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Everything posted by tweetyduck

  1. I've noticed that on the side i did last week the swivel seal is leaking and leaving a "tide line" or swivel grease when full lock to full lock. Is this normal and is this a sign i've not set something up correcty. Obviously everything is new so this just sounds like an adjustment that i've incorrectly done. Any ideas? Thanks ps its a pretty big deposit...not just a little smear.
  2. So this is the nearside. What do you think of the signs of heat damage. It feels solid. Should i change it? Also this bearing is a bit worn. Do you think its worth swapping it out? I just hope i didn't miss the same on the other side as i didn't swap that and its all back together.
  3. ah. thats the place. Thanks guys. Might pop over to see how much they charge for a full fitting.
  4. Why have i just seen an pile of brand new Galv chassis in Swinton when i went past on the train? I wasn't aware they were made there or that there was a dealer there. Any ideas who this is?
  5. thanks. I'll give that a try. My dremell is getting some use........
  6. Ordered some bolts so i'll get them changed on the weekend. Not got any taps and dies. Did have some years ago but car booted them. Kicking myself at some of the things i offloaded for pennies.
  7. Thanks. I'll fit them for now and remove later if needed. Not sure on route yet so will leave that one for planning. 5 min job to remove them anyhow. I'm still toying with changing the disks and pads to upgrades so i leave it for then. Plus i need to cahnge the front caliper bolts as they are shagged. (photo of those to come) I'd read both side of the argument before and was in two minds and it looks like it still depends where i'm off to. Didn't know about stones though, tricky descision. Thanks all. Advice taken and descision yet to be made. I'm 70% thinking of removing them as they seem to benefit little and might cause issue. Issues i don't want.
  8. knew it was a dumb question but nothings usually that simple. Except me. i'll refit the guards. thanks! one side nearly finished.
  9. Should i leave off the front brakes mud shield? Do i use an entire sachet of one shot in each swivel? Thanks in advance.
  10. Actually i am familiar with quite a few films and none would be suilable for external windsreen use. As pete said they are for use mostly inside. It seems to be you who's getting this wrong. Lamitnate windscreens have glass on the outside (never plastic) with possibly mutiple layers but almost always glass on both sides. The film coatings used in building highrise are mostly inside and rarely outside. I can think of a few coatings for external use but none would withstand external vehicle windscreen applications. To be honset you're talking rubbish. There are no commercailly avaiable films that are suitable for external windsreen use. Prove me wrong. BTW. I worked in security systems for quite a few years and know what lamitate, secuirty, bullet proof, balistic and armoured glass looks like and how its made. In fact i've fired quite a few bullets at it ! Even taken a sledge hammer to it on numerous occasions. The films avaiable for retrofit are mostly exclusively internal. The ones for vehicles are internal. The one i'm fitting to my 110 is internal.
  11. Super thanks Luke. Thats just what i needed. Also saw Whites sliced race in the tech archive so i made two to bash in the new one. Used a dremmel to slice them. Took me ten mins like you said. Thankyou as for the condition i reccon they were good but now they're brand new!
  12. so the question is should i change my wheel bearings? How hard is it to get the runners out of the hub? Do i just hit them? Putting i the new ones might be more challenging. How do i get em in without wrecking them? I've done one swivel, pins and bearings and am just putting it back together. 7 hours for one and its not back together yet. Next one should be quicker.
  13. thanks. Les. Eventually got them indone. They were very tight. Got thread lock. Now know why the ball was knackered. Whoever did them last time left a individual bearing roller in from the old swivel pin bearing. It was just rattiling round in there. The bottom bearing is cracked and damaged. I'll post a photo later! Back to start putting it all together. This should be fun. I'm good at taking things apart. Putting them back togeather isn't my strong point.
  14. is there a trick to remove the 14mm swivel bolts. i'm scared i'm going to snap the damn spanner.....they're stuck fast. no problem i got then now. not sure two spanners linked is safe but hey, what the hell
  15. Theres no wheels on mine so be difficult to take. Thanks for the bump. Always helps to be reminded... everyone in the north is honest anyhow.
  16. not sure any film would stand up to outside on the windscreen. If the glass is pitted whats "plastic" going to be like? I bet even the wipers scratch it and then you'll get terrible glare at night. Inside would work for safty and security and they smake security film specifically for this reason. Better not drive it again, only way to be sure.
  17. ^^^^^What fridge said.^^^^^ Steve, very mindful of that. Everyting i've said is true and i think its been said enough now. over and out.
  18. Like there’s even an option to get unbanned and I’d even shop there again anyhow. Get real. Why would anyone want to be treated with so much disrespect and outright rudeness and still want to shop there? The person in question might eventually learn that customer service is a part of business and to frankly abuse customers who are willing to spend money in their store is just not financially sustainable. I'd copy his snotty Emails here so you can see what a complete waste of time he is but i can't be bothered. He obviously thinks its OK to deliver this type of service and if only one other person doesn't buy something there due to my comments then I’ve helped that person make a better choice of supplier. If i ran my company in the same way I’d go out of business. I only asked two simple questions and received a barrage of terms and conditions. When i said OK and asked to swap something for a more expensive part he just got nasty. I'd actually call it arrogance. I must have been so privileged to shop there. Well i'm very happy with the other supplier even if some parts are more expensive, others are less. To comment to Retroanaconda, i actully went to LRSeries as the are "local" and i commented on this to them and still got the same attitude. I'd rather keep my business local and support my local commerce. Not in this case, well not any longer. I also agree if they are showing an item in stock it should be same day dispatch unless its a larger order and they ship together. This could be an option on the web site. One other site i use offers this option although it sometimes costs slightly more in postage which i'm happy to pay if i need things quickly. This should be the same with all suplliers however it seems only the bigger ones are able to accomodate. Obviously due to staff numbers and IT systems.
  19. so thats them added to the shopping list. Thanks.
  20. Thanks Mike....there's only two wheels now and two axle stands and they don't spin round properly.
  21. Dominic is the arse i had to deal with. I mistakenly called him Duncan before (few times actually). Its strange how hes been nice to some and not to others. Just wait till seomthing goes wrong a see how nice he stays. I agree they are cheaper but I'm happy to pay for good service. Since hes "banned" me from shopping there i've not got a lot of choice anyhow. I can honestly say i've never heard of any retailer banning anyone from buying product. Just seems like lunacy. After all i only asked for a delivery date and questioned why the status had not updated in two working days. Obviously i hit a nerve. £35 is a lot on £200 though...Brit-Car needs to look at thier pricing to compete.
  22. Fridge, My bits just arrived with one item on back order and two small items missing or miss picked. I suspect you may to get a couple of items miss picked if its a massive order like mine. These things happen and i'm happy it nearly all came and really happy with the service and support. Helpful, friendly and contactable which is half the battle. If i get the miss picked items before the end of the week they can have A+, 100% and five stars. If not they get a B minus. I agree the web site isn't as good as LRSeries so i use both to help me choose my parts Is a shame that LRSeries' Duncan is a snotty arse IMHO.
  23. very helpful for me. I'm glad theres another novice here.....I'll be doing this myself soon and those new turrets might be a purchase to make. Are they as good as solid ones???
  24. All the parts arrived today. I say all,,as there's a back order and some little stuff missing. Considering its was a big order they've done as well as i expected. Well done Brit-Car. (missing an two intetnal Hub seals and two lock washers so no biggy) Now i've just got to decide which order to do stuff. Once i remove a corner/swivel i can hardly drive to the speicalist and ask for help. So i'll be relying on you helpful lot.
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