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Everything posted by UdderlyOffroad

  1. Nice work Nick, sorry I didn't get back to you in time with feedback re your responses to my comments (work commitments+taking Mrs Udderly out for a much needed dinner+drinkies). Let's hope you get a response acknowledging your comments have been added
  2. Chock the wheels on the ground. My MM ramps have a 'dip' in them, my 110 didn't budge once I'd parked it on the ramps, and I cross-chocked it just to be sure.
  3. So how many hours would you quote? Am genuinely interested - The only time I've changed an x-member is on my project, which at that point was a bare chassis, so access was no issue.
  4. That would imply 'standard' insulated crimp tools will work on these. And another vote for ratchet crimpers, both in insulated and uninsulated flavours, I paid <£25 each for mine and both produce good results. And I have to agree with mmgemini, uninsulated crimps are far and away better. Slide on insulating boots or use heatshrink to protect them.
  5. In short: no! (bold, underlined, angry face, etc) In the UK we already have: C&U regulations Roadside safety checks (police vehicle examiners, and VOSA inspectors for commercial vehicles) Yearly MOT submissions (which include brake efficiency checks) The DVLA’s ‘points’ system which covers what is defined as a minor and major modifications, and if you go over 8 points, we have IVA We should be making the point in the DfT’s consultation that the UK already has most of the framework in place. I do not see that requiring me to submit for a ‘safety check’ when I change my brake pads or weld a patch in my chassis will do anything other than cause paperwork. Incidentally, there’s a lot of tosh being talked about emergency service vehicles and the like. They have to be submitted for an IVA too, along with commercial vehicles modified beyond a defined amount. IVA manuals available online if you’re feeling masochistic. I reiterate my point that: the UK is ahead of the current proposals and this needs to be pointed in our response to the consultation. I've a few comments on your responses: I realise I might come across as rather grumpy, sorry about that. I think I can speak for the majority of the forum when I say we appreciate the time you’ve devoted to this. Matt
  6. Further to HfH’s suggestion: If you’re going to pay someone else to do the welding, you may aswell get them to replace the x-member. An independent LR specialist with a ramp should have it licked within a couple of hours. If you can get hold of a MIG and can spare the time to fettle it, by all means try to patch. I wouldn’t attempt to do it with a stick (ARC) welder, but then you might be an ace with a stick, whereas I’m just a fule…
  7. Sounds like a plan! In truth, hydraulics is my day job in the offshore industry, where bits are a bit hard to get hold of...more "agricultral" applications, like well, agriculture and Landies are more forgiving of dirt in their systems, but I don't think it hurts to be a bit ana....fussy about it...
  8. What Mav said. But before you assemble it… If you’ve received stuff uncapped: Make a list of the caps you need and get them first - pennies from a local hydraulics place or the bay of E. Hoover around and wipe down your workbench Put your bits on the workbench, hoover off all the loose carp. Attach crevice tool to vacuum, and if you can some small tubing to crevice tool. Vacuum out all the loose crud from in and around the ports Wipe down ports with IPA (Iso Propal Alcohol or if you haven’t got any, some pre-paint degreaser) and a lint free cloth Cap the ports Blow through your hydraulic lines with clean air. Wipe off line fittings with IPA Cap lines Assemble system. If you have the ability to ‘flush’ the system via a filter then do so and replace the filter after a couple of hours running. A wise old sage once told me: With hydraulics cleanliness isn’t next to godliness, it is god.
  9. I guess you haven't seen a recent V5 then; it has "This document is NOT proof of ownership" written in large, unhelpful letters on the cover. Err, and get letters in German demanding tax and that you present your trailer for TuV at an official testing station at a time and place to suit the Beamten?
  10. If I lived in the South East Marta Andreasen MEP would have my vote. Very articulate of her and I might even attach the her words as a (quoted) addendum to my own later. However, the problem with UKIP is borne out by the letter Fozsug recieved from Nigel Farrage's office. Perversely, the more idiotic legislation the EU passes, the better it is for him electorally. Despite the Pistonheads article however (and the DfT's reassurances), I personally am not convinced. Usually people only wake up to the smell of sh** when the law has been passed by the EU and the relevant UK government department is implementing it to the letter with jack-boot-style enforcement. By then of course, it's too late.
  11. Ok, so you need to accommodate both baby and additional passenger? Or just baby?
  12. Am I missing something here? Why not just use a seat secured by a 3-point belt in the passenger seat? Why does it have to be ISOFIX? Even a baby seat in the centre seat is liable to cause elbow room issues, a forward facing seat is liable to cause you to accidentally elbow your firstborn in the face! By comparison, the sleep-deprived mum in the centre seat will probably only get elbowed in the (sore) chest area! :-) Am guessing from your profile pic you have a van (hard top), so no rear seats/doors?
  13. Good stuff, have you got a source for that we can quote?
  14. Nice work!! You clearly think quicker than many of us (I...) can type! Let us know when it's online and we'll get signin'
  15. Go for it Crackshifter!! Perhaps we need some way to emphasise that the duration (and therefore cost) of the MOT will go up for everyone, including Eurobox drivers.
  16. Nothing? I suggest you google the 'tracert' command, or have a look at http://traceroute.monitis.com/
  17. Don't sign it!! If you read the (semi-literate) text of the petition, he is proposing to ban modifications to all vehicles, out of spite because he feels bikers are being unfairly discriminated against. Bold emphasis added by me. We could do without semi-literate spokesmen clouding the issue
  18. Whoops, forgot about that. I liked her response though "I've been patronised by better people than him!" Anyhoo, yes agreed re organised campaign. But I think a real "in" here could be the fact this has the potential to affect not just modified cars, but also every motorist by pushing up the cost and duration of the MOT. That IS a vote loser. It just needs to be portrayed as such, that will interest the politicians. Don't forget, when the phrase 'modified car' is used, most people still think boy racer, trousers round his knees, baseball cap on backwards, racing a Saxo round Tesco's car park on a Saturday night.
  19. Ok, first rule of fight club… Don’t just copy Simon's template letter; even if the writetothem.com filter doesn’t catch it, it will be ignored by the relevant M(E)P. Add some of your own content/phrases HfH makes a valid point. To extend this further, think for a moment about MOT stations. They’re supposed to be provided, according to the proposal, with all the relevant data to spot a modification. How the hell is that going to work? We all know LR fitted bits and pieces according to what they had on the shelf. And that is by no means just confined to LR. As has been mentioned, the end result could be that if this lunacy is enforced the MOT will end up turning into a German TuV-style test, with the tests being refused if (say) aftermarket seats are fitted. MOT stations in this country are not equipped to do that kind of digging into paperwork. This will result in the MOT test duration and cost shooting up for everyone, even Fred Bloggs the salesrep in his Eurobox. However, have a read of this, basically saying "calm down dear, it's just a proposal". We should be organised and vigilant, definitely come up with a plan re lobbying MEPs etc, but let's see what the DfT respond to Pistonheads. Just my £0.02 Edited because I hadn't seen Si's letter post!
  20. Write to your MEP? Have you seen some of the other proposals in the linked document? MOT for trailers??? That'll be popular. Keep your MOT cert on board? Totally un-necessary in these computerised times, but ok, no great problem. ??? A fine? Already the case Actually, most of the proposals are already covered by the MOT system already - but the real doozie is this one: Well, the points system arguably already covers this. But what I don't understand is why? What problem is this proposal solving? It's enough to make one want to write a Daily-Mail-Style anti-EU rant.
  21. Or, Mud Stuff do a version for £8.75... http://mudstuff.co.uk/Defender%20Flexible%20Grab%20Handle.shtml
  22. Yep! One of these threads for which there is no right answer, it depends on your application. Because I'm a control freak, I've developed my own circuit which I won't reiterate here, but for Hobson's application, I reckon this is the easiest solution:
  23. Should be interesting Si! One idea I have seen floating around is using a PWM controller to get rid of the stupid selector switch from the equation altogether...
  24. I bought the Sealey too (via Amazon 'cos I had some vouchers left), after experiencing a nut done up to VFT, which made the box spanner slip off, causing a me to impact the ground...anyway, yes if you do some regular spannering on LRs, get one.
  25. A while ago yachtie types were allowed to use Red Diesel for the powering their boats - Not anymore. According to some sources, not even HMRC wanted to do this (cost more to collect than it would earn), it was EU diktat... As you are all too well aware, positive cash flow is everything in business. To suddenly add that cashflow+administrative burden to businesses that hadn't had to cope with it thus far sounds is nonsensical. And to what end, if they're only going to get refunded/rebated anyway? What would be the point? As for 'leisure users' - as has been pointed out thusfar this is effectively...who? Not yachties/boaties. Stationery engine types and vintage tractor people? Chicken feed compared to business getting through thousands of litres per week. Not worth HMRC even sharpening their pencils. What I'm saying is, I don't believe there's anything wrong with the status quo - other than White Diesel being taxed too highly. If someone uses red diesel illegitimately and gets caught, be prepared for the 'white glove' treatment (financially speaking). By the way, sorry if my previous post came across as aggressive, trust me that wasn't the intention. Do they make diesel dirtbikes?
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