill? i think its 2 (ish) litres isn't it ? oh how much should i pay for 10 litres?
  23. OK so the DVLA has just confirmed they've changed my V5C to "Estate" from "Light 4x4 Utility" and have corrected the weight to 2950kg from 3499kg. They say they "forgot" to send out the reviced document so it should be with me in a few days. (posted this in both threads where this is discussed)
  24. OK so the DVLA has just confirmed they've changed my V5C to "Estate" from "Light 4x4 Utility" and have corrected the weight to 2950kg from 3499kg. They say they "forgot" to send out the reviced document so it should be with me in a few days.
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