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Mo Murphy

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Everything posted by Mo Murphy

  1. Going electric then Simon ? I used one of these to blank the lift pump aperture. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/STAINLESS-Fuel-Lift-Pump-Blank-Plate-Land-Range-Rover-200-300-TDI-Diesel-P38-/252404691741?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286 One day I'll drop the sump from the 90 and fish out the lift pump linkages that went AWOL over the years ! HTH Mo
  2. It's never tripped yet whilst laning. Mo
  3. Mine runs with the stop solenoid wiring and goes through the inertia switch to knock it off in the event of a prang. Mo
  4. I'm going to need 2 cans of petrol for one of those hideous monsters ! Just when you thought Gerry couldn't design anything uglier than his "90" and "110" this monstrosity turns up 🥴 Mo
  5. I just ran mine along the top of the chassis longitudinal when I rechassised mine. Easy peasy. Mo
  6. I've used the same electric pump as Reb. If mounting on the bulkhead you'll really need to mount it on a couple of rubber bobbins to keep the noise down. All works very well, no more playing silly buggers trying to fill a new fuel filter, just open the bleed bolt and switch on the ignition ! It's worth it just for that 😁 Mo
  7. I've just bought a set of these and so far so good. https://www.paddockspares.com/pm225-zinc-plated-wheel-nut.html Mo
  8. I put a set of superpro on mine when I rebuilt it. They worked well but lasted 20k miles before being worn out. I used orange Polybush on the previous 90 but that was nearly 20 years ago and IIRC were also good but short lived. Now on genuine rubber, 30k miles in and not requiring replacement yet. All the genuine I've seen have been rubber not poly. HTH Mo
  9. Feel the love ! 😍 Mo
  10. Come on, Rich 🤣 Mo
  11. Christ Jeff, who'd have thought you'd be competition for Nige ! 🤣 Get well soon chap Mo
  12. I've been happy enough with the genuine replacement chassis on mine to get a galvanised Marsland replacement IF the time ever comes for it to need replacement. Mo
  13. Or you could do it all with relays off of one small switch but Steve's suggestion has the benefit of simplicity and requires only the use of your addled brains 😁 Mo
  14. Once a month ! You're spoiled Sir ! Mo
  15. If you put a switch in the VSRs earth wire, then you can switch it off 👍 That will isolate it and anything on the Aux side. Mo
  16. Are you referring to the diff lock dog ? Mo
  17. Or you may be as young and impressionable as I remember. Werthers ? Mo 😁
  18. Especially one as soft and tender as yours young Ross 😊 Mo
  19. The scrapers that take Stanley blades are very useful for scraping gasket faces. You'll get them at any hardware shop. Mo
  20. I thought 2 pack was shot dead ! Mo 😬
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