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Mo Murphy

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Everything posted by Mo Murphy

  1. Ah, that's why I couldn't find "target" then Mo
  2. Kev, Do you know where your customer with the dash above got his switches from, by any chance ? Mo
  3. See the "New Microcat" thread for Paul Mc's fix. Mo
  4. Nice find Paul I found that if you put the script file in the C:\MCLRE folder as Paul describes above, and double click on it, it will run microcat without the need to make the changes that Paul makes above (I couldn't find a target or start in, in my properties ! Unless, of course Paul already changed them) so I've just made a shortcut to it and changed the icon to the microcat one and put on my desktop. Job done. This might work for you too. Thanks again Paul ! Mo
  5. You can't win young John, she's psycologically torturing you because she finds it fun, like most women! Women are the root of all evil ! Mo ...And it was a woman who ate the apple in the garden of eden even though she was told not to
  6. Neil, a knackered UJ in the front prop will also give similar symptoms. Mo
  7. Yum Yum, but too rich for me I fear Great film of it in action though ! What a piece of kit ! Mo
  8. Well done Si ! It's a nice feeling when you get in and drive it again after you've fixed it Mo
  9. I don't remember any of it, I'm too young (he said, tongue firmly in cheek) Mo
  10. Tempt me not, satan I'd still be carp at off-road driving anyway ! It'd just cost me more to be carp Mo
  11. Double lining your winch line will also reduce the load on your batteries. Mo
  12. Mmmm, I keep thinking about a nice 3.9 auto for mine. Is this wrong, should I be ashamed ? Mo
  13. Hmm, oddly enough, I thought the same thing Chris 2008 anyone ? Mo
  14. Looks ok Paul, although I thought it looked a bit narrow. I'll be keen to see the finished article with all the finished info on it. Mo
  15. Yes, Fridge but because they're cheap doesn't make them bad ! Agreed, with all that ironwork on the outside and heavy racking inside coupled with the smallest engine it's going to have to be driven hard to go anywhere which isn't going to help fuel consumption at all, good job you don't have to pay What is the roof rack for ? Could you carry the longer lengths of material on it ? I couldn't say about the paint thickness but I wouldn't think it's any different to the others since they all travel through the paint process at the same speed, so any paint saved would be negligable and the savings would be offset by the need for a another robot programme (I think they have enough trouble with the ones they have !). I know that paint thickness is something that is checked regularly, with ultra sound I think. The ECUs for the engines are all the same per engine type so if that was changed it would be by outside contracters perhaps by the outfitting company. There is a security screw in a high collar on the top of the ECU box on the LH side of the engine bay and one in the side as well, I believe these are fitted to all UK spec vehicles so if they've been tampered with then perhaps the ECU has been modified. I think we can all agree at least, that it's not so much the van that's the problem but the specs that are forced on the fleet buyers by BTs accountants. What you need Fridge is the LWB 2.5 ltr, you could throw that roof rack away then Mo
  16. Masters are built in France Chris. The Vivaro/ Trafic/ Primavan are built here m8. With 5 years of year on year sales increases, I beg to differ. Mo
  17. Bloody hell !!!!!!! Good job they asked you to look at it Les ! Mo
  18. Are those a pair of your old red stilettos behind the hub Les Mo
  19. It's OK Chris, no need to apologise but 100,000 vans out of our plant this year (and each is an order, no more fields of vans) with the lines running 24 hrs a day 5 days a week, says you are wrong ! GME want an extra 5000 on top of that next year too. Young Fridge, regarding the Vivaro, I think your probs are more to do with BTs fleet specs rather than the van themselves. IIRC they had the smallest engine in the range and the lowest spec poss. the lack of room may be down to all that racking you have in the back but there is a LWB version As for comfort, that's very subjective as I've always found them to be quiet and jolly comfy, and I've done a few miles in them too Will, go out and test drive a variety of vans. Buy or lease the one that suits your needs and budget. Mo
  20. I'll add a thumbs up for Ottons in Salisbury, who when my belt tensioner bearing died en route to a week away, repaired it immedietly, didn't fleece me and even managed a chat with the enthusiastic mechanic. Mo
  21. I missed the last couple of posts, my apologies for not thanking sooner, I now understand Mo
  22. Could we have a thing that tells you what threads have new posts on them since your last visit like the old LRO forum. I found that really useful. Mo
  23. Splendid, Bish, Geoff and the boy John too, looking good . Can't you take the 110, Mark ? Mo
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