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Everything posted by Micky-Disco

  1. We thought about doin it ourselves, me and my step dad, as he has done some before, just if something went wrong, I dont have cash to replace anything. Had a quote from a garage I had my hilux belt done at, they quoted £230 to replace timing belt plus the alt belt, and that included the belt. The timing belt from them tho is £47, and belt kit £140 I can get a kit from some places for around £30, so gonna see if they will fit a kit I buy, fingers crossed cheers y'all
  2. well I got quoted the best part of £400 and they said that was for 7 hours labour :S I was told it may not be quite that long, but with it being an older car it might be... Thought it seemed long... Wish you were a bit closer K88 MUD Cheers everyone
  3. How long would you think it would take a Land Rover Specialist garage to change a timing belt? Just wanna see if the one I called is taking the P as I think I could do it in half the time, and I'm no mechanic lol
  4. Thanks again for more use info. Just gettin some grease and the rivets sorted before I start, prolly be this weekend. Kids take up most my free time, but i want this sorted.... cheers
  5. Cheers for the links, cant see pics on the second one as it wont let me register, problems with the site ...typical lol the first one helps a lot tho cheers again
  6. Bet you were gutted when you realised.... Cheers mate, will do that.
  7. Cheers for that Richard, great info for me... I am gonna have a try with it tomorrow (only spare time I have) aint had a chance to look at it yet. thanks again, will keep ya posted
  8. Quick question Once its started to move, how easy should it be to move ie is it as loose as the main gear shifter? Do I need to have the clutch pressed whilst trying to move it. Sorry if these are daft questions, but this 2nd gearbox stuff completely new to me
  9. Thanks. Defo gonna attempt from above. Thanks for telling me to leave it, as patience aint my strong point lol Riveting is one part of this job I know I can do ;)hehe Cheers Mick
  10. Nice one mate, cheers for that...
  11. LOL ok I'll scrap that idea. Is the white grease actually just called white grease? dont wanna walk in somewhere and be laughed at Any makes to look for??
  12. Cheers pinny I think I'll look into gettin some of that stuff Would motorcycle chain spray grease do the same thing??
  13. Cheers for that you 2, just what I need to get started. Nope I've never had it in low, only bought the disco a week or so ago and never thought to check it :S... It'll prolly be the weekend when I get the spare time to start squirting the WD, but I'll keep ya posted. Cheers for the offer K88 MUD will keep that in mind Mick
  14. Tried to go from hi to low range today, but the stick wont budge. I've read that these sieze, but can be freed with copious amounts of WD40 and stick wiggling. Now I am no mechanic, and I have no idea where to oil, how to get to those parts, what they look like etc... Can any one of you Landy Gurus give a step by step guide as to how to do this please?? Maybe with pics . I'd take it to a garage to get done, but we just dont have the spare cash these days, so any help would be fantastic Cheers Mick
  15. cheers for that, I need pics and diagrams of your positions LOL
  16. Sorry to hijack this thread, but I just thought I'd try my hi low box, didn't check it when buying... was tooo excited (newbie ) and its stuck fast in HI. Does this mean mines probably siezed too?? or am I doing something wrong?? not sure exactly the process for using it, if there is one.... help..!!!! Mick
  17. Cheers BM, think it the R380 box in my '96 300 managed to locate the switch too...google is my friend lol
  18. AAhhh cool will try that... Sorry to be a complete newbie, how easy is it to get to the switch? where is it exactly
  19. Hi Can these be adjusted?? If I put mine in reverse I get no light, but if i pull the gear shifter slightly further backwards, the light comes on. Seems like it just needs adjusted if that possible. If they can be, how do you do it?? cheers Mick
  20. Cheers Les I have passed that on to him, he's gonna take a look when he can Mick
  21. No worries mate. I'll see if I get one from this fella, if not may give you a shout cheers Mick
  22. WoW Thanks, thats just the list I need, so I can start ticking things off as I get them lol Very Comprehensive...good job
  23. On my mates disco the gear lever is quite stiff, and instead of the lever springing between 3rd and 4th when in neutral, it sits between 1st and 2nd. Any ideas what could be causing this?? Would love to get this sorted for him cheers Mick ps it is fussy about goin into reverse too... well it was when I drove it, he says its was just me lol doesn't happen when I drive mine like
  24. Just stuff you would carry with you on an off road outing I suppose for both recovery and any tools for repairing stuff that could be repaired in the field lol
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