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Posts posted by smo

  1. What do you mean by too widely spaced? The width of the rim or the stud pattern?

    HE said too widely spread - i think by this he means too common, rather than anything to do with spacing - but i could be wrong!

    Your best bet is to look through the usual comics (LRO, LRE, LRW etc) and breowse the adverts as many of the bigger sellers picture the tyres on "special" rims they also sell.

  2. Only in respect of the LPG installation, and the garage included the phrase "without prejudice" in its letter, whether or not this has any legal standing I wouldn't like to say.

    Yes, sensible garage, makes it non admissable in court!

    As for the NFU thing, they never asked for any evidence/certification of mine with its full roll cage, winch & bumper, suspension mods etc.

  3. Michelin are great, i prefer to use their performance tyres on all my road vehicles where possible, but they are expensive and just cos they make good road tyres doesnt mean they make good off-road tyres....sadly i dont have ther money to buy Michelin 4x4 tyres, and believe that others are going to be chaeaper with comparable or better performance, like the BFG.

    EDIT: As i suspected, BFG are owned by Michelin anyway!

  4. if you want a userfriendly 3d modleing package solidworkd or solid edge is the one to go for! if you do alot of post programing you want solid edge and edge cam!

    ive used them both for the last 5 years, im no pro, but i can use it well enough, and soon ill be using it to design a nice new front suspension linkage (for a 90) for my final year project at uni.

    does anyone on here use any mechanism anaysis software? i need some help/advice.

    I beg to differ about solidedge especially as i use its much bigger brother NX and CNC machining software every day. (I also chose SW over SE for various reasons in the big install mentioned above)

    I have used COSMOS in SW for analysis.....

  5. NOR = Full monty!

    It's being used as a developement mule for some new tube work.

    Bought the td5 with a few dents so saves me replacing the panels and i get a tough truck from the start.

    Ooh do tell me more (by PM if needs be) - i must speak to shaun actually as i've still got to sort my hi-lo mechanism with diff lock since me and him swapped gearboxes (manual for auto)

  6. Now i work for Princess Yachts using software called Unigraphics NX (now siemens).

    D-Lander not finished - its in dorset and i live in devon now altho i have a new workshop so its imminant! What is Shaun doing to your TD5?

  7. I currently don't (as of a month ago) however for the past 2 years i have been implementing SW into Wessex Water and 5 national/international design consultants, making standard libraries, supporting the install, providing training and support and actually using it for design too.....so all in all i know it pretty well!!!

    I have excellent contacts with the UK's biggest SW reseller and personally know the staff from directors down through the support and training staff as in my last job i held a fair ammount of leverage and worked closely with them, all excellent chaps.

  8. The machine is a rapid prototyping machine....cool arent they!

    Solidworks is expensive, you have to buy through a reseller in the UK, i can gladly put you in touch with some excellent chaps who i deal with on a large commercial basis - i warn you tho, it starts at 6K and dont expect a trial copy without jumping through hoops, they guard them carefully to prevent piracy.

  9. The SWL rate of a standard tow ball is 3.5 t ?? And am I right in saying the SWL is normally a 7th of the overall rating?? Anything like those figures would need a mighty large winch to cause a failure...........................I've never seen or heard of any tow balls breaking, now naff mountings, recovery points and rusty cross members, theres another story!

    No, 7x is for lifting. Its more like 3x on a towball - which would give a huge rating, but double or triple line with a heavy stuck vehicle and winch at stall and you'd exceed it. Also ratings are for new, non fatigued loading, not the kind of loads a winch would exert.

  10. AH HA

    Understand now, prob is I am wanting them [tart mode on] colour coded [/tart mode almost off :P ]

    Will, self etch - will it eat through the very new very polished chequerplate finish - or do I need to do more ?

    I may know a mate who can blast them, need to check what he can offer on ALi, guess balsted then the etch will defo stick :)


    Like i said up top, scotch brite is the easiest way, other than blasting to remove the shineyness - and yes, remove it before etching cos it'll stick better :)

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