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Mo Murphy

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Everything posted by Mo Murphy

  1. Bruce, it's early sunday morning here, I wouldn't expect too many answers if I were you just yet. As for gearboxes, it's not a matter of LR offering different gearboxes; the lt77 is an older gearbox and the r380 is a later gearbox. Which is the most suitable for the task you have in mind depends on the engine that you are going to use and the practicalities of fitting that gearbox to the engine. I have an lt 77 on the back of my 300 tdi for no other reason than it was there when I bought it, it has 5 gears and a reverse and was exchanged for an exchange from Ashcrofts a couple of years ago. I can't see what difference fitting an r380 would make to mine ! If you want a stronger gearbox then go for the 4 speed lt95 from an old manual Rangy or the later Lt85 5 speed santana box. If you want to be exotic and gain lots of kudos then fit an auto. HTH Mo
  2. I had one but I have no idea what it was off I'm afraid. I replaced mine with a standard 300 turbo as I had no need for the added complication of such items. Mo
  3. I have never seen a good word written about them, except in adverts. Mo
  4. Looking good Tony. You're certainly getting the hang of it now Now turn up the volts and the wire speed and do it more quickly The time has come to get some thinner material and to learn about setting your welder up to deal with different thicknesses of material ( and how to fill up the holes you've blown ) Bravo ! Mo
  5. It would appear that they were unable to get the printing done. I don't know if Headhunter has put his order in yet. Mo
  6. Good progress Tony ! Keep practicing. Remember a ) to make sure that you are comfortable before starting the weld and b ) watch what is happening in the pool where the light is brightest, if you watch what is happening you can correct the weld as you progress (lots of beginners don't see their weld until they are finished and take off their mask ) Mo
  7. Aha, maths/physics dunce I'll go and stand in the corner ..... Mo
  8. If you were to double line it, wouldn't that halve the load to 2350 kg ? Mo
  9. I think the chequer plate is a bit overdone Mo
  10. Doesn't everything go better than a 2.5 Na lump ? Well, apart from a 2 1\4 Na lump Mo
  11. Cue the Hovis advert music - I remember when this were all fields ... Mo
  12. Tony and Les are quite right regarding the principles of this forum. I do however feel that David has been singled out quite unfairly and I don't interpret his posts as containing any more spam than some of the other businesses whose owners are members on this forum. David recently spent an hour on the phone with me sharing his wealth of experience on laning in the Pyrennes for an upcoming forum trip (even though his tea was on the table and his good lady was giving him earache) and has answered several pms VERY fully on the same subject. As a good forumeer helping other forumeers make the most of a forum trip, I'll give him 5 stars. Just my tuppence worth Mo
  13. That's the stand, although I paid £7 a pair about 4 years ago - that's inflation for you Mo
  14. The kids bought me a set of the little rectangular Ring driving lamps for Christmas (Simon's were a bit too rich for their budgets ). I'll see how get on with them when I get round to fitting them. Mo
  15. Yup, those were mine and they were great at illuminating the bonnet and not a lot else Have a look at Si's ones on his X-eng site, they are very swish ! Mo
  16. What's a blow off valve ? Does it regulate farts ? Mo
  17. Aren't they now known as "classic repair techniques" ? Mo
  18. Your own garage is the best place to do it. None of the jobs that you want to do are particularly difficult, even for a beginner and you have the satisfaction of doing it yourself and not having to pay for labour. Mo
  19. Blimey ! Some people have even bid for it and he wants more than £240 for it, that seems to be about £230 more than it appears to be worth ! Mo
  20. One other thing Tony, which many beginners forget, look at the arc, look at whats happening in and around the weld so that you know while its happening. Mo
  21. Getting there Tony ! Practice and experiment, try different power settings and wire speeds and different welds eg inside and outside corner welds and butt joints. For what you will weld, your welding doesn't have to be perfect, it won't need a tig root or multiple capping runs Mo
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