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Everything posted by UdderlyOffroad

  1. Use the TD5 wiring diagrams, they show pin connector numbers for steering column switches. I've done the same for my re-do of the indicator circuit! The TD5 diagrams also show useful things like cable CSAs - most of it still applicable to pre-td5 vehicles. Be interested to see your re-loom diagram! Matt
  2. Dragging this thread back on-topic: First of all, do have a read of that pdf that Eightpot linked to, very informative... Can you not look at another person's (unmessed-with) FIP and set your adjusters to copy that? I can't take any pictures as am working away at the moment.
  3. You're not that old Retro...Incidentally roads are (designed) in km, have been for years, it's just the road signs that are still in imperial units.....
  4. Google is your friend when it comes to understanding the differences between US gallons and Imperial gallons....and mpg (UX) to l/100km. Conflating US/UK gallons and associated MPGs is an elementary mistake but one I've seen far brighter people than me make!! :
  5. No room to fit the Irwins on to the swivel flange? It's a spanner of some kind or mr Angry-Grinder....
  6. My £15 ebay special will undo most things you throw at it, but will perform much better when attached to a 'proper' workshop air supply, I.e. One with a substatial reservoir, as opposed to a 25l 'hobby' compressor. Maybe that was the issue with the IR?
  7. How can you tell it's there?? By the screams!! Hence the will probably just explore the city plan. Hopefully we'll be done with the project by the new year, but if we're still going in 12months you're on for that beer! :-) Interesting, thanks Jason. Unfortunately stop-over will be in Dubai at silly-o'clock in the morning. Don't really need owt other than free time at the moment anyway!
  8. Similar idea but with a posh key-fob remote: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/360394021851?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 Got to be about multiple devices now as Jason says Pedal-lock or other f-obvious 'physical device' GPS (x2?) Immobilser Not-so-obvious battery cut-off etc... Wouldn't waste my time trying to get an old Disco alarm to work on anything other than an old Disco though
  9. Afternoon all. My work have finally agreed to send me to Perth, WA to go sort out this project I've been working on...so two questions for all you globe-trotting types, and indeed any Ozzies reading this 1) Anything within reasonable distance of Perth worth doing that's 4x4/offroad related? Likely to have a day off whilst I'm there. Currently plan is to explore the city... 2) Any goodies worth purchasing that are significantly cheaper over there than in the UK? At the moment my project needs time rather than money spending on it - but if I were going to the USofA for instance I'd pickup a job-lot of Fatmat sound insulation as it's about 1/3 of the price. Can't think of anything from Australia though, unless you tell me otherwise? Matt
  10. I too managed around ten minutes. This sounds interesting though: I dunno, we're not all trial-queens with years of experience in the brown stuff...some of us are novices at that. That Californian douchebag though appears to just follow the Clarkson-mantra "POWER!" - which is sometimes appropriate, but by no means always...
  11. Experienced a wheel coming off on an old scooby pickup my parents had. Fortunately we were doing less than 30 through Bampton village high st. Wheel over took us and came to a stop 100m or so after we did! Cause was my brother not torquing the wheel nuts up properly. Not as instable as you'd think driving a three wheeler (or so am told, I wasn't driving at the time due to not being in long trousers yet).
  12. Hmmm I wasn't going to mention Crete, but yes that's exactly where I was thinking of (with apologies to your good lady!)
  13. As said by myself & others, unfortunately, as far as UKIP is concerned, the more bad legislation is passed into UK law, the better it is for them electorally. By their own admission they have too few MEPs to actually block directives. From all I have read & seen of the German TUV system, it is certainly not something we would wish to copy. Have you ever picked up a German classic vehicle magazine? A sizeable proprtion of the articles every month is dedicated to satisfying the whims of the TUV Ingenieur just order to be granted the privelage of having your paperwork rubber-stamped in order to enable you to keep your car on the road.
  14. A few pages back there's link to an official EU blog post denying the intention to ban modified vehicles. At least one LR comic has parroted this. The problem for us is (IMHO) that any change in legislation as a result of this will be enforced to the letter by empire-builders at VOSA. Remember the 31mph motorbike test? I'd like to see a bit more of a breakdown of this "5 people a day die due to technical failure" - what's the betting the distrubtion is virtually zero in the UK & high in places where roadworthiness testing appears to be optional? Won't name countries but I'm sure quite a few of us have been on holiday to countries within the EU & thought "holy <deity>! How's that shed on the road how come it hasn't been stopped by the <country's> rozzers!"
  15. I do like the relative convenience of Machine Mart, but I've found that you can nearly always get better quality for less delivered via the Bay of E. Plus it saves me a trip to the, how can I put this, dodgier end of Bristol! Have decided not to bother with the oscillating tool due to my poor old air compressor probably not being man enough for the task. Fortunately ALDI will shortly be doing a 'leccy version: http://www.aldi.co.uk/uk/html/offers/special_buys3_27081.htm
  16. Have a look at Pieeater's build thread for some Raptor-Dash-related porn: http://forums.lr4x4....=40#entry653623 Edited to add: Radio 1? Is that the new light programme?
  17. Sorry I did test the link so don’t know what happened there –sometimes it asks you to put your postcode in, I guess to confirm the stores in your area will have the kit? Decided to leave the DA Sander as similar is available on the Bay of E for <£40 delivered, so will purchase when I do a job that actually requires one.
  18. Evening Ladels and Gentlespoons, Whilst picking up some milk at my local Lidl I saw these two tools, an air-powered oscillating tool and a DA sander. I will need both of these tools in the future for upcoming jobs, but did anyone take a punt? I appreciate these will need a fairly meaty compressor, but at £30 each you'd be lucky to pick up a decent electrically powered one? Oscillating tool DA Sander
  19. Welcome to the forum! I had a 110 2.5 l petrol and it was a noisy, gutless wonder! Went diesel quickly. V8+LPG is also an option but even running gas the wallet takes repeated and (in my view unnecessary) hammerings. In all seriousness, make sure you test drive a few. Personally I think the question of what tows better (90, 110) is largely moot. I happen to think a 110 is more comfortable on the road because of the longer wheelbase (less 'hobby horsing'). True, a 90 because of its shorter length might be 'easier' to reverse in a tight space but having reversed horse boxes with both I don't there's that much in it. What it comes down to in the end is how much space you need in the truck - a 90 is not great for rear passengers, even with expensive forward-facing rear seats. The other reason to test drive a few is because a Defender is not like a normal car - it lacks creature comforts most people would miss and the driving position and ergonomics are very marmite-esque (love it or hate it). Test drive a discovery too, you'll see what I mean - same towing ability (and a wheelbase midway between a 90 and a 110). Matt
  20. Thing I’ve found is that it’s not necessarily the people who you’d think would take care of tools who do… I’ve got two mates with whom I do the majority of my car–related spannering. One is doing a PhD in engineering, really slow, methodical, careful. Anal even. Has been known to spend several hours buffing up wheel nuts. The other is a real bodgit and scarper merchant. Which one do you think returns the thules in better condition than when they left my possession? Yep, that’s right, Mr Bodgit-and-scarper! Work that one out. We will all be familiar with the old folk-warning
  21. J2J, You sure the questionnaire isn't the DfT's consultation Nick Williams gave the forum's combined response to a couple of weeks back? (Circa page 10) Encouraging response though - something for future leverage if nothing else. I've heard good things about DC as a constituency MP - whatever you think of him as a PM. Matt (former resident of Clanfield in DC's constituency, though it was Douglas Hurd when I left!)
  22. I've seen several on the Ebay, but just none I'd want to have hanging around the cockpit of a 110 - they're all a bit bulky. For my application I doubt I'll need 3 cameras anyway - The tow-hitch/rear camera can be combined. Rovernut has 3 because he has a truck cab so presumably can't see his hitch from the rear view camera. I do like the idea of a winch camera though! Very spangly, and frankly given the little lipstick cameras can be had for less than a tenner, why not?
  23. Thanks for the pictures chaps, very useful! Rovernut, I guess the 4th picture you couldn’t upload was of the tow-hitch-facing camera. Where have you got that mounted, on the spare carrier or somesuch? Also, how are you doing the 3 camera switching? All the screens I’ve looked at so far only have 2 selectable inputs. I would assume a std double-pole two-way switch is too ‘noisy’ to use?
  24. What does he mean by 'shot'? I've yet to come across a calliper that was too far gone for a refurb... Saying that, I've bought some Bearmach's for my rear axle disc conversion on my 110 - seem to be reasonable quality, and more to the point there's a guarantee included...if they go wrong for whatever reason they're going back! I'd say go for Bearmachs once you've priced up Lockheeds from the usual suspects (LRDirect.com, LRSeries, D4x4.com, land-rover-parts-shop.com) and agreed with the long-haired boss :-D I will be rebuilding my fronts though - mainly for reasons of poverty. I personally can't see the point of S/S pistons, very expensive and in industry hydraulic pistons are usually chrome-plated...Do use gen/OEM seals though
  25. Put you'll probably need a press to get the old ones out You could burn them out - but if you don't have press you're unlikely to have a suitably hot flame either... Superpro set is around £150+VAT - Genuine Bushes should come in for less than £100...do yourself a favour, order new bolts too. Paddocks do a 'bolt kit' for less than a tenner.
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